
10 Summer Drinks That Quickly Quench Your Thirst

15 summer drinks that quickly quench your thirst - what do you drink in the heat?Summer is not only pleasant moments, but also sizzling heat, which not all people can handle. It is especially hard for those who live in the southern regions of the country, or in regions with high humidity – there the heat is felt more strongly than in a dry climate.

Everyone uses their means to escape the heat, but no one can do without drinks that can quench their thirst. What is recommended to drink in the heat, and what drinks are most effective for quenching your thirst?

The content of the article:

  1. 6 best drinks from the store to quench your thirst
  2. 9 best homemade drinks for the summer heat

6 of the best drinks from the store to ease your thirst in the summer heat

  • Naturally, the first item will go to ordinary drinking water. Not boiled, not ice-cold, but ordinary water at room temperature. You should not drink ice cold – firstly, there is a risk of “catching” a sore throat, and secondly, ice cold water will not quench your thirst and will not save you from dehydration. It is healthier than all other drinks. In the summer heat, thirst must be quenched with water.Experts recommend adding a little salt to the water during the heat, adding a quarter teaspoon of sea or classic table salt to 1 liter of water. It is important to note that in the heat, you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. What kind of water should a child drink – boil or filter?
  • Mineral water. Mineral water becomes either due to artificial actions, or “by nature.” As for natural water, it is classified as table, medical-table and simply medicinal, in accordance with the level of salt concentration in this liquid. It is important to remember that medicinal mineral water is only for treatment! You should not abuse such drinks – they are drunk strictly according to the prescription of doctors. For example, to quench your thirst, you can choose table water, mineralized up to 1 g / l, or medical-table water – 4-5 g / l. Anything over 10 g / l is a “medicine” that is not drunk because of thirst. But the artificial “mineral water” will not bring harm, however, and special benefits – too. Still, it will quench your thirst and even awaken your appetite. As for carbonated mineral water, it is even easier and faster to defeat thirst with it, but it is contraindicated in case of gastritis.
  • Hot and warm tea. It is hot tea in Asian countries that is considered the most preferred drink for rescuing from heat and stimulating perspiration, which helps to remove heat (and fat!) From the body, followed by cooling it. In addition, a hot drink is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream, unlike a cold one, which leaves the body without lingering. Tea to quench thirst in the heatOf course, this method of thermoregulation is not too familiar for us, but for hundreds of years it has been successfully used in Central Asia and not only, which means that the method is really effective.
  • Kefir… The advantages of quenching your thirst with kefir are many. Among the main ones is the presence of organic acids in the composition, which quite quickly cope with thirst. And also fast assimilation: unlike the same milk, the complete assimilation of kefir occurs in just an hour. In addition, tan and ayran are on the list of fermented milk products for quenching thirst, as well as classic drinking yoghurt without additives and sugar.
  • Morse. Naturally natural. In such drinks – not only salvation from thirst, but also a storehouse of vitamins. Choosing fruit drinks in the store, give preference to natural drinks, because sweet artificial fruit drinks will not benefit you. Morse, which can quench your thirst, should not contain sugar! 15 summer drinks that quickly quench your thirst - what do you drink in the heat?If you wish, you can do it yourself. The main rule for preparing fruit drinks: we cook only berries! That is, we take 300 g of berries, crush them, pour the juice into a saucepan. Meanwhile, grind the berries with ½ cup of sugar (no more) and boil for about 5-7 minutes. Now all that remains is to strain the drink, cool and only then pour in the freshly squeezed juice from the saucepan. With this method of cooking, the entire “storehouse of vitamins” is 100% preserved.
  • Mojito. This fashionable name hides a drink that will become a real salvation in the heat for both adults and children. Of course, this is not a classic mojito with white rum, but a non-alcoholic one. The drink is made from cane sugar, lime tonic and mint. However, today they also offer refreshing berry mojito cocktails, which are no worse in taste and refreshing properties.

9 best homemade drinks to quench your thirst in the summer heat

At home, thirst-relieving drinks will certainly cost less than store-bought drinks – let alone taste!

For your attention – 5 most popular drinks for the “dehydrating” summer period:

  • 1/4 of natural fresh kefir + Mineral water 3/4 + Salt (pinch). One of the best thirst quenchers out there – simple, fast, inexpensive, and super-effective! Kefir with mineral waterUnsweetened and low-fat kefir (you can drink classic low-fat yoghurt) are mixed with mineral water. Add salt to the tip of the knives. You can add some chopped herbs such as cilantro, parsley, or basil.
  • Watermelon smoothie with mint. If you are familiar with the term “smoothie” only from films and news from the world of show business, then it’s time to fill this gap! This drink has gained popularity in all Russian cafes and restaurants. It is a cocktail of fresh fruit with the addition of a fermented milk product or juice. For a person on a diet, smoothies are not only a way to quench their thirst, but also a complete meal. Hot mint watermelon smoothieSmoothies are made exclusively from fresh fruits, and if the drink comes out too thick, then it is usually diluted to the desired consistency with freshly squeezed juice. No sugar, citric acid, etc.! Only natural products. The classic smoothie recipe involves mixing drinking yoghurt with milk and fruit. Watermelon smoothie – most relevant in the summer heat. It’s easy to make! We cool the watermelon, cut it, take 300 g of pulp without a single bone plus one banana and turn all this splendor into a watermelon-banana cream. Add live unsweetened yogurt or kefir and mint to the finished “cream”. Then whisk everything in a blender with ice.
  • Fruit water. It can be prepared from any fruits that are in the refrigerator, adding water, ice, etc. to them. For example, for vitamin-citrus water, we knead lemon, lime and orange divided into slices with a spoon so that they give juice (not to the state of porridge!). Now add ice (we don’t skimp!) And water, mix and, covering with a lid, hide in the refrigerator. Fruit water to quench your thirst in the heatAfter a couple of hours, the water will be fragrant and saturated, and the generously poured ice will become a kind of sieve that will let the water through and leave the fruit in the jar. The second option is apple-honey water. Here you need a little “fire” to make the drink brighter. Pour a pound of chopped apples with a liter of water. Add lemon zest to them (one is enough) and 5 tablespoons of honey. Now we boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes, then cool and, after straining, put in the refrigerator. When serving, add ice and mint to a glass.
  • Kvass. This classic Russian drink has long been used in Russia not only to quench thirst, but also as a “broth” for okroshka. Traditional homemade kvass (just homemade, and not some, even the best, store-bought) quenches thirst, thanks to carbon dioxide and amino acids in its composition, and also has a bactericidal effect, restores the digestive tract, and so on. As in the case of kefir, the main thirst-quenching properties are provided by lactic acid, the effect of which is significantly enhanced by the presence of carbon dioxide. A lot of kvass recipes are known. The best drink in the heat is kvassAmong the most popular is rye bread kvass. Cut 400 g of bread into slices, bake in the oven and leave to dry to a state of breadcrumbs for a couple of days. Then we put them in a container, add 10 g of mint, fill in 2 liters of hot water, stir, wrap this container in heat and put it aside for 5 hours. Now we filter, add 150 g of sugar and 6 g of dry yeast, set for 7 hours in a dark and warm place. It remains only to strain through cheesecloth, pour the kvass into a glass container, add raisins and cool. Can pregnant women drink kvass?
  • Iced green tea. Well, this drink cannot be ignored! Green tea is a 100% thirst quencher and is useful in any form – cold, hot or warm. Of course, it is better to choose high-quality green tea, and not a substitute in paper bags. Green tea is a wonderful helper in the heat, in addition, it improves metabolism, stabilizes the circulatory system, has a positive effect on the blood vessels of the brain, promotes weight loss, etc. You can add a slice of lemon to cold green tea.
  • Acidified lemon water (quick lemonade)… The less we drink, the thicker our blood is in the heat, the higher the risk of cardiovascular problems and dehydration. Acidified water can save the body: for one glass of fresh (not boiled!) Water we survive half a lemon. You can add a little honey for flavor. Summer heat lemonadeThis drink will quench your thirst, restore balance in the body, and also lower cholesterol and boost immunity. Grapefruits or oranges can be used instead of lemons. Summer cafes and restaurants offer such drinks everywhere. The main thing is not to forget that lemonade (even made by hand) does not replace ordinary water!
  • Cold compote. Summer is the time for berries and fruits, which by themselves ask for compotes and “five minutes”. Of course, the first place in pop popularity is occupied by strawberry compote, cherry and plum, and then all the rest. Ice and mint can be added to the compote if desired. Such a drink will quench your thirst, and pour vitamins into the body, and simply give pleasure. Cold compoteYou can also dilute a couple of five-minute spoons (for example, from strawberries) with water and add, again, a couple of mint leaves and a few ice cubes. And ice cubes, in turn, can be made with berries, placing small strawberries, currants or cherries directly in the molds before pouring them with water and freezing them.
  • Rosehip decoction. An invigorating healthy drink with a solid dose of vitamin C. Rosehip decoction will quickly quench your thirst, keep your body toned, and compensate for vitamin C deficiency. You can also dilute rosehip syrup purchased at a pharmacy with water. This drink is not suitable as a summer thirst quencher for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Tea mushroom. This sweet and sour drink, which was the most popular in Soviet times, is one of the best thirst quenchers, which also has fantastic medicinal properties. The mushroom (and in fact – the creature of the medusomycetes) works as a natural antibiotic, reduces blood pressure and weight, heals colds, and so on. Tea mushroomOf course, you can’t buy a mushroom in a store, but if you don’t have friends who can share a “baby” of a kombucha, you can try to create it yourself. This requires only a 3-liter jar, a weak tea infusion and sugar (100 g per 1 liter). There are a lot of recipes for growing jellyfish at home on the Internet.

If we talk about drinks that should definitely be “given to the enemy” in the hot summer period, these are sweet soda, as well as store-bought juices and fruit drinks, which not only will not quench your thirst, but will also strengthen it due to the presence of sugar and other artificial ingredients. Therefore, we drink only natural drinks without sugar and only at room temperature.

In the diet we include the maximum amount of vegetables and fruits, especially watermelons, cucumbers and other very watery fruits. And when drinking water, do not forget to add some salt to it.

What kind of drinks do you drink in the summer heat? Share with us recipes that quench your thirst quickly and healthily!

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