
11931 John K Hall Way Charlotte Nc 28277

11931 JOHN K HALL WAY is a residential property in Charlotte, NC. This property is situated on a 9,104 square foot lot. The area around the property has a population of 67,692 people, and there are 26,667 housing units. Those living in 11831 JOHN K HALL WAY have access to Ballantyne Elementary School, Community House Middle School, and Ardrey Kell High. This neighborhood has an average household income of $98,186.

If you’re interested in seeing 11931 JK Hall Way in Charlotte, NC, sign up for a free account with Carolina Multiple Listing Services (CMLS). You’ll have the chance to search for homes and neighborhoods in a fast and easy way. The CMLS is the official real estate listing service for Charlotte. It’s important to understand the different benefits of joining the service.

This listing was obtained from the Carolina Multiple Listing Services, which is a real estate brokerage. The CMLS is the official listing agency of Charlotte-area real estate. It’s important to use the service when looking to buy or sell a property. It’s a great tool for finding a new home. You can also use it to look for homes for sale in your neighborhood.

You can learn more about 11931 John K Hall Way in Charlotte, NC by searching the multiple listing service on Carolina Multiple Listing Services, which is a free service provided by the local government. It can also help you find a new home. If you’re in the market for a new home, contact Carolina Multiple Listing Services to find the perfect place for you and your family.

Listed in the Carolina Multiple Listing Services, this property has been listed in this location for two years. It is also available for sale through the Carolina Multiple Listing Services, which has a comprehensive database of real estate listings. If you’re interested in purchasing this Charlotte real estate, make sure to search it in the right places. You can use the Carolina Multiple Listing Services to get a better idea of what is available in the area.

11931 John K Hall Way is a residential property in Charlotte, NC. It is located in the heart of the city and is part of the Carolina Multiple Listing Services, a nonprofit organization. You can find this property through the multiple listing service, as well as other real estate agents in the area. You can learn more about this home by reading the following information:

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