
13 week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby and mother in the thirteenth week

Child’s age – 11th week (ten full), pregnancy – 13th obstetric week (twelve full).

A period of 13 obstetric weeks corresponds to 11 weeks from conception. If you count as normal months, then you are now in the third month, or the beginning of the fourth lunar month.

This is the quietest period in the life of the expectant mother and her baby.

The content of the article:

Feelings in a woman in the 13th week of pregnancy

Like the previous ones, the thirteenth week brings mixed feelings to the woman. On the one hand, the sensations are pleasing and overwhelming with incredible anticipation, and on the other hand, you begin to understand that the carefree life has passed, and now you are constantly responsible for your baby, which makes it a little difficult to feel completely free.

The path to motherhood is filled with trials and excitement. It is especially hard for women who are expecting their first child. Thoughts are constantly spinning in my head: will there be enough strength and health to endure and give birth to a healthy child?

And then, as if for evil, all the acquaintances begin to talk about various complications that may arise during pregnancy and childbirth. Even a mentally balanced person, these stories cannot leave indifferent, and they often bring expectant mothers to tears and nervous breakdowns.

But still, the emotional state of the pregnant woman on this line becomes more stable and positive… This is due to the fact that she is less and less worried about the toxicosis of the first half. The manifestations of autonomic dysfunction, which influenced the stability of mood in the first three months, gradually disappear. The woman feels more comfortable and has an incredible burst of energy.

Quite often, women at this time are worried about:

  • Constipation, the cause of which is a violation of the peristaltic function of the intestine, which occurs against the background of hormonal changes. The uterus is constantly growing and leaves less and less space for the intestines, which is also the cause of constipation;
  • Convulsions in the calf muscles, which are most often manifested at night. The reason for this condition is a lack of calcium in the woman’s body.
  • Hypotension (decrease in blood pressure), which can occur after the formation of the placental-uterine circle of blood circulation. Most often, a woman suffers this disease without obvious ailments. But if the pressure is greatly reduced, then it is better to resort to drug treatment. At a very low pressure, peripheral blood vessels contract, including in the uterus, which can cause insufficient blood supply to the fetus.
  • If on this line pressure rises, then, most likely, this is due to kidney disease, and not a predisposition to hypertension.

Forums: What do women write about their well-being?


Hooray! I feel great, in a week I will go for an ultrasound scan, I will finally see my baby.


The tummy has slightly increased. The clothes don’t fit anymore. You need to go shopping.


My toxicosis will not go away.


I feel great, only a little irritable, and I start crying for any reason. But I think it will soon pass.


I feel great. There was no toxicosis and no. If I had not seen my baby on an ultrasound scan, I would not have believed that she was pregnant.


The tummy has rounded a little. Toxicosis is no longer worried. I expect a miracle.

What happens in a woman’s body?

  • Your body has already produced enough hormones that are responsible for keeping the baby alive. Therefore, soon you will no longer be bothered by morning sickness. Worries about a possible miscarriage will leave you, and you will become less irritable;
  • The uterus is increasing in size, and now it has a height of about 3 cm and a width of 10 cm. Gradually, it begins to rise into the abdominal cavity from the pelvic floor. There it will be located behind the anterior abdominal wall. Therefore, your relatives and friends may notice a slightly rounded tummy;
  • The uterus becomes more elastic and soft every day… Sometimes a woman notices a slight vaginal discharge that does not cause concern. But, if they have an unpleasant odor and a yellowish color – be sure to see a doctor;
  • You have probably already noticed that your breasts began to increase in size, this is because milk passages develop inside it. In the second trimester, with a light massage, a yellowish liquid, colostrum, can emerge from the nipples.

At 13 weeks, the 2nd hormonal screening is performed.

Fetal development at 13 weeks

For your unborn child, thirteenth week is very important. This is a key moment in shaping the relationship between mother and fetus.

The placenta ends its development, which is now fully responsible for the development of the fetus, producing the required amount of progesterone and estrogen. Now its thickness is about 16 mm. It passes through itself all the trace elements necessary for the child (fats, carbohydrates, proteins) and is an insurmountable barrier for many toxic substances.

Therefore, it is possible to treat the mother’s disease, for which it is necessary to use medications (antibiotics). Also, the placenta protects the fetus from the effects of the mother’s immune system, preventing the occurrence of Rh-conflict.

Your baby continues to form and develop all the systems necessary to ensure life:

  • Begins to develop rapidly brain… The child develops reflexes: the hands are clenched into fists, the lips curl, the fingers reach into the mouth, grimaces, shudders. Your baby spends some time actively, but still, while he sleeps more. It is possible to detect fetal movements only with the help of instruments;
  • Continues to actively form fetal skeletal system… The thyroid gland has already developed enough and now calcium is deposited in the bones. The bones of the limbs are lengthened, the first ribs are formed, the bones of the spine and skull begin to ossify. The baby’s head is no longer pressed to the chest and the chin, brow ridges and the bridge of the nose can be clearly defined. The ears take their normal position. And the eyes begin to draw closer, but they are still closed by tightly fused eyelids;
  • Develops very gentle and delicate skin covering, there is practically no subcutaneous fatty tissue, so the skin is very red and wrinkled, and small blood vessels appear on its surface;
  • Respiratory system the baby is already quite well formed. The fetus is breathing, but the glottis is still tightly closed. His breathing movements train the muscles of the diaphragm and chest more. If the baby suffers from a lack of oxygen, then a small amount of amniotic fluid can enter the lungs. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is sick and there are pathogenic bacteria in the amniotic fluid, this can cause intrauterine infection;

At the end of the 13th week your baby’s length will be about 10-12cmand the head has a diameter of approximately 2.97 cm. Its weight is now about 20-30 g

Ultrasound at 13 weeks, photo of the fetus, photo of the mother’s abdomen, video

On this line, the 2nd hormonal screening is performed.

Ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy.  Photo of the fetus.
Ultrasound at the 13th week
Belly at 13 weeks pregnant
13th week belly photo
Photo of the fetus at 13 obstetric week
Photo of the fetus at 13 obstetric week
This is what the fetus looks like at 13 weeks of gestation.
This is what the fetus looks like at 13 weeks.

Video: What happens in the thirteenth week of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound, 13 weeks

Video: Determining the sex of the fetus at 13 weeks of gestation (boy)

Recommendations and advice for the expectant mother

At this time, the threat of miscarriage is significantly reduced, but there are still cases of spontaneous abortion. Therefore, the expectant mother should take care of her health, since the flu and even the common cold can harm your child.

To do this, follow these recommendations:

  • Avoid strenuous physical activity;
  • Do not self-medicate;
  • In the autumn-winter period, use natural methods to prevent colds and flu: hardening, wash your hands after the street, do not visit crowded places;
  • Do not forget about proper nutrition: eat more fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits. To avoid constipation, eat foods that have a laxative effect: prunes, beets, plums and bran. Do not get carried away with rice, pears and poppy seeds, they strengthen;
  • Spend more time outdoors, walk, communicate with people who are pleasant to you;
  • Do not use industrial cosmetics, rather use natural mineral cosmetics.
  • Wear compression hosiery in order to relieve heaviness and swelling in the legs, as well as to prevent varicose veins.

Previous: 12 weeks
Next: week 14

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