15 Oprah Winfrey rules that will energize you for success
Oprah Winfrey is an amazing woman, immensely kind and attractive. “She is like a power plant, feeds people with vitality”, – talk about the artist.
What has she not experienced! Bullying and bullying at school, rape at the age of 9 by a cousin, numerous harassment … The American woman lived in poverty, sometimes went hungry and twice ran away from home. In the end, the mother put the 13-year-old girl in an orphanage for difficult teens. At 14 she became pregnant, but the baby died shortly after birth.
And, despite the trials on the path of life, Oprey remained strong and merciful. She was not angry with people, but found a way to help, teach and bring goodness and smiles to the world.
Having a big heart and hard work, she went ahead and dreamed only of good things, gratefully accepting all the gifts and trials of fate. Now she is one of the most influential women in the world, with billions of dollars, charitable foundations, media companies, millions of fans, and, most importantly, a happy marriage and beloved daughter.
And today we want to share with you 15 rules of life for the beautiful and successful Oprah Winfrey:
- If you don’t know what to do, it’s best to do nothing. But if you know what to do, then be sure to do it.
- The only people who never fail are those who don’t climb great heights.
- What you fear has no power over you. Only your fear has power.
- When you focus on something good, you do even better.
- Be grateful. New opportunities, relationships, and even money came to me as I learned to be grateful for what was happening in my life.
- Successful people are not born. Success is a process. My first “speech” at three years old at Easter in a Baptist church was the beginning. And then each new speech, each book read, each public speech became another brick.
- You can always change your life. I stood on the back porch while my grandmother boiled the laundry, stirring it with a long stick. I was 4 years old. I remember thinking then: “I won’t live like this. My life will be different. “
- Surround yourself with people who can give you the right clue. I am always glad when people more competent than me appear in my life, because I can learn something from them.
- You will receive from life only what you dare to ask of it. Don’t be afraid – set your goals as high as possible.
- Surrender with all your heart to the business that you have chosen, and you will not get tired of it! My work inspires me so much that even after 12 hours of work, I think what else to do. I always feel better when I work 14-16 hours.
- You cannot control others, you are completely responsible only for yourself. It’s like an athletics competition. If you run and look around to find out where everyone else is, it will take away your strength and lead to failure.
- Remember, opportunity can only knock on your door once. But the temptation is constantly based on the doorbell.
- Be prepared for accidents. I was not born successful, in a wealthy family, with a huge start-up capital. I accidentally ended up on radio and television. But since childhood, I was ready for accidents and happy accidents. I believed in them. Luck is not only an opportunity that has opened up, but also readiness, the ability to take advantage of it.
- Listen to yourself. Do what pleases you. Most of my mistakes in life I made when I did something for the pleasure of others.
- Each has the possibility of victory! I believe that we are the creators of our own life! My story and the stories of millions of others are proof of this.
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