
1817 John Towers Avenue El Cajon Ca 92020

Listed by HELF PROPERTIES INC, 1817 JOHN TOWERS AVE in El Cajon, CA, this property has been on the market for 4 days. Built in 1985, this property has one bedroom and 0 bathrooms. The lot size is 1.21 acres. Located in the Neighborhood, this property is a great investment opportunity. In the past year, the property has sold for $1,788,529!

This El Cajon home is currently off the market. Its value depends on the current market. The median list price for homes in El Caron is $710,000 and $461 per square foot is $451. To purchase this property, you would need a 20% down payment and $14,200 for closing costs. Despite its off-market status, it is a good choice for first-time buyers.

Listed in the El Cajon area, 1817 John Towers Ave is an off-market home. The value of the home depends on the current market. However, the median list price for El Cájon is $710,000, and the average price per square foot is $461. If you plan to buy the home, you will need to put 20% down and pay a total of $142,000, plus a small amount for closing costs.

Listed for $710,000, 1817 John Towers Ave in El Cajon is a well-priced off-market property in the area. The median list price in El Cajon is $566 per sq ft and the median property tax is $17,063. Buying a home in the El Cájon market requires a down payment of 20%, which would require $142,000 plus an additional $4,000 for closing costs.

A home on this street was built in 1983 and is off-market. The average home value is approximately $1,361,268. The median lot size is 1.12 acres. If you’re thinking of buying, it’s important to consider the market. The median price in El Cajon is $710,000, with a $461 price per square foot. Moreover, the median down payment for a home on this street is $142,000, plus another $2,000 for closing costs.

Although this El Cajon home is off-market, it’s worth its asking price, depending on the current market. At its median list price, 1865 John Towers Ave in El Cajon is priced at $710,000, with a $461 price per square foot. To buy a home on this street, you’ll need $142,000 for down payment and $1,200 for closing costs.

If you’re looking for a home in El Cajon, the median price for homes on this street is $710,000. The median price per square foot is $461. As of the time of this writing, the median list price of a home on this street is $710,000. The average listing price is $1,361,268 for a home on this street. Despite the low listing price, the property’s value depends on the market. Nonetheless, it’s well worth the $202,000 you’ll need for a 20% down payment and the $14,200 you’ll need for closing costs.

The median price of a home in El Cajon is $710,000. At that price, you will need to pay approximately $142,000 for your down payment. In addition, you’ll need an additional $11,000 to cover closing costs. With these low prices, you’ll want to make sure you can afford to close the deal. If you’re in the market to buy a home, you’ll need to do some research on your neighborhood.

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