767 Saint John Cir Pleasanton Ca 94566
The address 767 Saint John Cir, Pleasanton, CA, 94566 is listed for sale. It is on the MLS for $965,000. This home was last sold on June 10, 2021. It is located in the Bayview neighborhood of Pleasanton. The zip code of 94566 is in Alameda County. This property is part of the Pleasanton Unified School District.
This home is located at 767 St John Circle, Pleasanton and is located in Alameda County. It was built in 1997 and is classified as a Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100). It has a lot of space and is currently a Single Family Residence. The property is located in the Bayview District. This property is in the San Francisco-Oakland School District.
This home is located in the Alameda County area. It has a lot of charm, but it does not have the most modern amenities. This home is 1,904 square feet, but it is in a neighborhood that is home to many tech companies. The building was built in 1997 and last year sold for $171 million. While it is still a great place to live, it is not for the average buyer.
The home at 767 St John Circle, Pleasanton is 1,904 square feet and is categorized as Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100). The home has a $12,199 property tax bill. This property was built in 1997 and sold for $171 million dollars last year. This home is located in an extremely desirable area, and you can find it at a great price.
A single-family residential home in Pleasanton, California, is currently for sale for $171 million. The house is 1,904 square feet and was built in 1997. The property taxes for this property are $12,199 a year. It was last sold in 2017 for $171 million dollars. A quick search online will give you all the information you need. It was listed for $171 million last year.
This home in Pleasanton, CA is located at 767 St John Circle. This home is 1,504 square feet and is classified as Single Family Residential Homes Used As Such (1100). The home taxes on this property are $12,199. It sold for $171 million last year. A property at 767 St John Circle is worth considering if you want to make a big splash. If you are looking for a beautiful home in a nice area, consider this listing.
The house at 767 St John Circle is a single-family residential home that is in Pleasanton, CA. It is 1,904 square feet and is a Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (1100). The property was sold for $171 million last year. Currently, this property is a Single-Family residential home that is used as a single-family residence.
This home is located in the Bay Area. The property is located at 767 St John Circle, Pleasanton. It is in San Francisco. It is a single-family home with a total of 1,904 square feet. It is in a Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such (100) subdivision. The property is zoned as SFH, but there is also a lot of parking for several vehicles.
The property at 767 St John Circle, Pleasanton, CA is 1,904 square feet and is a Single Family Residential Home Used as Such (1100). It is listed for $12,199 in property taxes and is currently listed for $171 million. It sold for $171 million in 2017. You may also be interested in learning more about the real estate market in this area. This is a great opportunity to invest in a home that is not in the Bay Area.