
A child wants to practice karate – the pros and cons of children’s karate, the optimal age

A child wants to practice karate - the pros and cons of children's karate, the optimal ageThere are many legends and versions about the origin of karate. For example, according to one of the versions, karate was created by Bohidharma, who turned the Shaolin monastery (in 520 BC) into the center of not only spiritual, but also physical education. In this center, the pupils were taught different techniques, but they were all basic on special principles.

Over time, the methods became more perfect, and the very martial art of the Shaolin monastery was taken to the Land of the Rising Sun, where it gradually transformed into a style and non-style karate. It is style karate that is officially considered traditional, as it had arisen earlier.

Will the child understand the principles of karate, and do children need such sections?

The content of the article:

  1. Children’s style karate – what to choose?
  2. Pros and cons of children’s karate, contraindications
  3. Is this sport suitable for a child?
  4. The optimal age for karate children
  5. The choice of the section, the cost of equipment and classes

Children’s style karate – which style to choose for a child?

At the heart of all training style karate are principles created by a martial arts master, according to which (Funakoshi was categorically opposed to the use of karate in ordinary fights and street battles) any martial art can be used solely for the purpose of protection, and deliberate harm with the help of martial techniques is simply unacceptable …

This is one of the most important moments in teaching martial arts, which parents who send their children to the section (“let him learn to beat the muzzle …”), simply forget – or do not think at all.

What is style karate?

First of all, it should be noted that fights in this type of martial art are carried out according to the “minimum contact” scheme, which significantly reduces the trauma hazard of this sport, opening up opportunities for children in it. Trainings are carried out strictly according to the rules and a clear scheme, in addition, the mixing of styles in style karate is simply unacceptable, as is the excess of the contact allowed by the norms.

With an increase in the level of mastery, the student receives a belt (approx. – “obi”) or a degree. The student’s degree is called “kyu” (it decreases according to the increase in the level), the degree of mastery of the master’s level is “dan” (it grows with the increase in the level).

Video: Motivation Kyokushinkai Karate

The main disciplines of style karate are classified as follows:

  • Traditional contact (shitoru, shotokan, etc.). The blows are applied in a limited way, conditionally, only in the permitted areas and without the use of protective equipment.
  • Unlimited contact (ashihara)… This type of discipline is distinguished by striking in contact with the limitation of the affected area, as well as the very application of the technique. In this case, protective equipment is also not used.
  • Full contact in protective equipment (braids)… In this form, protective equipment is used, and strikes are delivered exclusively in them, and the affected area is strictly limited.

As for the styles, there are a lot of them. In karate, hundreds of different directions are distinguished (in our time), the number of which cannot even be named precisely.

Despite the fact that Funakoshi prevented the division of karate into subspecies and new directions, the division nevertheless took place. Among the most popular styles are – Shotokan and Shito-ryu, Kyokushinkai and Wado-ryu, Goju-ryuwhich are considered to be the oldest styles of karate.

Besides them, there are also ashihara, braids and etc.

However, all styles are strongly interconnected – and, most often, they imply the borrowing of elements.

What style to choose for your child?

Experts often recommend the Shotokan style, but note that each style has its own disadvantages and advantages.

It is believed that a child, already at a conscious age, must independently determine the style.

Should I send my child to karate?

Pros and cons of children’s karate – medical contraindications for training

Among the advantages of style karate are:

  1. Education of character, willpower, healthy competition.
  2. Spiritual development. Provided that you come across the correct and responsible master, he will become not only a coach, but also a mentor for the child.
  3. The growth of the child is like an independent personality.
  4. Strengthening the inner core.
  5. Physical fitness development.
  6. Increasing the body’s endurance, energy.
  7. The ability to transform hyperactivity into poise.
  8. Strengthening mental health, psyche. Children who practice martial arts correctly are less susceptible to stress.
  9. Formation of flexibility and mobility of the joints.
  10. Correction of deficiencies in coordination and correction of defects of the musculoskeletal system.
  11. Formation of the ability to breathe correctly, quickly relax and quickly come to tone.
  12. Development of memory, attentiveness, logical and imaginative thinking.

Of course, like any sport, karate also has its drawbacks:

  • There is still a risk of injury.
  • Parents will have to fork out for equipment, training, uniforms, competitions, and so on.

Karate is contraindicated in …

  1. Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. Frequent pressure drops.
  3. Chronic diseases of any body system.
  4. Mental illness.
  5. Developmental retardation.

Is karate suitable for a child?

Is this sport suitable for a child in terms of personal and emotional-volitional qualities?

Karate is, first of all, philosophy, principles and strict discipline. Not every child can understand and accept all these components, especially if age does not allow this.

Of course, the learning ability of a child in any case requires formation. But, in the absence of the necessary features of the thinking of children, the process of working on oneself (and the work of the master on the child) will be more difficult and lengthy.

Which child is suitable for karate, and which is not, parents can understand only in the learning process. But parents, first of all, must decide what exactly they want for their child. How to choose a sports section or school for a child – and not be mistaken?

By sending your children to a good style karate instructor, you choose for them the path of health, good shape for life, fostering self-confidence and “Buddhist” calmness.

The optimal age of children for school or karate section

Considering that today karate is one of the most demanded types of martial arts among parents for their children, one of the most pressing questions is “what time to bring?”.

According to the masters, children should be brought into karate not earlier than 5-7 years… But, according to the laws of the martial art itself, they consciously begin to engage in it only from the age of 14, preparing for it in athletics, acrobatics, cycling, etc.

Kids are not able to understand and comprehend the very essence of the principles and philosophy of karate, without which the correct perception of disciplines is impossible.

Does the external data of the child matter?

None. The main criterion that parents should be guided by is health (karate classes require a certificate issued by a medical commission). When it comes to height, weight, stretch, etc., they don’t matter.

Children's karate - pros and cons

The choice of a section or school of karate for a child, the cost of equipment and classes

When choosing a karate school, you need to consider the following points:

  • Choosing – a club or a section – stop at a club A real karate school is professional trainers with education and qualifications, it is a room adapted for sports, the availability of the necessary equipment, and so on. The club system will always be preferred over the sections. How to choose a sports section or school for a child so as not to fall for the bait of scammers?
  • Give it to a group – or choose individual lessons? Of course, it all depends on the financial situation of the family. But every professional trainer will say that group classes are preferable, because it is on them that that special psychological background is created against which the child’s potential is revealed. But the maximum number of students in a group should not exceed 10 people, otherwise the productivity of the classes drops significantly.
  • Minimum number of lessons – from 3-4 per week.
  • The reputation of the school, club. Study this issue carefully before placing your child there. Pay attention to the coach, to his qualifications, to traditions, to the karate school and the styles that are taught there, to additional information (does the coach hide something?), To the feedback from parents and children, to the form of students (a good coach will not allow in jeans), etc.
  • Make sure the selected school / club is a member of one of the federations. This information is checked in the corresponding catalog of federations on the website.
  • Working hours. The longer the school is open, the more good athletes among its graduates, the more preferable it is.
  • Training room. Be sure to look here and check if it is well lit, if there is ventilation, fire exits, equipment and inventory (tatami, etc.), as well as showers, changing rooms – and, of course, a toilet. Naturally, there must be order and cleanliness everywhere.

Video: How to find a martial arts school for a child and not fall for the bait of scammers?

Karate uniform, equipment – what do you need for training and how much does it cost?

  1. Kimono. Price – about 2000 r. This is a classic form for training, although at first you can get by with a tracksuit. But if you decide to practice professionally, then you will still not be able to do without buying a kimono.
  2. Belt. Price – from 150 rubles. Usually it is sold separately from the kimono, but for the student you should choose an ordinary white belt (the colored ones still need to be earned).
  3. Security elements. This item can lighten the wallet by 3000 r. But remember that the protective equipment must be of good quality and approved by the WKF. The minimum for a beginner is shin guards with elastic wide bands (from RUB 500), half feet (from RUB 700), arm pads (from RUB 500), chest protector (for girls) (from RUB 1300) and a protector groin area for boys (from 300 rubles), Czech women (from 300 rubles), helmet (from 2000 rubles).

How much does karate training cost?

  • The average cost of classes in large metropolitan areas starts from 4000 rubles per month.

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