Angus Oblong Net Worth
Angus Oblong Net Worth
Angus Oblong, 45, is an American writer and illustrator. His zodiac sign is Pisces. His net worth is currently unknown. However, we have some ideas about his age and zodiac sign, which might help us estimate his wealth. In addition, you can learn about his zodiac sign and significa-tions.
Angus Oblong is an American writer and illustrator
Angus Oblong was born in 1976 in Sacramento, California. He is an author and illustrator of children’s books. Angus is best known for his Creepy Susie series and the 2001 animated television series The Oblongs. As a youngster, he studied at the University of California but dropped out before completing his degree. After college, he moved to San Francisco and began selling his comics.
Angus Oblong is well known on social media. The artist has his own Twitter account and has also set up an official website. His net worth is approximately $5 million. He is considered to be one of the most successful Artists in the United States.
Angus Oblong is 45 years old
Angus Oblong is an American author and illustrator who is best known for his work on the Creepy Susie books and television series. The series was created based on Oblong’s experiences as a youngster. In addition, the author also wrote and produced a play titled The Victorian Hotel which was produced by the Rogue Artists Ensemble. It was performed from October to December 2006 at the Powerhouse Theater in Santa Monica and later toured to Seattle.
Angus Oblong’s zodiac sign is Pisces
Angus Oblong’s zodiacal sign is Pisces, which means he was born on a Monday. He was born on March 15, 1976 in Sacramento, California. Angus Oblong has a net worth of $500,000, and is currently 46 years old. He has a family, a car, and a salary.
Angus Oblong is an American writer and illustrator. He is best known for writing and illustrating the book Creepy Susie. He also created the 2001 animated television series The Oblongs. Oblong based his character Milo, the young protagonist in the Creepy Susie books, on himself. The characters in The Oblongs were less exaggerated versions of each other.
Angus Oblong’s estimated net worth
Angus Oblong’s estimated net wealth is around $3 to $5 million. His career in the sneakers industry has brought him plenty of money. However, he has overstated the size of his business. As of 2021, he will be 45 years old. Therefore, it is difficult to know if his wealth will increase or decrease.
Angus Oblong’s estimated net wealth is a result of his successful work. His animated television series, The Oblongs, was based on the picture book of the same name, and he co-created it with Jace Richdale. The show was produced by Mohawk Productions and premiered on the WB in 2001. It was canceled after its first season but re-aired on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim in August 2002.
Angus Oblong’s social media accounts
If you are familiar with Angus Oblong and his work, you have likely noticed that he has a plethora of social media accounts. While he is not currently active on Twitter, he has done a Reddit AMA and has planned at least one episode for the show. This could be a sign that he will be active again in the near future.
Angus Oblong is an author and illustrator of books. His art has been sold in galleries and he also performs live in front of crowds of fans. At these live appearances, he wears creepy clown makeup and insults fans. Despite his deformed appearance and eerie behavior, his fan base continues to grow year after year, as he posts regularly on his social media accounts.