
Causes of stuttering in children – how parents can help a stuttering child

What to do if a child starts to stutterAccording to statistics, the most relevant age for the onset of stuttering in babies is 2-5 years. The disease occurs in the form of stops in speech or random repetitions of certain sounds.

How to recognize the symptoms of a disease in a baby, is it necessary to treat this ailment and by what means to do it?

Understanding …

The content of the article:

The main causes of stuttering in children – why did the child start to stutter?

Our ancestors also encountered stuttering. Theories of its appearance – the sea, but the final formulation of the concept was given by our scientist Pavlov, thanks to whom we figured out the very nature of neuroses.

Treatment of stuttering in children – how to help a child cope with logoneurosis?

Where does stuttering come from – examining the causes

  • Heredity. Parents have neurological diseases.
  • Developmental disorders of the brain (sometimes even during pregnancy).
  • The specific character of the child. Inability to adapt to the external environment (choleric people).
  • Meningitis and encephalitis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Rickets.
  • Immaturity of the brain.
  • Injury cases, bruises or concussion.
  • Frequent colds.
  • Infections ears and respiratory / tract.
  • Psychological trauma, night fears, frequent stress.
  • Enuresis, fatigue, frequent insomnia.
  • Illiterate approach to the formation of children’s speech (too fast or too nervous speech).
  • A sharp deterioration in living conditions.
  • Late development of speech with the rapid “catching up” of the missed speech apparatus.

How to treat stuttering in a child

Where to go for help to a stuttering child – stuttering diagnostics and specialists

Overcoming stuttering is not easy. In each case (except when the child simply imitates the parent), a lot of effort will have to be spent, and only an integrated approach can guarantee the result.

Games, exercises and folk remedies for stuttering in a child at home, what will really help get rid of logoneurosis?

Correction – when is it time to start?

Of course, the sooner, as they say, the better. It should be understood that stuttering is a test for a baby. It not only interferes with the expression of one’s thoughts, but is also a significant obstacle to communication with peers. You need to start “yesterday”! In the earliest childhood. Even before going to school, parents should minimize all manifestations of the disease. If this speech “defect” barely made itself felt – run to a specialist!

How to tell if a child is becoming a stutterer?

Classic symptoms:

  • The kid begins to speak little or refuses to speak at all. Sometimes for a day or two. Starting to talk, he stutters.
  • Before individual words, the crumb inserts extra letters (approx. – I, A).
  • Speech pauses occur either in the middle of a phrase or in the middle of a word.
  • The child involuntarily repeats the first words in speech or the first syllables of words.

What’s next?

Next, you need to determine what type of stuttering is. Because the treatment regimen will largely depend on him specifically.

  • Neurotic stuttering. This variant of the disease develops outside the breakdown of the central nervous system after mental trauma and with a tendency to neurotic conditions. Usually – in small choleric and melancholic people. An ailment can also appear due to a sharp rise in speech load. For example, when a melancholic coward is suddenly given an overwhelmingly difficult role at a children’s matinee.
  • Neurosis-like stuttering. In comparison with the previous type of the disease, this variant manifests itself as a gradual increase. Parents manage to find it only when the child is already beginning to “pour” full phrases. Usually, with this type of stuttering, there are also lags in mental and physical development. Most often, the examination reveals clear signs of damage to the central nervous system.

Who should you go to for treatment, and what is the treatment regimen?

Of course, the treatment of stuttering, regardless of the cause of its occurrence, is an extremely complex approach! And they start treatment only after a complete comprehensive examination of the baby.

First of all, you should contact to a psychologist, neurologist and speech therapist.

  • In the case of a neurotic stuttering, the doctor, who will have to visit more often than others, will be exactly child psychologist. His treatment regimen includes teaching mom and dad the most effective ways to communicate with the baby; relieving stress – both muscle and emotional; finding the best relaxation techniques; increasing the child’s emotional stability, etc. In addition, you will have to look at a neurologist who will prescribe drugs to relieve muscle spasms and special sedatives. Well, you won’t be able to do without a speech therapist either.
  • In the case of neurosis-like stuttering, the main doctor will be speech therapist-defectologist… Psychotherapy is given a secondary role here. The work of a speech therapist (be patient) will be long and regular. The main task of the doctor is to teach the kid the correct speech. Unfortunately, one cannot do without a neurologist – drug treatment will contribute to the more successful work of a speech therapist.

What to do if a child starts to stutter

What should parents do if a child stutters – basic rules for help and their own behavior

Treatment by specialists is not advisory, but mandatory if you need a result. But the parents themselves (approx. – maybe even more) can help the baby cope with stuttering.


  • Create an atmosphere of calmness, love and understanding in your home. This is the most important condition. The child should be good!
  • A prerequisite is a clear daily routine. Moreover, we spend at least 8 hours on sleep!
  • We take our time communicating with the baby. We do not speak “tongue twisters”, we do not raise our voice. Only slowly, calmly, gently and clearly. It is recommended to ask the kindergarten teacher about the same.
  • No scandals in the house! No stress for the child, raised tones, quarrels, negative emotions, harsh gestures and explosive intonations.
  • Hug your child more often, talk to him affectionately.
  • It is categorically impossible to fit the crumbwhen he comes to you with a request or wants to tell you something. Too busy parents often “shave off” their children with phrases like “come on, talk already, otherwise I’m busy!”. This cannot be done! And interrupting the baby is also strictly not recommended.

And of course, less criticism.

AND more approving words and gestures for your little one. Even if his successes are quite insignificant.

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