
fetal development, weight and height, perturbation. What happens to mom and baby

Pregnancy 30 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensationsWeek 30 is a special milestone, after which the time will begin, until the last minute given to your baby and the upcoming birth. Despite the large number of inconveniences, pregnancy after 30 weeks is indeed a happy and wonderful time, which every woman then remembers with trepidation. At the 30th week of pregnancy, maternity begins for everyone, without exception, so now it’s time to completely take care of yourself and forget about social life and work.

What is 30 weeks term?

30 obstetric week is 28 weeks from conception and 26 weeks from delayed menstruation.

The content of the article:

Feelings of a mother in the 30th week

The sensations that a woman experiences are very diverse, but unfortunately, they are not always pleasant. Optimism and good mood allow you to keep thinking about an imminent meeting with your baby. It remains literally 2-3 months before the birth of the child, so that almost all expectant mothers at this time experience the so-called sensation of reaching the home stretch.

  • Tummy weight gets heavier… Often women can be bothered by discomfort and some pain;
  • Huge load on the back and legs… A woman, as a rule, experiences pain in the feet, in the back, more vivid manifestations of varicose veins are possible. All this worries many expectant mothers;
  • Fetal movements are felt less often… With each new week, the space in the uterus becomes less and less, but the baby himself becomes stronger. Now if a woman feels the movements of her child, then they are felt very clearly, sometimes even painful;
  • The diaphragm presses on the heart. This is due to the fact that the uterus is now very high. A woman’s heart can even change its location in the chest, because of this breathing becomes difficult and a small dyspnea;
  • May be disturbing constipation, bloating, pronounced flatulence… If there is such a problem, then only a rational diet can help. You do not need to take foods that cause gas formation: peas, fresh cabbage, grapes, fresh milk, soft white bread, rolls, sweets. But if you include in your daily diet 100-200 grams of raw carrots with grated apple and a spoonful of sour cream, then it will be useful for yourself and for your child. The work of the intestines is well normalized by steamed dried fruits. Never take laxatives! This can provoke uterine contractile activity and cause premature birth.

Reviews from forums, instagram and vkontakte:


My 30 week has gone, I have already gained 17 kilograms! Sometimes, of course, I get upset about this, but somehow all this weight gain fades against the backdrop of an imminent meeting with the baby. The most important thing after giving birth is to pull yourself together. The doctor tells me that now there seems to be no standard for weight gain.


I now have 30 weeks, I have recovered by this moment by 15 kilograms, and 7 of them in just one month. Doctors do not scold me, there is no edema, but only warned that you need to be extremely attentive to your well-being. This is especially true for the legs, veins and all kinds of edema. I drink plenty of water, dehydration, you know, is also useless.


In general, I recovered not much: 30 weeks – 9 kilograms. But in general, three days ago I went shopping with my girlfriends, the girls measure everything, buy, but I could not get into anything, so much later I burst into tears in the fitting room. My husband reassured me. Now I only dress in a maternity store.


And we are also 30 weeks old, the doctor constantly swears at me, they say, follow the diet! Registered with a weight of 59 kg, now 67.5. I really want to keep within the norm, not to gain too much. In general, all my acquaintances by this time were gaining 15 kg and even more, and no one told them anything or cursed.


I have 30 weeks, gained 14 kg. How to dump then I will not know. But now I only care about the health of the baby. It seems to me that he is very comfortable inside me. I can’t wait for our meeting with him, because very soon my miracle will be born.

Fetal development at 30th week

By the 30th week, the weight of the child is about 1400 grams (or more), and the height can reach 37.5 cm. However, these indicators are individual for everyone and may differ slightly.

At the 30th week, the following changes occur with the child:

  • Eyes open wide the baby reacts to bright light, which shines through the tummy. The baby’s eyelids open and close, eyelashes appear. Now he distinguishes between light and darkness and has some idea of ​​what is happening outside;
  • The fruit is very active, he is swimming with might and main in the amniotic fluid, constantly warming up. When the baby sleeps, he frowns, shrugs, clenches his fists. And if he is awake, then he certainly makes himself felt: he constantly turns, straightens his arms and legs, stretches. All his movements are quite tangible, but not too harsh. But if the child moves sharply and intensely, then he is clearly uncomfortable (probably, like his mother). Strong tremors should always be alarming. However, if this phenomenon is permanent, then perhaps in this way the child shows his character;
  • Lanugo (thin hair) gradually disappears. However, several “islands” of hair can remain after childbirth – on the shoulders, back, sometimes even on the forehead. In the first days of extrauterine life, they will disappear;
  • On the head hair gets thicker… Some babies may have them all over their heads. So sometimes, even at birth, babies can boast of thick long curls. However, if a child was born with an absolutely bald head, it does not mean that he has no hair at all. Both developments are variants of the norm;
  • Constantly the mass of the brain is growing, the number and depth of convolutions increases. But despite this, the main functions of the cerebral cortex develop after birth. During intrauterine development, the most important functions of the child’s life are regulated by the spinal cord and some other parts of the central nervous system;
  • Leather baby remains wrinkled, but by this time your baby is not afraid of premature birth, since he has accumulated a sufficient amount of adipose tissue;
  • The baby’s chest is constantly falling and rising, this can be clearly seen on an ultrasound scan. Of this kind breathing exercises not only strengthens the muscles, but also contributes to the normal development of the lungs. If your baby did not inhale amniotic fluid, then his lungs would remain small and even after birth would not provide the required amount of oxygen;
  • You can define times of wakefulness and sleep your child. Many women believe that when the mother is in a state of activity, the baby is asleep, and they begin to have fun when it is time for the mother to sleep. In fact this is not true. If everything goes according to this “scenario”, it means that the baby has insomnia.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

Pregnancy 30 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensations
Photo of the fetus at the 30th week
Pregnancy 30 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensations
Ultrasound of the child at 30 weeks
Pregnancy 30 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensations
Photo of the mother’s belly in the 30th week

Video: What happens in the 30th week of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound in the 30th week

Video: Visit to the gynecologist in the 30th week

Recommendations and advice to the expectant mother

  • Some of the expectant mothers are just now getting the opportunity to go shopping without any restrictions, buying cute baby things. Buy something new for yourself, beautiful clothes for pregnant women will cheer you up and give you strength;
  • Weight gain is becoming one of the most important issues. It is very important to avoid extra pounds and at the same time, you cannot miss the moment when fluid retention begins in the body (this is due to late toxicosis);
  • If you still do not have scales at home, then you must definitely buy them and weigh yourself at least once a week. Remember that you need to weigh yourself in the morning after using the toilet, always in the same clothes (or without it at all);
  • You need a balanced diet, you need to limit the use of starchy foods and sweets. At 30 weeks, fetal weight gain is in full swing, and all the excess that you eat during this period will in one way or another affect your child, he will turn it all into his own weight. This can result in large fruits. Remember that giving birth to a baby weighing 4-5 kilograms is much more difficult than a baby with a normal weight of 3.5 kg. So your excess carbohydrate diet can create problems for you and your baby. Plus, it can trigger gestational diabetes;
  • Sex at week 30 remains as important a part of your life as any other form of family relationship. If everything is in order with your health and your doctor does not prohibit you from having sex, have fun, experiment with a variety of positions, look for something comfortable for yourself. If the doctor for some reason prohibits traditional sex, then do not forget that there are other ways of satisfaction, do not neglect them. Sex at 30 weeks can be categorically banned for some complications, such as: the threat of interruption, placenta previa, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, etc .;
  • It is not recommended for the expectant mother to sleep and rest on her back to avoid the occurrence of vena cava syndrome. This syndrome is caused by an increase in uterine pressure on the inferior vena cava (it is located under the enlarging pregnant uterus). It is the main collector through which venous blood rises from the lower body to the heart. In connection with this phenomenon, venous return of blood to the heart decreases and blood pressure decreases. And with a sharp decrease in blood pressure, fainting occurs;
  • Get more rest, do not waste your free days on endless chores around the house, do not start general cleaning or repairs, do not run unconscious about the shops;
  • Calmness and serenity is what you really need now. But you don’t need to lie on the couch all day either! Hiking should remain an integral part of your life, move more, because movement is life;
  • With each new day, expectant mothers are getting closer and closer to meeting their baby. Naturally, all the thoughts of a woman are busy with the upcoming childbirth and various prenatal chores. However, practice shows that most women do not forget about themselves. Many are upset by the weight gain, which by this date can be more than 15 kg. Do not worry about the pounds gained, because the health of the baby is much more important. And after giving birth, you will immediately lose 10 kilograms, and instantly;
  • Rarely, but still some complain about the painful sensations that fetal movements bring to them. As mentioned above, this may be due to your own uncomfortable state, do not be nervous and try to avoid places in which you may feel bad, both mentally and physically;
  • Bowel problems are also a common problem, so if it touches you in one way or another, do not worry, try to follow our recommendations and your doctor’s advice. Eat more vegetables and fruits, on the Internet and specialized books, you can see some recipes for light salads and dishes that will restore your intestinal microflora. The main thing is not to take any pills without a doctor’s prescription, even the most seemingly trifling ones.

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Next: 31 weeks

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