Handyman Hal Net Worth
The Net Worth of Handyman Hal
The YouTube channel Hal created has had nearly two million hits in the past year. The videos are designed to educate children about the importance of safety, proper building methods and the environment. In addition to educating children, these videos have also earned the creator more than $100,000 in ad revenue. Handyman Hal has become a popular video on Facebook and Twitter since its launch. Some of its most popular videos include how to build a birthday party and how to give the best car wash in town.
Based on various factors, the net worth of The Handyman Hal has been calculated. HAL’s networth can range from $49 000 to $107 000 depending on his popularity and income. The number of subscribers is one of the most important factors in determining his net worth. Handyman Hal’s net worth can be estimated using a variety of methods. This includes the monthly income of the handyman. The most popular way to estimate his net worth is to watch his YouTube videos.