
How Far Is John Wayne Airport From Long Beach

If you’re planning to fly to Newport Beach, California, you’ll want to know how far is John Wayne Airport from Long Beach. The distance between the two airports is 20 miles or 31 kilometers. There are 17 nautical miles between the two locations. The distance shown on the map is the air distance. Depending on the weather, this distance may be different. Fortunately, there are plenty of options to get you to and from Newport Beach.

The distance between Long Beach and John Wayne Airport is 28 miles (48 km), or about 15.4 nautical miles. Using this information, you can plan a road trip. You can also figure out the cost of gas and check your estimated mileage to make sure you can afford it. If you are driving, you can also calculate the cost of gas using current local fuel prices. Finally, you can view a map of the route between the two airports to determine whether the distance is worth it.

The distance between Long Beach and John Wayne Airport is about 45 kilometers. You can drive this distance in about two hours and thirty minutes. During the day, it’s safe to take the freeway to Long Beach. However, you should pack snacks and caffeine to stay alert during your drive. The estimated cost of gas is 1.19 USD or 72.0 INR. The average car emits about 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile.

The distance between Long Beach and John Wayne Airport is approximately 28 miles. This is roughly the same as the distance between Santa Ana and Los Angeles. It’s best to plan your route accordingly. The trip can be planned using the route map and a car that can handle the distance. The journey time can also be calculated, so you can have an idea of what your route will cost. In addition to the estimated cost of fuel, you can estimate the amount of time it will take you to get to your destination.

The driving distance between John Wayne Airport and Long Beach, CA is approximately thirty-one miles, or forty-five kilometers. The distance between SNA and Long Beach is listed in miles, kilometers and nautical miles. To help plan your journey, you can visit the route map. You can plan a car trip to the Disneyland Resort using the route map. This trip will take about three hours. Once you get to the airport, you can enjoy the scenery along the way.

The closest airport to Long Beach is John Wayne Airport. It is located in Orange County, which is near Santa Ana. It is about 45 miles or forty-seven nautical miles away. If you’re traveling by car, you’ll need to plan for a road trip. You can use the map to find the best way to travel to the Disneyland Resort. You can also use the route map to get to the California State University Long Beach campus.

The distance between John Wayne Airport and Long Beach is fourteen miles. While this isn’t the only distance between the two destinations, the route map is a handy tool when planning your road trip to the beach. You can even find a Google Map of the area so that you can plan your trip. The route map also provides directions to the airport. Getting to the Disneyland Resort is a snap!

The nearest airports to Long Beach are Long Beach Airport and John Wayne Airport. Both are located in Orange County. From SNA, it’s about fifteen miles and one nautical mile. You can estimate the cost by comparing current fuel prices to the estimated distance between SNA and LBA. If you’re flying from one location to the other, consider the route map before you depart. If you have a rental car, you’ll need to wait at the John Wayne Airport for it to reach its destination.

The distance between SNA and Long Beach, CA is about 28 miles and 15 nautical miles. The road from SNA to SNA is approximately thirty miles. It’s just over eighty miles for an aircraft. Getting from SNA to Long Beach will take approximately an hour. It is possible to take the freeway from SNA to the airport in about twenty minutes. If you’re flying from SNA to LBA, take the San Diego Freeway to the south and follow it to the city of Santa Ana.

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