
Intermittent fasting or the ideal figure of Tina Kandelaki

Do you think you can get in shape without special diets? Tina Kandelaki is sure that you can! More recently, the TV presenter shared her way of losing weight, thanks to which the star quickly gets in shape.

Tina Kandelaki
Photo @ tina_kandelaki

The TV presenter herself has a slender waist, which many women envy. How does she do it?

Intermittent fasting is the secret to a perfect figure

Intermittent fasting is a special nutritional method in which the main principle is a long break between meals. Tina decided to try this method after the advice of her friend. Kandelaki says that she is inclined to be overweight, so she is used to limiting herself in nutrition and constantly playing sports.

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Photo @ tina_kandelaki

However, as soon as she learned about this method, she was surprised that you can eat your favorite foods and foods, while also losing weight. Intermittent fasting is the favorite diet of not only the TV host, but many other celebrities as well.

Jennifer Aniston: “I am for intermittent fasting, so I do not eat in the morning” – she says. And he adds that instead of having a hearty breakfast in the morning, she drinks freshly squeezed juice and celery. And only after that – coffee.

Kourtney Kardashian: “I don’t eat anything after 7 pm, and I eat breakfast only after training. This usually happens at 10:30 or 11:00 in the morning. “

Lyaysan Utyasheva: “It is important for me that between dinner and breakfast there is a break of 16 hours, during which the body rests and does not digest anything.”

Alexander Revva: “I am hooked on the famous 16: 8 system. Eight hours you can eat whatever you like, 16 – nothing at all, during this time the body itself wipes you like a rag, removes everything unnecessary. And you will be surprised – it works! Plus, of course, physical education, training. “

Scarlett Johansson: the actress is fasting for 12 hours every day. But sometimes it comes to 14-15 hours, it all depends on the shooting schedule.

How does Tina eat?

Kandelaki shares his food on his Instagram, as well as in various interviews. She perceives such food as a diet, and not as a way of life, because it is quite difficult to eat in this way and remain charged, full of energy.

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Photo @ tina_kandelaki

The TV presenter has breakfast at about 9-11 o’clock in the morning. Usually she eats whatever she wants, while she does not limit herself in her choice and eats until she feels full. Tina’s breakfast can be either scrambled eggs or corn porridge with cheese.

After that, Tina does not eat until 5 pm, because at this time she has various activities, workouts and much more. She doesn’t even allow herself a minimal and light snack.

At 17 o’clock, Kandelaki eats dinner, and most often it is protein food, which is able to form muscles and a regular figure. And also throughout the day she constantly drinks unsweetened drinks, including coffee or tea, and water is always next to her.

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Photo @ tina_kandelaki

This type of diet is difficult to handle. I know many people who get up at 6 in the morning, and they cannot wait about 3 hours before breakfast. Some are accustomed, on the contrary, to get up late enough and have breakfast during lunch. This food scheme has many subtleties and nuances.

First results

After a week of this type of eating, Tina realized that there was definitely a result. She is ready to continue to eat like this. Before switching to a new type of diet, the star advises to consult a doctor, as any changes in diet can affect the general condition of the body.

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Photo @ tina_kandelaki

Additional advice from Kandelaki

In addition to a certain diet, Tina also does not forget about sports. She herself adores stretching, which is why she devotes a lot of time to her. Along with stretching, self-care is also added. The condition of the skin with improper care can add a couple or three years, which is why the TV presenter advises not to forget about the skin, about scrubs and self-massage.

Public response

Many considered this method controversial, since it is not suitable for everyone. Someone spoke out against this type of nutrition, because it creates tremendous stress on the body, although it brings results.

However, there were also those people who adhere to intermittent fasting with Tina. They support the star, share their results, because someone lost more than 5 kg on a similar diet.

The scientific side of the issue

Intermittent fasting is a method that every girl would like to try for the sake of an experiment, because the pounds lost will not take long. It’s nice when you can eat whatever you want, but also lose weight.

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Photo: @ tina_kandelaki

Many scientists have proven the benefits of intermittent fasting, as it has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on health in general. A person who follows the principles of fasting for time reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, lives longer and happier.

But we decided to ask an expert in nutritional science about the benefits and dangers of intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is indeed a good tool not only for weight loss but also in anti-aging therapy strategies. The body uses the fasting hours to replenish reserves, rest, cleanse, and does not waste time digesting food. And in terms of weight loss, you can succeed even if you stay in the same calorie content and with the same food composition in the diet. It is enough to keep an interval of at least 5 days out of 7. But intermittent fasting has contraindications. For example, with the polymorphism of some genes, such a long abstinence from food is not recommended.

Anna Evgenova – nutritionist, nutritionist-consultant, specialist in functional integrative nutrition, personal trainer

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Intermittent fasting is a pretty popular topic lately. In fact, this is a very ancient technique, or rather, the usual way of life of our ancestors. Primitive man had the opportunity to eat once or twice a day, while we constantly chew something. The metabolism of ancient people was more flexible and knew how to switch to the breakdown of proteins-fats-carbohydrates.
What is the essence of this system. Organization of meals in such a way that an interval of 16 hours (including sleep) was formed without any meals. You can drink water, tea and coffee without sugar, sugar substitutes, dairy products. An important rule of using intermittent fasting is the absence of contraindications to it and the gradual implementation of the principles in life.
What does this system give to a person?
The first and most advertised, perhaps, effect is weight loss. Since intermittent fasting has a great effect on the work of the dominant hormones – insulin and growth hormone (somatotropic hormone). Insulin delivers glucose to cells for conversion into energy, but evolutionarily its goal is to create fat reserves in the body. Accordingly, the more and more often we eat, the more insulin is produced (physiologically, it is impossible to lose weight on high insulin). In the meantime, we have high insulin – there is no opportunity for the full-fledged work of growth hormone – which is our main fat burner, starts the synthesis of new tissues in the body, prolongs youth. The result is an increased percentage of body fat.
The next effect is the strengthening of muscle mass, which occurs due to the enhancement of the work of the above-mentioned somatropic hormone. Therefore, athletes love it (the hormone) so much.
Relief of menstrual conditions by reducing the action of prolactin.
General improvement of the body and reduction of inflammatory processes, again due to the regulation of insulin production.
Undoubtedly, intermittent fasting has a number of contraindications, and entry into this food system is recommended only after consulting a doctor who has seen your tests and knows the features of the condition:
• Pregnancy and lactation.
• Chronic stress.
• Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2.
• Hypoglycemia (blood glucose levels below normal).
• Eating disorders in the present and past.
• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase (gastritis, colitis, ulcer, pancreatitis).
Start intermittent fasting, like any new food protocol, you need to gradually, carefully, carefully listening to your own body. It is very important that physiological hunger should not occur in the process. It is wrong in relation to the body, to distract yourself and come up with some deceptive moves if you are hungry, and the time has not come. This is an unconditional path to breakdown. You don’t need to stress yourself out if you haven’t slept enough, experienced a nervous breakdown, or received extra physical activity and need to recharge. The main thing here is an attentive and careful attitude to your body.
Here are some helpful tips for starting intermittent fasting:
• Establish sleep patterns. Adequate sleep is very important with any diet.
• Consuming enough water.
• A minimum of complex carbohydrates.
• Consumption of high quality fats, proteins and fiber.
• Remove snacks.
• Remove “food slag” – everything that contains a lot of sugar: confectionery, sugary drinks, yoghurts with additives, juices, etc.
If you decide to stick to this nutritional system, it will be optimal to try to postpone breakfast to the most convenient time.

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