
Introvert, extrovert or ambivert – who are you? Psychologist’s test

Sigmund Freud’s student Carl Gustav Jung used the terms introvert and extrovert more than a century ago when he noticed that some people are more focused on their inner world (introverts), while others keep their attention focused on external objects (extroverts).

Carl Jung
Carl Gustav Jung
Photo Wikipedia

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Since then, these definitions have undergone various interpretations, but the common man in the street has developed an understanding of what introverts are called brooding people who do not particularly like noisy companies, frequent communication and would rather spend an evening with a book than go to visit. Extroverts, on the other hand, are always sociable and open, they cannot sit still for a long time in thought.

COLADY will help you find out exactly what type of person you are: introverts or extroverts.

Psychological differences between introverts and extroverts

I must say right away that today there is no scientifically substantiated evidence that the brain of introverts is different from extroverts. Although there are many hypotheses on this topic.

So, it is believed that the physiological difference between these types of people lies in the activity of a part of the brain – the reticular formation, which is responsible for stimulating the cerebral cortex.

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In some people, the reticular formation is developed from birth, and in this case, these people do not feel the need for constant interaction with the environment and other people.

For those who have less developed this education for a comfortable existence, a closer and constant contact with the outside world and people is required (in order to excite the cerebral cortex and through this become aware of themselves and the world around them).

Simply put, introverts are people with a mature reticular formation who do not feel the need for an abundance of external stimuli. The opposite is true for extroverts.

It is believed that the reason for the difference between introverts and extroverts is the difference in the blood supply to the brain.

There is also an assumption about a genetic difference in the mediator systems of introverts and extroverts, which determine the amount of neurotransmitters produced in the brain (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, etc.), which affects the state and further behavior.

It is unlikely that scientists will be able to find the exact reason for this difference. Why? What have you heard about ambiverts?

Because in “pure form” there are no extroverts and introverts (if we are talking about the norm, and not about the pathology). Every healthy person has features of both, just in different proportions. And this is called ambivalence.

The most famous and fairly simple way to test who you are, an introvert or an extrovert, is personality questionnaire Hans Eysenckconsisting of 57 interesting questions.

For instance:

  • If you need some information, would you rather read about it in a book or on the Internet than ask a friend?
  • Would you buy a ticket in transport if you knew that there would definitely not be a check?
  • Are you offended when your mistakes and mistakes at work are pointed out to you?
  • Does it happen that you talk about things that you don’t understand at all?
read book
Photo by Pixabay

Normally, we are all ambiverted and can exhibit the qualities of both an extrovert and an introvert depending on situations, which makes us more adaptive to the environment and more resistant to emotional burnout.

How do you know if you are an extrovert or an introvert? Psychologist’s test

If you:

  • love to be in the spotlight;
  • do not like to be alone, routine and monotony;
  • have a wide circle of contacts and easily make contact with strangers;
  • gladly take on the solution of a wide variety of and complex tasks, but only if you are interested in it;
  • take an active part in social life, love mass events and public speaking;
  • often speak first, then think;
  • tend to talk more about themselves than listen to the interlocutor and try to understand his problem.

Then, most likely, you are prone to extroversion.

If you:

  • love to relax alone or with loved ones;
  • refer to your friends only those people with whom you have developed close, trusting relationships;
  • mostly calm and level-headed;
  • tend to think first and only then speak;
  • rarely start a conversation first;
  • avoid crowded meetings and speeches in front of an audience;
  • do not like multitasking and overwork.

Then, most likely, you are prone to introversion.

Can an introvert become an extrovert and vice versa?

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It should be understood that as we develop and communicate with the world, we can adapt to its conditions and develop an effective style of behavior for us. Therefore, extroverts can easily become introverts and vice versa.

Let’s say a cheerful, active boy in a kindergarten or school was publicly offended by his peers and stopped communicating, withdrawn, since it is easier for him not to communicate with people than to be ridiculed. The transition from extraversion to introversion is evident.

Or, on the contrary, a shy guy ended up in a friendly team, made many friends, received positive reinforcement of the reward system built into the brain in the form of the release of the “hormone” of joy (trust) – oxytocin, and realized that this type of behavior was better for him and became more extroverted.

Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to understand the following. All normal people are ambiverted, that is, they combine the signs of extraversion and introversion. Depending on genetics, upbringing, environment, experience and other living conditions, there may be something more in us, something less.

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If we understand which of these two qualities dominates in us, then we should choose the appropriate occupations, hobbies, profession, work.

Agree, it will be difficult for a person with introverted dominants to teach at school, and for an extrovert to do paperwork, routine work somewhere in the accounting department or in a bank.

Although I emphasize once again, a human being is very adaptive. Therefore, we can change ourselves depending on the situation. We can, but we don’t always want to!

Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? Share with us in the comments!

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