
John F Kennedy High School Guam Address

The address of John F. Kennedy High School is 331 North Marine Corps Dr. It is located in Hagatna, GU. The school is open to students in grades 9 through 12. The student population is about 2024. There are slightly more female students than male students. The school has six ethnic groups: Pacific Islander, Asian, Mixed Students of two or more races, White, and Black.

John F. Kennedy High School (formerly Tumon Senior-Junior High School) is a public secondary school in Tamuning, Guam. It is one of the oldest schools on the island. The school opened in 1890. The address was a part of the Tumon community. It was a part of the Department of Education. The Pacific Daily News reported in July 2009 that the site was contaminated with chlordane.

The address of John F. Kennedy High School is N. Marine Drive in Tamuning, Guam. You can find the school by searching for its address. The map below shows the school’s location and its phone number. It is about 2.2 miles away from 6 other public schools. You can also check out the school’s rating on multiple review sites. It is located in the same neighborhood as several other schools.

John F. Kennedy High School is a public secondary school. It was formerly known as Tumon Senior-Junior High School. It is located in Tamuning. The Department of Education manages the school. There are no other public secondary schools on the island. If you are looking for the address of John F. K. High in Guam, check out the details listed below.

The address of John F. Kennedy High School is at N. Marine Drive in Tamuning, Guam. The school is located about 2.2 miles from six public schools. You can find it easily using the map below. You can also find out the hours of operation, phone number, and coordinates of JFK in Tamuning, GU. You can contact the school by calling it.

The JFK Guam address is 331 North Marine Corps Dr. This is a very common location for this school. It is possible to find it by using a map of Tamuning and its vicinity. If you are looking for the JFK address, you can get it by using Google Maps. If you are looking for directions to the school, you can use the GPS to get there.

John F. Kennedy High School is located at 331 North Marine Corps Dr. This is a private, public, and Catholic school. It is not affiliated with the Guam Department of Education. If you want to contact the school, you should call them at the telephone number below. The address of JFK is a good place to start. It is easy to get directions to JFK from any part of Guam.

If you’re looking for information about John F. Kennedy High School, you’ll find it on the website of the Guam Department of Education. The address is in Hagatna, Guam. Its phone number is 340-8070. If you’re looking for the school, call them at the phone number below. You can get the address of JFK High School by entering the ZIP code.

The address of JFK High School is a convenient place to find. The school’s location is on the N. Marine Drive in Tamuning, GU. You can easily reach it by car by driving 2.2 miles south. And you’ll need to know the address of JFK High School if you want to contact it. It’s easy to find and navigate to!

The facility is also located at a prime location on the island. The location is easy to find and easy to remember. There’s a good chance that you can find the JFK High School address online. And if you’re interested in visiting it, you can also contact the school. You can find it by checking out the official website of the JFK High School.

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