
Practical tips for losing weight from a French trainer

Everyone overeats from time to time. Allows himself an extra slice of cake or pizza at a cafe, an extra plate at Christmas dinner, or swallowing a packet of cookies during a snack at work. But if this happens to you every day, if the habit is not controlled, you may have problems.

Overeating people suffer from this food addiction. Like alcoholics who cannot refuse a glass of beer, they cannot refuse food. Often their bouts of overeating are triggered by depressed or anxious moods, but they can also overeat when they are stressed, when they feel lonely, or when they are bored. They eat to feed their senses, not their bodies.

The good news is that overeating is curable. With professional help and support, you can learn to stop and control these moments.

Overeating: Causes, Practical Tips and a Magic Tablet from a French Respiratory Gymnastics Trainer
Elena Tolkach – expert, trainer, author of the article. Photo @elenabodyflex

What is overeating?

Overeating is an eating disorder that affects both men and women. Often, it begins in adolescence, often after dieting or extreme stress. Many do not seek help, considering the problem not too significant.

The problem is that emotional eating doesn’t solve anything. This may be comforting for a short time, but reality quickly takes over with a sense of self-loathing.

Unfortunately, weight gain only increases binge eating disorder. This is not because people no longer care about their bodies, but because they feel bad when their weight is lifted on the scales. They feel worse because of their weight and appearance. People fall into a vicious circle: they eat to feel better, they feel bad because of their weight gain, and they turn to food again for relief.

Overeating sufferers sometimes try to limit themselves in food, but almost everyone gives up, because this war can only be won with the help of a professional.

Read also: Psychosomatics of excess weight and overeating: 10 root causes according to a specialist

binge eating
Photo by Pixabay

Signs that you are overeating:

  1. frequent episodes of uncontrolled overeating;
  2. negative feelings (sadness, hopelessness, guilt, shame, …) after eating;
  3. worrying about the impact overeating can have on your body and blaming yourself for lack of control and willpower;
  4. a desperate but ineffectual desire to eat less.

Over 15 years as a female coach, I have figured out 2 reasons for overeating

  • Psychological reasons

Depression and overeating are closely related. Almost half of my clients who suffered from overeating were depressed. I have done my own research which has shown that low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, and loneliness lead to binge eating disorder.

  • Social and cultural reasons for overeating

Social pressure to be thin can add negative feelings to shame and worsen their emotional state. Consequently, social pressures can increase the risk of developing overeating.

In addition, some parents unknowingly set the stage for overeating by using food to comfort or reward their child.

Quiz: Do you need help with binge eating attacks?

I offer you a little test. Answer the questions below. The more yes answers you have, the more likely you are to have binge eating disorder:

  • Do you feel like you are losing control while eating?
  • Do you think about food all the time?
  • Are you eating in secret?
  • Do you eat until you feel heavy?
  • Do you eat to forget about your worries or to calm down?
  • Do you feel disgusted or ashamed after eating?
  • Don’t you have the strength to stop eating when you want to?
  • Emotional stress can only be relieved with food?
  • Feeling uncomfortable about the amount you eaten?
  • Do you have a feeling of “autopilot”? (eat without realizing the quantity)
  • There is never satisfaction, no matter what you eat.
  • Feelings of guilt, disgust, or depression.

Take our test: Psychological test: choose cheese and find out something interesting about your character

dor blue cheese
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How to reduce appetite?

  1. Eat breakfast: Skipping breakfast often leads to overeating at the end of the day. Start your day with a healthy meal. In addition, breakfast improves metabolism. Research shows that people who eat breakfast are slimmer.
  2. Avoid temptations: you will be more tempted to overeat if you have unhealthy foods, desserts, and snacks at home. Avoid the temptation, do not buy harmful products
  3. Stop the diet: deprivation and hunger associated with a strict diet can lead to irresistible food cravings and binge eating. Instead of dieting, focus on eating in moderation! Find products you like and avoid being labeled “allowed” or “prohibited.”
  4. Exercises: Physical activity will not only help you lose weight, but it will also reduce symptoms of depression, improve your health, and reduce stress. The mood-enhancing effects of physical activity can help you stop emotional overeating.
  5. Reduce stress: learn to deal with stress in a healthy way without requiring food. And if you feel that you cannot cope on your own, seek psychological help.

Practical advice from a psychologist and coach on the author’s breathing exercises

  1. Breathing exercises.

Learn diaphragmatic breathing. You will feel your body, reduce stress levels, and oxygenate your body. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the physical well-being, but also on the emotional. You will relax, lose weight and reduce your appetite. My clients manage to achieve this in the first 10 days of coaching.

You might be interested in: Breathing exercises for health, energy and wellness from a body flex expert

  1. Dinner table.

Again, I recommend filling it out before bed. And at the end of the week, look at the results and draw conclusions: how did I feel while eating? How did you eat and how much?

You don’t need to show the table to anyone, it’s just for you. Try to look without blame or self-criticism. After 1 week you will learn new things about yourself and your habits. For your convenience, I have prepared a template for such a table, you just have to print it and do not forget to fill it out.

Dinner table from Elena Tolkach

How to eat less?

I worked with women in Russia, then there were Malaysia, Vietnam, Bosnia, and now for 13 years in France. Investigated the eating behavior of Asia and Europe. Therefore, people who turn to me easily acquire healthy food and a beautiful slender body. How?

  • One must learn to eat for joy.
  • Change bad eating habits to healthy ones.
  • Develop skills in managing your diet and mood.
  • Coping with stress, low self-esteem and dependence on the opinions of others.
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In particular, three types of therapy can be offered:

  1. Breathing to relax and relieve stress, reduce appetite;
  2. Gymnastics for losing weight and “burning” excess body fat;
  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: The goal is to help you better understand how you use food to deal with your emotions. Love food!

The good news is that appetite can be reduced in just a week. Solve this problem once and for all. With professional help and support, you can easily eat less and feel proud of yourself. You will lose weight perfectly without any diets.

If such problems bother you, write to me “Elena, I want to eat less

I know how to help you.

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