
The benefits of stretching the spine – how to stretch your spine at home

The spine is the skeleton of the human body, a complex structure created by nature to ensure the vital functions of the body. But even such a strong rod can malfunction. Therefore, over the years, there is a crunch, grinding, pain in the lower back, neck or thoracic region, as well as constraint in movement. These are the most common symptoms of spinal problems. To prevent their occurrence, or at least prevent chronic stages of the disease, you need to do exercises to stretch the spine.


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Health Benefits of Stretching – Why Stretch Your Spine?

Spine stretching exercises provide:

  • Flexibility and freedom of movement at any age.
  • Disease prevention.
  • No pain or reduced pain.


The spine, as mentioned earlier, is a complex construction. It consists of bones – vertebrae, cartilage-shock absorbers – intervertebral discs, and a muscular corset that flexes and unbends the back. These muscles are in constant tension. And sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle add to their workload.

Rest is vital for the muscles of the back, but even at night our spine cannot always relax. So, an uncomfortable posture or an inappropriate pillow makes him bend, as a result of which the muscles have to work at night. After such a night, a person will suffer from back or neck pain. Stiff muscles will not allow you to move freely, work and just live fully.

Contraindications for spinal stretching – don’t forget to consult your doctor!

All activities have their own contraindications, and stretching is no exception.

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Do not neglect these recommendations, because otherwise you can earn both a number of complications of existing diseases, and a couple of new diseases.

  • Stretching for osteoporosis, arthritis and osteochondrosis is strictly prohibited.
  • It is not recommended for diseases of the heart, blood vessels and hypertension.
  • An obvious contraindication is thrombosis.
  • Caution medicine refers to stretching during pregnancy and menstruation. You need to listen to your feelings and consult a doctor.
  • Viral diseases, colds and fever act as a limitation.
  • Follow the general rule of physical therapy – do not overexert, performing twisting and stretching through force. Also, do not exercise during periods of general weakness.

Simple exercises to stretch your spine at home – how to properly stretch your spine?

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Before starting the exercises, you need to remember a few rules:

  • You need to start all exercises with a small amplitude so as not to injure the muscles.
  • You need to stretch smoothly, avoiding crunching.
  • It is better to do the exercises in the evening and repeat them every day.
  • Relax your muscles as much as possible during exercise.
  • Breathe deeply and evenly.

Yoga exercises satisfy all the conditions for stretching the back.

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Therefore, if you are fond of or have ever been fond of this type of physical activity, then all the exercises listed below will be familiar to you.

1. Stretching the chest
Starting position: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. You need to lower your head and bend in the thoracic region, while keeping your lower back straight. Stretch upward, as if you were being pulled by the shoulder blades by invisible threads. It is very important to keep your back muscles relaxed. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.

2. Leaning forward
From a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, bend forward, touching the floor with your palms. Relax all muscles in your back and legs. Additionally, the slopes can be spring-loaded.

3. Slopes 1
The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. When tilting, you need to touch your legs with your forehead, and grab your shin with your hands. Of course, not everyone will succeed in doing this the first time. But after a while, when you have developed enough flexibility, you can do this exercise without any problems.

4. Slopes 2
Starting position: standing with one leg forward. It is necessary to perform forward bends, touching the forehead to the knee of the extended leg. Hold the position of the body for 30 seconds. Remember to breathe evenly and deeply and relax your muscles.

5. Downward-facing dog
From a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, you need to tilt and rest your palms on the floor. Then, stepping backward, set the distance between your feet and hands to 120 cm. Thus, your body should represent one large letter “L”. Stretch your tailbone up, do not lower your head and do not bend in the neck. It is more convenient to spread the fingers out for greater emphasis, and keep the feet parallel to each other.

6. The lock behind the back
Sitting or standing, you need to put your hands behind your back, one on top over your head, and the other on the bottom and close them in the lock.

7. “Praying mantis” behind the back
To perform this exercise, you need to take your hands back behind your back and fold them in a praying position so that your palms are on the thoracic spine. Take your elbows back so that the chest moves forward. Hold this position for 15 seconds.

8. Stretching up
Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to reach up with raised hands, while not climbing on toes.

9. Cat
Sitting on your knees, lower the pelvis on your heels, and bending over, with outstretched arms, reach the floor in front of you. It is important to relax your back and bend as much as possible in it, visually trying to round the ridge.

10. School flexibility exercise
Starting position: sitting on the floor with straight legs. To perform this exercise, you need to bend forward, grabbing the stupas with your palms, and touch your knees with your forehead. Hold your body position for 15-20 seconds.

11. Hanging on a horizontal bar or wall bars is also an effective exercise for stretching the spine.

12. Upward-facing dog
Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows, placed at chest level. As if stretching, straighten your arms and stretch your chin up. Be sure to relax your muscles while doing this.

13. Stretching
It is not for nothing that all animals, like children, stretch after sleep. This natural reflex helps to stretch the muscles not only of the back, but of the whole body. When you wake up early, stretch as you should in the morning.

14. Twisting the body to the right and left.

15. Swimming is very beneficial for the health of the spine. It relieves the load on the main “working” muscles of the human body and gives work to the “sleeping” muscles that carry a static load.
The ancients believed that the spine is a storehouse of human energy, and this is partly true. Indeed, the spinal column contains not only the spinal cord, but also many important neurons and blood vessels.
Therefore, the health of the spine is the health of the whole organism.

Take care of your back, and then lightness and mobility will never leave you!

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