The practice of getting what you want according to John Kehoe
“The quality of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts” (D. Kehoe)
All my childhood, my grandmother and mother told me: “To become someone, you need to work, try – nothing just falls on your head.” As a fan of arguing with elders, I argued that at least icicles on the head definitely do not fall for merit. But I had to agree with everything else: good grades in school, roles in an amateur theater, admission to a university, the first job – absolutely everything had to be obtained with hard work. Often this work was also thankless: sometimes someone turned out to be smarter, bolder and more talented, and he cut me off at the last bend and received MY reward.
Already in adulthood, I was always amazed by people who, without much difficulty, came up and took what they wanted. Their lightness and positive approach seemed to say: “I need it and I will get it”… Finally, I realized what their superpowers are – not in space luck, not in rich relatives, but in special thinking.
This is the kind of thinking that has been teaching for over forty years John Kehoe… Writer, personal development coach and bestselling author “The subconscious mind can do anything!” studied the hidden abilities of our brain and convinced the whole world that our happiness and success depend only on how we formulate our desires and needs.
“Water takes the form of a vessel in which it is located, be it a glass, a vase or a river bed. In the same way, your subconscious mind will create depending on what images you put into it in your everyday reflections. ” (D. Kehoe)
And if some people have effective thinking inherent in childhood, others can train it.
Let’s try to pump your brain using the practices of John Kehoe. It takes 5-10 minutes a day of you and an unbridled desire to change your life.
Practice 1. Visualization
- Imagine what you desire: get a dream job, run 10 kilometers without stopping, close a mortgage ahead of schedule, pass a difficult exam with excellent marks.
- Relax… Take a few minutes to yourself throughout the day. Turn off all annoying factors, sit back and try to normalize your breathing and heart rate. If any muscles are tense, relax them.
- For 5 minutes, imagine in detail what you want as if it is happening to you right now. For example, you want to successfully defend a project at work. Imagine that you are standing in front of your colleagues, confidently talking about what you know very well, they applaud you, smile, the boss shakes hands.
At this moment, you are the director of your little film about success, the more details you add to the plot, the more truthful the tape will turn out.
“Train yourself to think about success, happiness, health, well-being and drive anxiety and fear out of your thoughts” (D. Kehoe)
Practice 2. Bookmark thoughts
Our life consists not only of linear facts, but also of feelings, emotions and sensations. This practice places particular emphasis on “drawing the details” of your success.
Focus on how you feel when you achieve what you want. For example, as you continue to visualize with your project, you may feel excitement, exultation, and self-confidence. Then refer to the physiological manifestations: a slightly rapid pulse, slight blush, timbre of voice.
Finally, note the external elements of the situation: the smell of a freshly opened contract, the boss’s warm and firm handshake, the sounds of colleagues’ voices in the background.
Do not focus on the plot – at this stage you are interested in the feeling of the events taking place.
“Think more about what you do or acquire, and not about what could be more or less likely to happen” (D. Kehoe)
Practice 3. Approval
“A statement is a simple statement that a person repeats aloud or silently, depending on the circumstances” (D. Kehoe)
The practice of approval is especially easy for beginners, because it can be done anywhere and anytime: in bed, on the way to work, while standing in line at the checkout. Just pick a statement that expresses your desire for the moment and repeat it several times in a row.
Suppose you are waiting for your project to be protected and worried about its success. Try telling yourself: “I am calm and confident” or “The protection will be brilliant.” By pronouncing these phrases, you connect your subconscious mind, which begins to fix the meaning of what has been said and generate the necessary thoughts and attitudes.
- It is not necessary to believe in what is being said, because the brain, regardless of your beliefs, will choose the necessary meanings and begin to form the corresponding thoughts. Your task is to formulate the statement correctly and concisely.
- You cannot use the “not” particle in statements: “I will not lose”, “I do not get tired” etc. The brain will happily skip the “not” and you will find with horror that you are setting yourself up for failure or fatigue. Wrap your attitudes in positive affirmations: I will win, I am cheerful and full of energy.
“Ordinary human thoughts are like the sparks of a fire. With the essence and potential of a flame, they usually disappear quickly. Having existed for only a few seconds, they fly upward and there instantly burn up “(D. Kehoe)
Practice 4. Reflection and Concentration
Working with the brain is like playing sports. To get the result, it is not enough to diligently perform all the exercises once. From the first workout, you will only have unpleasant memories of overcoming yourself and the buzzing muscles. But if you did not stop and continued your studies, the result will make itself felt, and the pleasure from the load will be much greater.
As you may have guessed, concentration is the key to the success of all of John Kehoe’s practices. That is why it is so important to develop it. You’ve probably noticed that attention, like a restless child, always seeks to escape somewhere when you need to do something serious. To help our restless brain focus better on one idea, try thinking.
Let’s say you want to buy a tour to Italy, but you need finance. Try to ponder for 5-10 minutes where you will get the missing amount. As you meditate, it is helpful to write down the ideas that come up. This way you can engage the visualization. If the thought tries to escape (and it will), gently but persistently return it to the stream.
Reflection will teach your brain to concentrate, and concentration, in turn, is the key to successful practice.
John Kehoe’s practices are not a magic wand, by the wave of which you will fulfill all your desires. This is a reliable tool with which you can gradually change your life and yourself for the better. By doing them regularly, you can really make your brain work for you.
Tell us about your experience in applying this technique in practice in the comments. We are very interested!
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