
The Rorschach test reveals your personality traits in 10 pictures

Ever heard of ink stain tests? They were developed by the Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach and are now considered one of the fastest methods for identifying your personality traits. These are projective tests, which means that the test taker must give his own interpretation of what he saw, and not choose from the proposed options.

So, here are 10 classic cards by Rorschach. What can you consider on each of them?

Card 1

The incredible Rorschach test: what you see in these 10 pictures will reveal your personality traits

Most often people see butterfly, bat or moth… These options indicate a stable emotional state and healthy self-esteem.

Someone might consider ina scary face or a scary face, and this serves as an indicator of a depressive state.

Some people see angel with outstretched wings, speaking of their calm and carefree nature.

If you see two animals or two figuresattached to the third figure in the center, this may mean that you sense some kind of threat around you.

Card 2

The incredible Rorschach test: what you see in these 10 pictures will reveal your personality traits

If you see two identical figuressitting opposite each other, you have a harmonious relationship with those around you.

If you noticed two fighting people, or you perceive the color red as blood, this indicates the suppression of aggression in yourself.

Some studies have shown that people who see on a card two clownsare prone to narcissism.

Card 3

The incredible Rorschach test: what you see in these 10 pictures will reveal your personality traits

This card is used as a standard for assessing sexual orientation.

Heterosexual man will see two men, but homosexual people are more likely to consider female or androgynous figures

Also, the card can characterize how you feel about the relationship. For example, if you see two figures reaching out towards each other, you might want to make your relationship closer and stronger.

Card 4

The incredible Rorschach test: what you see in these 10 pictures will reveal your personality traits

It is called the “influencer card” or “father card”, respectively, it shows how you perceive the people of authority in your life.

Most people see a giant in huge boots or a large animal, say, a bear.

If the image evokes a sense of fear, it is a signal that you are in conflict with a certain authority figure: a boss or an older male relative.

Card 5

The incredible Rorschach test: what you see in these 10 pictures will reveal your personality traits

People usually see bird, bat or butterfly… These are the so-called “standard answers” talking about mental stability and a healthy imagination.

If you see crocodile muzzles, you are dominated by negative feelings and hostility.

If you see scissors, it could mean that you are afraid of being vulnerable or defenseless.

Card 6

The incredible Rorschach test: what you see in these 10 pictures will reveal your personality traits

Most people notice sexy imageswhen looking at this inkblot.

Psychologists say that if you do not see either female or male organs in the spot, you are probably experiencing problems in your personal and sexual life.

If you saw in a spot mountain, it speaks of feelings of anxiety and the fact that you perceive life as an endless hard struggle.

Card 7

The incredible Rorschach test: what you see in these 10 pictures will reveal your personality traits

This is the so-called “mother card” and your interpretation shows your relationship with your mother or other significant women in your life.

If you see two peacefully sitting (or standing) and talking womenThis indicates a healthy relationship with your female sex.

However, if you see two angry and quarreling figures, you either tend to look at women with contempt, or you have unresolved problems in your relationship with your mother.

Card 8

The incredible Rorschach test: what you see in these 10 pictures will reveal your personality traits

If you see coat of arms or heraldic symbols, this suggests that you are an integral and self-sufficient person who is able to adequately process complex information.

People may also notice four-legged animals on both sidesand it is indicative of balance and objective perception.

If you see spine in the center of the card means you have excellent leadership qualities.

And if you saw two animals trying to get out of the pit of firethen you feel guilty or suffer from unresolved problems or internal struggles with yourself.

Card 9

The incredible Rorschach test: what you see in these 10 pictures will reveal your personality traits

If you noticed two fighting people – you are dealing with incessant conflict, plus you have weak communication skills.

Explosions and flowers – these are the most common answers indicating that the test taker has no problems.

If you see a couple of deer at the top of the picture, it means you are reaching up or seeking to change your life.

If you noticed rocket launch from the center of the picture, you are strong and unbending in life.

Card 10

The incredible Rorschach test: what you see in these 10 pictures will reveal your personality traits

This is a rather complex map with tons of details and symbols.

If the card makes you uncomfortable and uncomfortable, it is possible that you have trouble organizing yourself, or you may feel overwhelmed.

Many people usually see different creatures: heads of rabbits, worms and snakes.

Generally, the more shapes you see, the more creative your personality is.

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