
Was the tragic fate of Sergei Yesenin a foregone conclusion?

Unsurpassed poetic talent, fame, love of beautiful women did not prevent Sergei Yesenin (03.10.1895 – 28.12.1925) from being one of the main hooligans and brawlers of Moscow in the 1920s. Notoriety literally pursued the writer, and the police even received an order from above to deliver the poet to the police station, as soon as he appeared in public drunk.

Addiction to alcohol, throwing, so characteristic of geniuses, forced Yesenin to commit rather strange, irrational, and sometimes monstrous acts.

So who is he: an unsurpassed genius or a brawler in a drunken stupor? Is he guilty of his actions? Was his mysterious death a suicide or was the poet a victim of unknown circumstances?

More about the mysterious death of Sergei Yesenin and what actually happened on the fatal night of 1925 at the Angleterre Hotel can be read in our last article.

And today, let’s conduct a numerological investigation using the Tarot Numerology – Codes of Destiny methodology, then we will understand why he lived like this and was his tragic death predetermined?

Sergey Yesenin
Colady illustration

Yesenin’s character and his novels

  • Birth Code – 3 “Empress”

Men with this Code have a bright and attractive appearance.

Sergei was very handsome, stood out among his contemporaries with the correct facial features (looking at his photographs, it is hard to believe that he lived at the beginning of the 20th century, his appearance is quite suitable for today’s time).

A characteristic feature of the poet (characteristic of Code 3) was excessive love of love (3 official marriages and many novels). He devoted too much time to women. Do not forget that Yesenin was poetic in nature. Adventures were reflected in his work.

You don’t love me, you don’t regret me
Am I not a little handsome?
Without looking in the face, you are thrilled with passion,
Putting your hands on my shoulders

(“You don’t love me, you don’t regret me …”)

Read also: Sergey Yesenin and Isadora Duncan: passion, quarrels, jealousy, assault and a telegram at the end: “I love another. Married and happy “

Sergey Yesenin and Isadora Duncan
Photo taken from Wikipedia

Tragic codes of fate

Yesenin’s birth code is still a flower compared to what his Karmic Codes of Fate have prepared for the poet, and there is where to roam: scandals, drunkenness, assault, fights.

This Code negatively influenced Yesenin – it is psychological imbalance, as well as a tendency to alcoholism and escape from reality, mental clouding due to intoxication.

The reasons for this behavior should be sought in his past. In particular, in his relationship with his mother. To work through all this, he needed to be a deeply spiritual person, which, unfortunately, he was not.

“The spirit of the monastery dweller is meek,
You eagerly listen to the litany,
Pray before the face of the savior
For my lost soul ”.

(“Over the mountains, beyond the yellow valleys …”)

Sublime Code, but the poet had it on a negative vibration. Yesenin did not follow the laws, sometimes not understanding where good and where is evil, often violated moral principles (drunkenness, fights, problems with the police).

The second aspect of the negative is leaving the family (especially where the children grew up), unwillingness to take care of their children (denial of the masculine principle in oneself as the father of the family).

Problems were also observed in the political aspect – in particular, in the rejection of power and laws. Yesenin was afraid of the police, but at the same time often insulted intelligence agents. For all the time, 13 criminal cases were initiated against him.

Code 5 “Dad” was his main Code of Destiny, which means that it could not be otherwise in his life.

But at the same time, Codes 2 and 5 gave him incredible talents and knowledge: managing people through his creativity, the ability to fall in love with himself, be an idol (even as a negative hero), open access to knowledge inaccessible to others.

Sergey Yesenin
Photo taken from Wikipedia
  • Code 9 “Hermit”

This is a complete closure from the world, unwillingness to open his real face to people (he created such an image for himself), deep wisdom beyond his years, which he could not comprehend and understand (therefore he behaved this way). Yesenin did not want to become a conductor of knowledge.

It is also a Code for people prone to suicide (if there are several additional codes). One of them is in his date of death.

Code 9 in karma gives a violation of the balance of material and spiritual in life. Yesenin showed a significant bias in the material direction.

Don’t wry a smile, pulling your hands,

I love another, but not you.

You yourself know, you know well –

I don’t see you, I didn’t come to you.

I passed by, my heart doesn’t care –

I just wanted to look out the window.

(“Don’t wry a smile, pulling your hands …”)

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The effect of codes on privacy

Let’s trace the course of Yesenin’s personal life – his unions.

  • Code 5 “Daddy” indicates a wedding. Since he has this Code in a non-negative way, it was contraindicated for him to get married. The wedding did more harm to his relationship in the union, this was facilitated by Code 2. Together they give a negative model of human behavior in the family: disrespect for his wife, quarrels, fights, assault, dislike of children and indifferent attitude towards them.
  • And the assault gave him Code 7 “Chariot”
  • An unsuccessful second union, since it was initially unequal, is indicated by Code 2 “Priestess” (personifying a woman much older than Sergei Yesenin). The age difference between him and Isadora Duncan was 18 years. The marriage also ended quickly.
  • The third wife forced him to go to a psychiatric hospital (against the background of alcoholism, he developed a psychological disorder – again Code 2 “Priestess”). Yesenin fled from there a few days later, he died soon after (more on this later).
Sergei Yesenin and Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, 1925
Photo taken from Wikipedia

All the poet’s wives are displayed in an interesting way in his Channels of Destiny:

  • Channel of the Wife – 6, 8, 17:

– 6 “Lovers” – several unions,

– 8 “Justice” – all unions are legalized,

– 17 “Star” – all were very famous personalities: the first wife was an actress, the second was a ballerina, the third was Leo Tolstoy’s niece.

  • Union Channel – 9, 11, 20:

– 9 “The Hermit” – loneliness and incomprehensibility.

– 11 “Force” – assault, violence at seven.,

– 20 “Court” – he lived for himself, not caring about his family.

  • Channel of Glory – 22, 2, 15:

– 22 “Jester” – I do what I want.

– 2 “Priestess” – gained fame as a drunkard and rowdy.

– 15 “Devil” – indulgence in their weaknesses and imperfections, a tendency to temptation.

  • Channel of Fate Control – Code 4 “Emperor”

Here he is manifested in the day of his death, the second period of his life. Together with Code 2 indicates drunkenness. Also, the version about the murder of the poet at the behest of a high-ranking person has a right to exist.


Was the tragic fate of Sergei Yesenin a foregone conclusion?  Numerological Investigation Using Fate Codes
Posthumous photo of Yesenin
Photo taken from Wikipedia

It is worth dwelling in more detail on the Death Channel. The last year of Yesenin’s life passed under:

  • Code 14 “Moderation” – this Code is also the second Code of the Day of Death and the second Code of Destiny. When there are so many coincidences, it is fatal.
  • Code 9 “Hermit” – personifies completeness, including death (but this is for him).

I indicated above that there is another suicide code. So, the month of the poet’s death is 12 “The Hanged Man” (speaks for itself).

However, there is a version that this death will not be fully disclosed. Ask why?

Channel Death has one Code – 18 “Moon”, and this is always a mystery, fog, deception, concealment of facts. Shedding light on the real reason, most likely, will not succeed.

We have the fact of death, but how it happened, we cannot find out (there will always be several versions).


I want to make a small digression.

According to another method – Eastern Astrology Ba Tzu, the day of the poet’s death completely folded the so-called “Earth punishment” – this is when three animals are combined into a single whole: Goat, Bull, Dog (there were 2 Goats in his chart, 1925 – the year of the Bull, 28 December – Day of the Dog). This combination gives difficulties of a psychological nature, illness from the nerves.

Goodbye my friend, goodbye.

My dear, you are in my chest.

Intended parting

Promises to meet ahead.

(“Goodbye my friend, goodbye”)

The gravestone of Sergei A. Yesenin at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow in 2015
Photo taken from Wikipedia

A situation is created when you were simply pushed against the wall by force and pressure against your will (here the version about murder rather than suicide looks more plausible).

This is my numerological investigation. It showed all the nuances of such sometimes inappropriate behavior of Yesenin.

One thing is certain: this poet, who lived only 30 years, was a real GENIUS. Yesenin lived to the fullest. Sometimes one gets the impression that he lived at least one year in three, so eventful was his life.

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This article is based on studies of the date of birth and Fate of a person according to the Tarot Numerology system and has no hidden messages, discrimination or condemnation. Materials for research are taken from open and accessible sources on the Internet. The analysis is based solely on my knowledge, research and analysis, as a specialist in reading the fate of a person by date of birth and may not coincide with your opinion.

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