
What is cellulite and how does it arise

Considering that 90% of women after 16 years of age face problems with changing their figure, so almost everyone is familiar with the word “cellulite”. However, only a few know the true reasons for the appearance of this ailment and the signs of its appearance.

What is cellulite? Why does it arise and is it possible to live with it? Doctors and nutritionists talk.

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“Orange peel” is also called cellulite, which is familiar to many women. Bumps, depressions, uneven skin on the thighs, buttocks, sometimes on the arms, abdomen and shoulders make many ladies feel complex about this. Why does once nearly perfect skin become so unattractive? What is the reason for the appearance of “orange peel” and what is “cellulite”?

What is cellulite and how does it occur?  Comments from doctors and nutritionists
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The causes of cellulite

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Violation of blood supply;
  • Hormonal disorders or natural changes in hormonal levels (during pregnancy or puberty, during menopause or during the period of using hormonal drugs);
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Bad habits (smoking, eating large amounts of food before bedtime);
  • Stress;
  • Overweight.

But you need to sound the alarm only when you have pronounced cellulite, which may indicate diseases of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Indeed, from the point of view of medicine, “cellulite” is a change in the subcutaneous fat layer, which leads to improper, impaired blood circulation, and then to the formation of fat cell nodes, which will subsequently lead to tissue fibrosis – the appearance of an orange peel.

Doctors believe that small manifestations of “orange peel” for an adult woman are quite normal and should not be dealt with. But every woman should keep herself in good shape.

Cellulite-causing foods

If you are prone to the formation of cellulite, then already at its initial stage, take care of proper nutrition and refuse or minimize the use of foods that promote cellulite. Namely – eat more vegetables and fruits that reduce the layer of subcutaneous fat. These are grapefruit, bananas, avocado, raspberries, blueberries, pears, watermelons. Cabbage, bell peppers, green beans will help in the fight for beautiful skin. As a result of using these products, your skin will become much smoother and more elastic. Of course, provided that you do not neglect physical exercise and give up bad habits.

Cellulite-causing foods: coffee, chocolate, sugar, alcohol. Mayonnaise, sausage, salt, beer, sweets also contribute to the formation of “orange peel”. Therefore, such products should be abandoned or their use should be limited.

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Try green tea instead of coffee, which will reduce appetite and remove toxins from the body. Instead of chocolate, cake or sweets, eat dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), which will help to cope with hunger and fill the body’s need for potassium, calcium, magnesium. Replace sausage and grilled meats with vegetable stews, boiled chicken breast, or steamed fish.

Commentary by nutritionist-nutritionist, expert of Colady magazine, Raisa Zhmareva

What is cellulite and how does it occur?  Comments from doctors and nutritionists

The term “cellulite” was first used in the 1920s in beauty and spa parlors to promote services, and in the late 1960s, publications on the topic began to appear in Vogue magazine.

What is cellulite and how does it occur?

Cellulite is a metabolic disorder that leads to the accumulation of excess fat, waste products and fluid in the subcutaneous connective tissue. All this forms clusters under the skin, which can swell up to 50 times.

Cellulite usually looks and feels like an orange peel. In the case of cellulite, the blood supply to the body is disrupted and, as a result, the work of the whole body, since excess fat, toxins and fluid constricts the blood and lymph vessels of the body. Thus, cellulite interferes with the normal functioning of the body and the cleansing process.

In most cases, cellulite affects women, as women’s connective tissue resembles a fishing net, and these greasy and fluid bumps can form in the holes. Male connective tissue is denser and does not have such voids where irregularities could settle at all.

Cellulite is commonly found in the lower body, especially in the thighs and buttocks.

What are the causes of cellulite?

The reasons for the appearance of cellulite are still not fully understood. But it is clear that this is a modern problem with genetic, hormonal, dietary and physical causes.

One cannot say 100% that cellulite is associated with obesity.

Many women of normal weight and body fat percentage who eat well and exercise regularly also suffer from this problem and develop cellulite as well.

Since the development of cellulite is also associated with stress, it is likely a combination of several factors with a genetic and hormonal background that causes this problem in a healthy lifestyle and in a physically active woman.

How to get rid of cellulite?

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Today, cellulite is one of the most common skin conditions that everyone faces, both in the cosmetics industry and in science.

Options are currently being explored to treat and reduce cellulite, as well as to maintain the results achieved with the treatment.

Hardware procedures to reduce cellulite have been carried out for twenty years. Various cellulite treatments have been tried, but research shows that the most effective cellulite treatments today are non-invasive body treatments that use a machine that uses three components: RF or radio wave, vacuum massage and lipolaser.

Pressotherapy or apparatus lymphatic drainage also helps in body care.

What can you do to reduce cellulite on your own?

  1. Physical education specifically for problem areas: legs and buttocks.
  2. Walking, steps, squats, cycling, swinging your legs over the back of a chair.
  3. Water treatments that stimulate metabolism: bath, jacuzzi, massage jet, etc.
  4. Massage – different types.
  5. Dry brushing.
  6. Using body scrubs.
  7. For home body care, use oils that reduce cellulite.
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Since the accumulation of fat and waste in our body is regulated by metabolism and hormones, it makes sense to adjust your diet: changing your eating habits will help eliminate the causes of cellulite and ensure long-term results, while an external change can only provide a temporary effect.

Most people with cellulite eat less in order to lose weight and get rid of the problem. Losing weight can reduce cellulite, but since cellulite is more associated with worsening skin conditions, including fat deposits, the process of losing weight itself often does not help.

In some cases, rapid weight loss makes cellulite even more visible when skin that has lost its elasticity sags.

Cellulite can be reduced by eating healthy foods, including whole grains, which help the body cleanse itself and provide the body with adequate antioxidants.

It is also important to drink enough clean water, relieve stress and exercise.

The way we eat directly affects our circulatory and lymphatic systems.

By limiting the amount of processed and refined foods on the menu, it also reduces the release of toxins into the body, which prevents the formation of cellulite.

What should i avoid to fight cellulite?

It is recommended to avoid sugar as sugar affects the metabolism of vitamin C, which is important for collagen and elastane production in the skin.

Vitamin-rich foods help heal and revitalize connective tissue, thereby reducing damage.

Trans fats are also involved in the development of cellulite, therefore, semi-finished products (sausages, wieners, steaks, etc.).

Cakes, pastries, sweets and margarines should also be avoided.

Foods that do not contain hydrogenated vegetable fats should be added to the grocery basket.

What foods to fight cellulite should you eat?

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Lecithin reduces damage from cellulite, a substance obtained from food, but also produced by the body itself. It helps to form a coherent cell membrane and facilitates the movement of fluids inside and outside the cell. Sources of lecithin include eggs, soy products (tofu, soy milk, etc.), potatoes, cauliflower, spinach, and tomatoes.

Essential fatty acids (especially omega-3 fatty acids) help reduce tissue damage and inflammation. They also provide a sufficient amount of fluid in the cells and therefore are very important in the fight against cellulite. The best source of omega-3 fatty acids is fatty fish (such as herring, salmon, etc.), and walnuts and flax seeds, hemp and chia are also worth adding to your diet.

Proteins and essential amino acids that support collagen and elastane production in connective tissue are found in turkey and chicken, fish and eggs.

Vegetable protein sources include healthy green leafy vegetables and nuts.

Antioxidant-rich foods help stop free radical damage. Free radicals weaken the tissue under the skin, resulting in visible lumps and dents on the skin. The best antioxidants for skin are polyphenols, vitamins A, C, and E, and bioflavonoids. These are apples, kiwi, mango, strawberry, raspberry, pomegranate, pear, blueberry, cherry, blackberry and citrus. They are good for the digestive system, neutralize toxins and restore the pH level of the skin. Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins A and C, and dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E, which provide protection against free radicals.

Antioxidants are most effective from natural foods rather than supplements. Therefore, summer, when there are a lot of fresh berries, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, is the ideal time for a refreshing meal that will protect against the appearance of cellulite.

First Signs of Cellulite – Cellulite Test

To find out if you have an initial stage of cellulite or not, do an elementary test. To do this, squeeze the skin of the thigh with both hands and see if the skin has a characteristic “Orange peel”… If – yes, then you have an initial stage of cellulite, when the development of this process can be stopped by proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity.

If a sign of cellulite – “orange peel” – is present on the skin even without any compression, then you already have an advanced stage of cellulite. The first thing to do:

  1. Change your lifestyle (quit smoking, play sports, sleep well);
  2. Take a course of therapeutic massage, and at home use a contrast shower using a massage brush.
  3. Buy proven beauty products to fight cellulite or make them yourself: add 5-6 drops of pine essential oils to sea salt. Massage problem areas of the skin with this “scrub”.
  4. Take aroma baths. It is enough to add a few drops of citrus or tea tree essential oil to the bath each time and after a while you will notice how your skin rejuvenates.
  5. Fight depression, bad moods, and stress. Scientists have already proven a close relationship between the state of the immune system and the condition of the skin. Many celebrities practice yoga to relieve stress. Find your own way to relieve emotional stress.

As you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to fight it for a long time and exhaustingly. Therefore, women, do not wait for the sad consequences of cellulite! Love yourself and take care of yourself today.

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