
Which baby washing powder is better – 12 best baby washing powders

With the birth of a baby, parents have many new questions: is it worth using diapers, what to wear the baby and how to wash his clothes. And such a seemingly simple item as washing powder can be fraught with many dangers, because prolonged use of some powders can be hazardous to health.

Rating of baby powders

See also: Choosing a baby washing powder for newborns correctly!

The harm of washing powders for children

The skin is the body’s barrier that does not allow hazardous substances to pass through. But in babies, this barrier is not strong enough. Therefore, the choice of powder for children’s clothing should be approached very responsibly.


Detergents remaining in the fibers of the tissues, with prolonged contact with the skin, can pass into the bloodstream and poison the small organism from the inside.

  • Aggressive synthetics can cause allergies, in the form of rashes or even atopic dermatitis. This is the most common problem for parents.
  • There are known cases of babies having problems with human natural filters – liver and kidneys
  • There may be metabolic disorders.

The consequences of using hazardous household chemicals cannot but alert parents. Therefore, all moms and dads of the world are involved in the process of finding the best powder for children.

Rating of children’s washing powders

Washing powders should not only be safe, but also effective. After all, there are a lot of stains and dirt on children’s things. An infant stains diapers, an older toddler spots fruit puree, a baby walker collects grass and dirt on the street.

The safest are considered children’s brands

Such firms produce goods only for babies.

See also: Children’s fabric softeners – what do modern mothers choose?

  1. Concentrated product “Our Mom”. It is a hypoallergenic product additionally enriched with silver ions. Despite the fact that this is not a powder, but a liquid – a concentrate, it is it that is recognized by many parents as the best remedy. Our Mom has antibacterial and disinfectant properties.
    Rating of baby powders
    Contains decoctions of chamomile and string, therefore it can be used even for hypersensitive skin of newborns. Mothers recommend this concentrate because it does not cause allergies in babies, does not dry out the skin of the hands during hand washing and effectively removes dirt in the machine – an automatic machine. The cost of such a tool is about 350 rubles.… Considering that this is a concentrated substance that will last twice as long as a regular powder, its price is more than acceptable.
  2. Washing powder “Mir Detstva”. It is made from natural baby soap, that’s why it is indicated on the package – soap powder. It does not cause allergies. Indeed, in the composition of this product there are no synthetic components – dyes, fragrances and unnatural detergents. Mir Detstva perfectly copes with the spots characteristic of newborns.
    Rating of baby powders
    But dirt like grass and orange juice is unlikely to wash away. Therefore, it is highly recommended only for parents of babies. By the way, soap powder “Mir Detstva” is suitable for soaking diapers. It has antibacterial properties and does not irritate the skin of the hands when washing. Its only drawback, which is characteristic of all soap products, is difficult rinsing. Therefore, when washing in an automatic machine, set the super rinse mode. The price of the tool – about 140 rubles for 400 grams.
  3. Washing powder “Aistenok” Is a really good remedy. Many are alarmed by the faded packaging and the hand-drawn Soviets-style bird, but don’t let that bother you. “Aistenka” is chosen by most of the parents. It does an excellent job of not only removing typical baby stains, but also traces of starch, milk, grass, fruit, sweat and other stains.
    Rating of baby powders
    It is this versatility that moms love so much. In addition, the powder is hypoallergenic. The aloe vera extract in its composition has a softening effect and acts as a conditioner. The linen after washing with Aistencom is soft, delicate, does not smell like powder and retains its original properties. The only drawback is that wool and silk cannot be washed with this powder. The price of packing such a powder is 50-60 rubles. for 400g.
  4. “Tide” for children. The manufacturer claims that the powder was formulated specifically for sensitive and baby skin. This is probably why there are additives here: chamomile extract and aloe vera. But such a remedy is not suitable for newborns. And confirmation of this is the numerous complaints of parents who say that from “Tide” babies are covered with a rash.
    Rating of baby powders
    But this powder is suitable for removing stains set by a two-year-old. And also “Tide” protects the washing machine from scale. Children’s Tide is not suitable for wool and silk. Packing Tide 3.1 kg costs 300 rubles
  5. Eared nanny – a brand that produces only children’s chemistry. The paradox is that their products cause allergies in children. Therefore, we do not recommend this powder for infants and toddlers with allergies. However, “Eared Nanny” copes remarkably well with any dirt.
    Easily rinsed out of the fabric and does not damage its structure, even with frequent washing. This powder washes things well even at low temperatures – 35⁰С. That allows you to keep the original quality of things for as long as possible. The price of the package “Eared Nanny” 2.4 kg – 240 rubles
  6. “Myth for children Gentle freshness.” This product contains mild synthetic detergent components, as well as enzymes, optical brightener and fragrance. Therefore, it can theoretically cause allergies.
    Rating of baby powders
    Another disadvantage of Myth is that it is not designed for wool and silk. But he washes white linen well. Packing of children’s “Myth” 400 gr. costs 36 rubles.
  7. Children’s powder “Karapuz”. The packaging says that it is suitable even for newborns, but experience of use suggests otherwise. Despite the fact that the composition of “Karapuz” is a soap base, even a dry powder with a fine suspension in the air causes sneezing, coughing and a terrible itching in the nasopharynx.
    Rating of baby powders
    It is not suitable for hand washing. Numerous reviews indicate that after wearing things washed by “Karapuz”, children develop allergies. Therefore, this tool is in the very last place in our rating. The price of this powder is about 40 rubles per 400 grams.

The delicate skin of children needs delicate handling. Therefore, not only the nature of the fabrics from which the diapers and undershirts are sewn is important, but also the detergents with which you will wash them.

See also: Natural and safe detergents for washing and bleaching baby clothes

Take care of the health of your little ones!

What detergents do you use for washing children’s clothes? Share your experience in the comments below!

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