
which man is bored with you?

If you want to know for sure how the interlocutor treats you, pay attention to his gestures and facial expressions. This is the same hidden language that is not spoken by words. And if you understood and knew how to decipher such a language, you would know much more about those around you and what they really think about you.

However, it is not necessary to be an expert in the knowledge of body language in order to properly build dialogue and communication in general. Just observation is enough.

Today we invite you to take a small test that will help you find out how well you understand people and their attitude towards you.

Take a look at this picture. Which of these three men do you think is frankly bored with you?

Take your time with an answer. Study each man carefully!

Psychological test: which man is bored with you?  Check if you know body language well
Colady illustration by Lara Lauren

Which man did you choose?

  • No. 3 (45%, 224 Votes)
  • # 2 (38%, 188 Votes)
  • # 1 (17%, 82 Votes)

Total Votes: 494

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Psychological test: which man is bored with you?  Check if you know body language well

This is the third man, and you are clearly tired of you. He props his cheek with his fist, one of the most eloquent signals that he’s bored according to body language science.

Also, pay attention to other gestures and signals that may indicate that your interlocutor is not interested in the current conversation or in communicating with you at all:

  1. He often glances at his watch or phone.
  2. He makes a variety of small movements (for example, straightens the details of clothing or plays with a pen).
  3. He taps his toes on the table or taps his foot lightly (but not very quickly, since a more active tapping or tapping pace indicates anxiety or impatience).
  4. He looks around, as if inspecting and studying what is happening around him.
  5. So the next time you are talking to someone you are interested in, be sure to watch their gestures and movements to make sure they are not bored with you.

Have you guessed the correct option? Let us know in the comments!

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