Why is gardnerellosis dangerous for men and women?
This record was checked by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, ultrasound specialist Sikirina Olga Iosifovna…
One of the most mysterious STDs is gardnerellosis. Some doctors, upon discovering this infection, begin to immediately feed their patients with antibiotics, others – condescendingly smile with the words “a matter of everyday life.” Therefore, many are lost in the question of whether this disease is dangerous or not. Today we decided to help you understand this issue.
The content of the article:
What is gardnerellosis? Features of the disease, ways of infection
Gardenerllosis is one of the most common female genital diseases. It is characterized by the replacement of the normal microflora of the vagina with opportunistic microorganisms Gardnerella vaginalis. In men, this disease is quite rare, since their mucous membrane has such a structure and flora in which these organisms cannot colonize.
For a long time, doctors attributed this disease to sexually transmitted diseases, but recently scientists have found that gardnerellosis is much more harmless, since in small quantities these microorganisms belong to the normal microflora of the vagina. But if their number increases sharply, doctors diagnose gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis.
Changes in the normal microflora of the vagina occur for the following reasons:
- Promiscuous sex – frequent change of partners;
- Hormonal and physiological changes: puberty, menopause, pregnancy;
- Independent antibacterial treatment long term;
- Surgical operations on the pelvic organs;
- Frequent use of personal care products (for example, panty liners, tampons);
- Using an intrauterine device more than the due date;
- Disruption of the menstrual cycle;
- Decreased local and general immunity etc.
This infection can be contracted through sexual contact, through traditional intercourse, oral-genital or anal-genital contact. Today, vertical and household transmission methods are suspect, but their likelihood has not yet been fully refuted.
Comments of a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, ultrasound specialist Olga Iosifovna Sikirina:
Gardnerellosis is an intracellular infection, so leukocytes and antibodies “do not see” it. That is, the disease does not seem to exist – but, in fact, it does exist.
And what a complete replacement of lactobacilli, the normal microflora of the vagina, with polymicrobial associations, with pathogenic microbes. And at the same time – a normal number of leukocytes in a smear, they cannot work against their own cells containing gardnerella.
Therefore, a local antibacterial drug is needed, with antifungal sequential treatment and restoration of the vaginal microflora (lactobacilli) against the background of a general strengthening of the immune system.
Gardnerellosis has expanded against the background of general immunodeficiency, characteristic of the transition from autumn to another fall instead of winter.
Gardnerellosis has two forms of flow:
- Asymptomatic – the infection was detected during the delivery of laboratory tests and does not have any clinical manifestations;
- With severe clinical symptoms – unusual discharge, discomfort in the genitals, etc.
The incubation period of this disease is 6-10 days., but sometimes it can drag on for several weeks. If this infection is difficult to treat, then it can hide behind more serious diseases, for example, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with gardnerellosis, undergo a full examination for sexually transmitted diseases.
Symptoms of gardnerellosis
Among women bacterial vaginosis has the following characteristic symptoms:
- Vulvar burning, itching and irritation;
- Unusual vaginal discharge, yellow, grayish or whitish in color with an unpleasant odor;
- The discomfort during intercourse.
Gardnerellosis can provoke inflammation in the vagina, but this happens quite rarely, since the number of leukocytes during this disease decreases significantly.
In men gardnerellosis is asymptomatic, sometimes it can cause itching in the urethra, burning while urinating.
What is the danger of gardnerellosis for men and women?
Despite the fact that gardnerellosis is not a sexually transmitted disease, it still requires treatment. If left unaddressed, the infection can cause quite serious complications for both women and men.
Gardnerellosis in women causes the following complications:
- Inflammation of the pelvic organs;
- Urethral syndrome;
- Post-abortion and postpartum endometritis;
- Infertility;
- Intraepithelial cervical neoplasia;
- Bartholinitis or abscess of the Bartholin gland.
Gardnerellosis in men can cause:
- Non-gonococcal urethritis;
- Chronic prostatitis;
- Cystitis;
- Balanoposthitis.
Effective treatment for gardnerellosis
Gardnerellosis is treated in three stages:
- Decrease in quantity gardnerella in the vagina;
- Recovery normal vaginal microflora;
- Enhancement general and local immunity…
At the first stage of treatment, antibiotics are prescribed, inside – metronidazole, clindamycin, and vaginal suppositories… We remind you that self-treatment can cause the infection to become chronic and cause more serious complications. The correct drug can only be selected by a specialist in this field, based on from the test results and the general clinical picture of the patient…
Remember that, as with any other genital infection, the course of treatment must be completed both partners, for this period it is better to abstain from sexual activity or to use barrier contraception.
The price of drugs for the treatment of gardnerellosis
Metronidazole – about 70 rubles;
Clindamycin – 160-170 rubles.
After antibiotic therapy, it is imperative to restore the normal microflora of the vagina. For this suppositories with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as immunomodulators and vitamins…
Gardnerellosis during pregnancy – why treat? The dangers of treating gardnerellosis in pregnant women
Almost every third pregnant woman faces this disease. If you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, there is no need to panic. In no way can this infection harm you or your unborn baby, or during gestation, or during labor.
The only thing to remember is that this disease can become cause of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. During pregnancy, in the vaginal microflora, gardennerella may be the only bacterium, so other microorganisms have the ability to freely enter the body and cause serious complications. Therefore, with such a diagnosis, visits to the gynecologist need to be increased.
It is impossible to completely get rid of this disease during pregnancy. Since antibiotics are strictly prohibited in this state, they use only local procedures: candles, douching etc. For accurate control of the amount of Gardenrella in the body, a pregnant woman should take a smear and bacterial culture for analysis every month.
The Colady.ru website warns: self-medication can harm your health! All the tips presented are for reference, but they should be applied as directed by a doctor!
What do you know about gardnerellosis? Comments from forums
I was diagnosed with this a year ago. There were obvious clinical symptoms. Girls, I want to calm down, there is nothing wrong with that. Most often we arrange it ourselves, for example, very frequent douching.Tanya:
I started having gardnerellosis after taking antibiotics. The doctor prescribed the cream, I don’t remember the name anymore. I injected it all three times, and the infection was gone.Mila:
I developed gardnerellosis after changing my sexual partner (the doctor told me so). We underwent a course of treatment together, we were prescribed injections + pills + vaginal cream. After the end of therapy, we passed the tests, everything is ok. Now we love each other healthy)Ira:
And I developed this infection without any symptoms at all. Only during the annual visit to the gynecologist did it come to light. I drank some pills, put on the candles and everything is fine. There is nothing to worry about here.
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