
10 home remedies for leg fatigue – what to do when your legs get tired?

About tired legs every mother knows firsthand. Work “on your feet”, shopping, running around with the baby – there is no time to even sit down and rest. As a result, by the evening, your legs get tired so that you simply cannot do without emergency help. And with the constancy of such a load on the legs, a violation of the outflow of venous blood and lymph occurs, which leads to more serious problems. If problems such as varicose veins already exist, then you should see a doctor. And we’ll talk about prevention – about recipes for quick relief for tired legs after a hard day.

  • Foot massage. Apply massage oil (cream) to the feet and massage the soles in circular movements, from the heels to the tips of the toes and back. For each foot – at least 10 minutes. Next, we massage the legs with our palms from the ankles to the knees. Then we bend / unbend the toes. After the massage, we get up on the floor and climb on our toes several times – as high as possible. If there is a mention of dilated veins in your medical record, then we consult with a doctor – he will tell you which massage is contraindicated and which one is most useful.

tired legs

  • Contrasting water treatments. We put two basins next to each other: in one – hot water (39-30 degrees), in the other – cool. We lower the legs alternately – in one basin (for 10 seconds), then in another. We repeat about 20 times and finish the procedure on a basin of cold water. Next, we rub the legs with a towel and grease with a special cream. The procedure is not recommended if you have kidney problems.

tired legs

  • A bike. Good old exercise. We lie on our backs, raise our legs up, stretch our arms to the sides and “turn the pedals”. Exercise will not only help relieve fatigue of the legs, but will also be beneficial for the capillaries and blood circulation. After exercise – foot bath or massage for complete happiness.

tired legs

  • Ice from herbs. Ice, of course, needs to be prepared in advance. We brew the medicinal herb (sage leaves, mountain arnica, yarrow and dyeing umbilical in equal proportions), cool, pour into ice molds. After work, wipe the tired legs with pieces of ice. You can use lemon balm and chamomile.

tired legs

  • Alcohol. An effective and quick remedy is regular alcohol. We take it out of the refrigerator, rub the soles of the feet with alcohol – with high quality, with feeling. It helps pretty quickly. And then – legs up. We lift them up above the head, put them on a convenient roller (the back of the sofa) and rest for 15-20 minutes.

tired legs

  • Walking barefoot. Do not rush to jump in slippers after work – get used to walking barefoot to stimulate the nerve endings in your feet. We buy a special massage mat for the feet and after work we stomp on it for 5-10 minutes. It is, of course, impossible to walk in the apartment on the grass and sand, but the pebble home beach is available to everyone. Pebbles are sold in every fish store. We take only large pebbles. Pour boiling water over the stones, lay them on a towel and walk on the pebbles, massaging the soles of the feet.

tired legs

  • Foot masks. 1 – With blue clay. We dilute with warm water 2 tbsp / l of clay (the consistency of sour cream), apply the mass on the soles of the feet for 25-30 minutes. We wash it off with warm water, do a foot massage, smear the legs with cream and throw them higher for 15 minutes. The mask perfectly relieves fatigue of the legs and treats sweating. 2 – From bananas. We do not regret bananas! Grind the banana in a blender, mix with 50 g of kefir, add corn flour for thickness. First, put the legs in the bath (recipes below) for 15 minutes, then apply the banana mass for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, massage the feet and rest.

tired legs

  • Cabbage leaf and garlic – help relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs… 1 – Roll the cabbage sieves with a rolling pin until the juice is released, put on the feet, fix with bandages for 25-30 minutes. After – a bath or foot massage. 2 – Grind the head of garlic in a blender or on a grater, pour boiling water over the gruel (glass), insist for half an hour or an hour, spread the mixture on the feet. Next – wash off with warm water, lower the legs into a cool herbal bath, massage and sleep.

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  • Essential oil baths. 1 – We put ice cubes (made from herbs in advance) in cool water (in a basin), mix 2 drops of peppermint essential oil with a tablespoon of milk and add to the water, there is also a little lemon juice. We lower the legs into the bath for 10 minutes, after which – massage, cream, rest. 2 – In a bowl of warm water – 3 drops of lavender oil mixed with tbsp / l of sea salt. The procedure is 10 minutes. You can replace lavender oil with fir, juniper, cypress, geranium, lemon or chamomile oil. Remember: the optimal number of drops is 3-4, no more; oil is not added to water in its pure form – only mixed (with sea salt, milk, soda or ordinary vegetable oil). It is not recommended to use during pregnancy.

tired legs

  • Herbal baths. 1 – We brew one of the herbs (horsetail, wormwood, St. John’s wort or a series), insist, cool, add to the bath. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt there. The water temperature is a maximum of 37 degrees. We lower the legs for 15 minutes. 2 – For the broth, choose linden blossom and chamomile, 2 tbsp / l. Add st / l honey. The procedure is 15 minutes. 3 – For the broth – mint and nettle (1 tbsp / l), we insist for 10 minutes, for the procedure – 20 minutes. 4 – To relieve leg swelling, fatigue and pain, we brew mountain ash, bitter wormwood and calendula (1 tbsp / l per 0.2 l), insist for 10 minutes, 1 tbsp / l of infusion per liter of water in the bath. 5 – We brew a glass of citrus peel (any) in 1.5 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes, cool, add to the bath, lower the legs for 20 minutes.

tired legs

The woman has only one legs. Nobody will give out the others, and there are no spare ones. Therefore, we cherish what nature has given us, and do not forget about comfortable shoes with flexible soles. It is also recommended to change the height of the shoes 5-6 times during the day – barefoot, slippers, low-heeled shoes, slippers again, barefoot again, etc.

tired legs

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