
15 best love books that will 100% make you cry

Valentine’s day, of course, is still far away, but for a book about love, a special day is not needed. Like a hundred years ago, works about love are read avidly, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli, under a cup of tea or coffee. One is looking for answers to his questions in them, the other lacks love in life, and the third simply enjoys the quality of the text, plot and emotions. Your attention – 15 most romantic books about love!

  • Singing in the thorns. The author of the novel (1977): Colin McCullough. A saga about 3 generations of one Australian family. About people who had to experience a lot so that life would endow them with happiness, about love for their land, about a choice that once confronts each of us. The main characters of the book are Maggie, modest, gentle and proud, and Ralph, the priest, torn between Maggie and God. A devout Catholic who carried love for a girl through his whole life. Are they destined to be together? And what will happen to the bird that sings on the blackthorn?

singing in the blackthorn

  • Loneliness on the net. The author of the novel (2001): Janusz Leon Vishnevsky. This novel became a real bestseller in Russia, plunging readers into a life that is understandable to many modern singles who while away their days on the Web. The main characters fall in love with each other through … ICQ. In the virtual world, they meet, experience, communicate, exchange erotic fantasies, study each other. They are alone in reality and are already practically inseparable on the Internet. One day they will meet in Paris …

loneliness on the net

  • A time to live and a time to die. Author of the novel (1954): Erich Maria Remarque. One of the most powerful books of Remarque, along with the work “Three Comrades”. The theme of war is closely intertwined with the theme of love. The year is 1944, the German troops are retreating. Ernst, having received leave, leaves for home, but Verdun is turned into ruins by bombing. While looking for his parents, Ernst accidentally meets Elizabeth, with whom they become close, hiding from air raids in a bomb shelter. War separates young people again – Ernst must return to the front. Will they be able to see each other again?

time to live and die

  • PS I love you. Author of the novel (2006): Cecilia Ahern. This is a story about a love that has become stronger than death. Holly loses her beloved spouse and becomes depressed. She does not have the strength to communicate with people, and even to leave the house there is no desire. A package of letters from her husband that arrived unexpectedly in the mail completely turns her life upside down. Every month she opens one letter and clearly follows his instructions – this is the wish of her husband, who knew about his imminent death …

I love you

  • Gone With the Wind. Author of the novel (1936): Margaret Mitchell. A highly social, engaging book set during the American Civil War. A work about love and loyalty, about war and betrayal, ambition and military hysteria, about a strong woman who nothing can break.

gone With the Wind

  • Diary. Author of the novel (1996): Nicholas Sparks. They are just like us. And their love story is completely ordinary, of which thousands happen around us. But it’s impossible to tear yourself away from this book. They say the stronger the love, the more tragic the ending will be. Will the heroes be able to preserve their happiness?


  • Wuthering Heights. Author of the novel (1847): Emily Bronte. A mystery book about violent passion, the vibrant life of the English province, about vices and prejudices, secret love and forbidden attraction, about happiness and tragedy. A novel that has been in the top ten for over 150 years.

Wuthering Heights

  • The English patient. The author of the novel (1992): Michael Ondaatje. A subtle psychologically verified work about 4 distorted destinies at the end of the 2nd World War. And a charred, nameless person who has become both a challenge and a mystery for everyone. Several destinies are closely intertwined in a villa in Florence – masks are thrown off, souls are exposed, tired of losses …

english patient

  • Doktor Zhivago. The author of the novel (1957): Boris Pasternak. The novel is about the fate of a generation that witnessed the Civil War in Russia, the revolution, the tsar’s abdication. They entered the 20th century with hopes that were not destined to come true …

Doctor Zhivago

  • Sense and Sense. Author of the novel (1811): Jane Austen. For over 200 years, this book has left readers in a light trance state, thanks to the amazingly beautiful language, heartfelt drama and the author’s inherent sense of humor. Filmed several times.

mind and senses

  • The Great Gatsby. Author of the novel (1925): Francis Scott Fitzgerald. 20s of 20th century, New York. The chaos of World War I was followed by a period of rapid development of the American economy. Crime is also booming and millions of bootleggers are multiplying. The book is about love, unlimited materialism, lack of morality and the wealthy of the 20s.

The Great Gatsby

  • Great expectations. Author of the novel (1860): Charles Dickens. One of the most widely read books by the author. An almost detective story, a bit of mysticism and humor, a thick layer of morality and fantastically beautiful language. The little boy Pip in the course of the story turns into a man – along with his appearance, his spiritual world, his character, outlook on life change. The book is about dashed hopes, about unrequited love for the heartless Estella, about the spiritual revival of the hero.

great expectations

  • Love story. Author of the novel (1970): Eric Segal. A screened bestseller. A chance meeting of a student and a future lawyer, love, life together, dreams of children. Simple plot, no intrigue – life as it is. And the understanding that you need to value this life while heaven gives you …

love story

  • Overnight in Lisbon. Author of the novel (1962): Erich Maria Remarque. Her name is Ruth. They escape from the Nazis and, by the will of fate, find themselves in Lisbon, from where they are trying to get on a steamer to the United States. The stranger is ready to give the protagonist 2 tickets for the same steamer. The condition is to listen to his life story. The book is about sincere love, about cruelty, about the human soul, so subtly displayed by Remarque, as if the plot was copied from real events.

night in lisbon

  • Consuelo. Author of the novel (1843): Georges Sand. The action begins in Italy, in the middle of the 18th century. The daughter of the gypsy Consuelo is a poor girl with a divine voice that will become her happiness and grief at the same time. Youthful love – for the best friend Andzoleto, growing up, experienced betrayal, a contract with the Berlin Theater and a fateful meeting with Count Rudolstadt. Who will prima donna choose? And can anyone awaken the fire in her soul?


Read also: 20 most interesting books, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away

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