
6 Signs You Should Hire an Attorney for Your Divorce

Most marriages don’t last with 40-50% of marriages ending in divorce. That was just for first marriages. The stat lines for second and third marriages are either higher or equal.

Getting a divorce is hard, and it’s even harder if you don’t have a lawyer. This is why you should always hire an attorney if you are going through divorce proceedings.

In this guide, we’ll show you all the signs you should hire an attorney for your divorce. Let’s get started.

1. Complex Legal Issues

If your divorce involves complex legal matters such as child custody disputes, significant assets or debts, business ownership, or spousal support, it’s advisable to hire an attorney.

If you don’t know much about family law in your area, it can be hard to figure out how to handle the legal requirements and processes of a divorce. Getting legal help can make sure you meet all of your legal responsibilities, file the right paperwork, and meet any deadlines set by the court.

Depending on the specifics of the case, each divorce can have its own unique set of problems. By talking to an experienced lawyer, you can get advice and direction that are specific to your case.

2. Communication Breakdown

If you and your partner always end up arguing, this could mean that communication has broken down. Even when people try to talk, they might not be able to reach deals or compromises. This can make it hard to have good conversations and find answers that work for everyone. Misunderstandings can also happen more often.

Using tricks to get what you want or being dishonest during a talk can also be a sign of a communication breakdown. It hurts trust and makes it hard to set up a way to negotiate that is fair and clear. This can be especially bad when working with money or children.

When people can’t talk to each other, they may need a divorce lawyer to act as a referee or go between them. They can help people talk to each other, speak up for your needs, and try to find answers that are fair for both sides.

A lawyer can help you figure out how to talk to your partner in a way that works and make sure that your voice is heard throughout the divorce process.

3. Domestic Violence or Abuse

Domestic violence or abuse is a set of actions that one close partner does over and over again to try to control and dominate the other. It can look like physical, mental, psychological, sexual, or financial abuse, among other things. When a couple is getting a divorce, domestic violence or abuse can have a big effect on the process.

If you have been abused or hurt in your marriage, you need to hire an expert right away. They can help you get a restraining order or orders of protection to make sure you and any children involved are safe.

Your lawyer can file for a divorce based on domestic violence or try to get custody plans that put you and your kids’ safety first.

4. Unequal Knowledge or Resources

In the context of a divorce, “unequal knowledge or resources” means that one partner has a big advantage over the other when it comes to legal knowledge, access to expert advice, or money.

If one spouse knows more about family law, divorce processes, and the law in general, it makes it harder for them to reach an agreement. This can lead to an unfair division of assets, bad plans for spousal support, or bad agreements about child custody.

The divorce process can be greatly affected by how much money each partner has. If one partner has a much higher income, more control over the couple’s assets, or access to a lot of money, they could use this to control or scare the other partner.

By hiring a lawyer, you can bridge the gaps in your knowledge and resources. This lets you make smart choices and negotiate from a strong position.

5. Child Custody and Support Matters

If you have kids, you may have trouble with custody, visitation, or paying child support. A lawyer can help you negotiate and set up a custody plan that protects your rights as a parent and is in the best interest of the kid.

An attorney can make sure that child support is determined correctly, taking into account all important factors and any rules or laws that apply. If your ex-spouse doesn’t pay child support, a lawyer can help you use the law to compel them to pay.

If there are questions about paternity, a lawyer can help prove or dispute paternity through the court system. This can be important when figuring out who gets custody and how much child support to pay

6. Complicated Financial Matters

If you and your partner have a complicated financial situation and many properties or businesses, it can be hard to divide these things. Valuing these assets and figuring out how to divide them takes knowledge of the law and expertise. A lawyer can help make sure that all of your assets are listed, priced, and split in a way that is in your best interests.

During a divorce, it’s not uncommon for one partner to try to hide assets or income. A full investigation, including forensic accounting and asset tracing, is needed to find hidden assets. An experienced lawyer can work with financial experts to find any problems and make sure assets are split fairly.

Divorce involves not only dividing assets but also allocating debts and liabilities accumulated during the marriage. This can include mortgages, loans, credit card debts, tax obligations, or business debts. Determining who is responsible for these debts and ensuring a fair distribution can be complex. An attorney can assist in identifying and valuing the debts and help negotiate a reasonable allocation.

Hire an Attorney for Your Divorce Proceedings

If you’re considering a divorce, hiring an attorney is the most important decision you can make. An experienced attorney can provide essential advice during a difficult process. Don’t wait until it is too late; hire an attorney today to protect your rights and ensure a swift resolution of your case.

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