
Bank Of Nova Scotia King Street Saint John

You can visit The Bank of Nova Scotia – King Street in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. This branch is located at 53 King Street, Main Floor, and is open Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 4:00pm. You can also visit this location during lunchtime. This bank uses the Canadian routing system and has the same hours as most banks. The main branch is located at 63 Queen Street, Saint John.

The routing number of The Bank of Nova Scotia is 000201024. This is a nine-digit number that identifies a branch. It will be XXXX-YYY. It will be three digits starting with 0. This is a unique identifying number for each branch. Whether you are in a hurry to pay for a large bill or just want to cash a check, the routing number will give you the details you need.

If you have questions about the routing number of The Bank of Nova Scotia, call the customer service line. The number will be 800-467-7228. If you are unsure, contact the bank directly. You can also check online or call the branch for more information. A representative will answer your questions. A representative from the Bank of Nova Scotia is available at the Saint John branch.

When you need to make a bank deposit, you can use your bank’s routing number to transfer funds. Your bank’s routing number will be on your check. Your check will be prefixed with the routing number of the Bank of Nova Scotia. Once you know the routing number, you can use it to make online payments. You will find the location of The Halifax branch on the map.

The routing number of the Bank of Nova Scotia is found on the bottom left of your check. This number is a unique identifier of your branch. The routing number of a branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia can be found in your personal file. In case you do not have the routing number, you can look up the address of the branch. The phone number will be displayed on your check.

The routing number of the Bank of Nova Scotia can be easily found by checking your checks. It is usually written in a five-digit format and consists of a three-character bank code followed by four-digits. The first four characters will be 0YYYYYYYY. This will identify the branch and the institution. It is very important to use this number when sending or receiving money.

The routing number of the Bank of Nova Scotia King Street Saint John is 000210314. It is a unique identification of your branch. You can identify this number by using your check’s unique transit number. This transit number is located on the lower left corner of the check. In order to make your payment at the bank of Nova Scotia, you can use the routing number of the Saint John branch.

The routing number is a nine-digit number used to identify the bank and branch. A paper transaction routing number is in XXXXX-YYYYYY format and comprises the three-digit financial institution’s name. The electronic payment routing number is in 9-digit format and starts with 002. The unique transit number of the Bank of Nova Scotia is the same as the one for other branches.

The Bank of Nova Scotia King Street Saint John has a routing number of 000000024. This identifies the bank and branch. This institution has a six-digit Transit Number. The ten-digit Transit Number is also used to identify the branch. It is the most common method for transferring money to and from a bank in Canada. However, there are also many other options available.

The Bank of Nova Scotia has many branches throughout the province. In Saint John, the branch is located at 39 King Street. The Halifax headquarters is located in the Brunswick Square Shopping Centre. It is a popular shopping center in the city. The branch of this bank is located in the city’s downtown area. If you’re in town, you can visit this bank by taking the highway and navigating the mall.

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