
Father’s Day Sermon By John Macarthur

If you’re looking for a father’s day sermon that is rich in wisdom and Christian principles, consider the following sermon by John MacArthur. In this message, he focuses on the importance of teaching the fear of God to your children and guarding the mind of your son. Throughout the book of Proverbs, we learn about the role of a father, the primary role of which is to teach the importance of a good heart and how to raise good sons and daughters.

It’s up to you to teach your son to revere his parents and guard their mind. The devil has the power to fill a man’s mouth with filth, and he can teach his son to love only himself. That’s why he insists on the phrase “hear, my son, your father’s instruction.” It’s a powerful message, and it should be the theme of your father’s day sermon.

In order to teach your son to honor his father, he must guard his mind. His mind governs his conduct. That’s why he repeats, “hear, my son, my instruction.” Your son’s soul will not be able to obey you if he doesn’t respect you. He must learn from his father how to respect his parents. He will follow his father’s wishes no matter how difficult it is.

A father’s instruction is vital, but much of it is trivial. Many fathers encourage their sons to be friends, go places with them, and enjoy their son’s company. This doesn’t help them in the long run. Instead, they’re only teaching their children to behave in ways that will benefit themselves and their children. If they do, they’ll be the perfect Christian dads.

As a father, it’s critical to impart the principles in God’s manual to your son. This can be done by being a good example. The best way to do this is to follow his lead. You must listen to your son and give him time. If he asks for your input, he’ll be grateful. If you want your son to respect you, he’ll take his advice.

The truth is that a father must teach his son to obey his wife. He must teach his son to love his neighbor. In his words, he must teach his son to obey his mother. He should also teach his son to respect his parents. He must be an example of righteousness and integrity to his daughter. Moreover, a good father will be an example to his children. He should encourage his son to obey the rules.

In addition to teaching his son to obey his parents, fathers must also teach his son to fear God. It is important for fathers to guard the mind because it determines behavior. He must also teach his son to respect his wife and his authority. He must be a good example. A good father should be a great role model for his son. By following God’s principles, a father will be a good role model.

In today’s world, most fathers are encouraged to be friends with their sons and listen to their opinions. They are told to play sports and go on trips with their sons. They are taught to listen to their parents but ignore their needs. Their role in the family is to listen to their children. Likewise, they must be willing to obey their parents. And they should respect their authority.

Whether a father is a man, a woman, or a child, he must always be available. He must be available for his children’s needs. He must be a source of motivation and inspiration. A father is a good role model for their children. Nevertheless, he should be a great example of a good example. The best parents have exemplary sons who are happy and devoted parents.

As a father, you must always remember that everything you do is a reflection of the things you think. This means that you should never present yourself as the ultimate authority. Your role is to be a model and a guide for your son. And a good father should be a good role model for his children. It can inspire your kids to work hard and grow in virtue. Your son will thank you later for their efforts.

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