
Healthy summer at the dacha – how to equip a dacha sports corner for a child?

detskij_ugolok_na_dacheThe long-awaited summer has already come into its own, and the townspeople were drawn in endless streams to their favorite summer cottages. There, where you can fry kebabs, feed mosquitoes, crackle strawberries from your own garden and, of course, fully walk your children tired of school and kindergartens.

Moreover, the comfort of the latter is the most important thing.

The content of the article:

Choosing the right place for a sports and play corner for children

So that children do not wander aimlessly between raspberry bushes and, moreover, do not “hang” from morning till night in fashionable gadgets, modern parents make sports grounds on the sites.

Someone has enough funds to purchase ready-made gaming / sports complexes, someone makes them with their own hands – it doesn’t matter. It is important to foresee every little thing, because the safety and mood of the child depends on these little things.

So, what should you foresee before you start creating a sports and gaming complex for your child?

  • Choosing a safe area. The site should be as far away as possible from any hazardous objects – wells, reservoirs, thorny plantations, storage areas for building materials / tools, electrical cables, etc. Naturally, there should be no holes or protruding fittings on the ground. In the absence of such a site, you should enclose the space for the site using a special mesh or fence.
  • Visibility. The site should be located on the side of the house in which the mother (father, grandmother) spends the most time. She must see the child from a window in any part of the playground (if the child is already so big that he can be left alone on the playground).
  • The presence of a shadow. At least 40 percent of the site must be in shade. If there are no trees on the site, and the shadow from the building does not fall in this direction during the day, then take care of creating a canopy or a safe gazebo.
  • Site coverage. Of course, soft grass is great. But if there is not enough time and money for high-quality wear-resistant lawn grass, then you can use a crumb rubber coating. Of course, concrete pavements, stone paths and other “delights” on the playground are unacceptable. Before covering, you should remove bumps, level holes, remove driftwood, stones and weeds.
  • Each play equipment support must be buried in the ground at least 0.5 meters and (this is recommended) concreted. The fastening of all equipment should be so reliable that you do not worry that the swing will come off, the gate of the house will break or the slide will fall apart.
  • When creating a swing, keep the safety zones in mind: be sure to leave a space of 2 m on either side of the equipment.
  • Wood hardware needs to be more than just polished, but also covered with varnish or non-toxic paint, so that the child does not pick up, play, skid, cut or scratch.
  • Take a close look at the site – whether there are nettles, thorns, poisonous plants on it.
  • The size of the site. For crumbs under 7 years old, 8 sq / m is quite enough. For older children, you will need a larger plot – 13-15 sq / m.

Play equipment for a playground in the country – what do you need?

When choosing play equipment, be guided by age.

The platform “for growth” is, of course, convenient, but a baby 1-2 years old does not need bars with rings, high towers and ropes. And children over 8-9 years old no longer need sandboxes, chambers and trains.

What equipment may be needed to set up a gaming complex?

  • Portable platform. This option is for the little ones. If your child is just taking the first steps and spends most of the time in the sandbox, then the site can simply be taken out into the street and brought home at night. For example, an inflatable mini-pool, except for its intended purpose, can be used as a sandbox. Today there are many models of such pools with inflatable canopies. Instead of houses and huts, you can use a folding tent.
  • Trampoline. If you decide to purchase a serious high-quality trampoline, then get ready for the fact that children will spend most of their time on it. And, accordingly, take care of the security issue in advance. The walls of the trampoline must be so strong, high and soft that the child, jumping and falling, does not hit or break his legs / arms. Babies can only be allowed on the trampoline in the presence of adults.
  • Sandbox. Mandatory playground attribute for all toddlers under 7-9 years old. Although in their own sandbox, older guys (and even some dads) can get carried away, for example, building sand castles. Sandbox sides can be made from wooden hemp, timber or car tires. The recommended depth of the sandbox is 25-30 cm. It is advisable to immediately think over a “cover” for this equipment so that cats and dogs do not notice your clean sand for their dark deeds.
  • Slide. It all depends on the age of the children. For example, for a baby 2-5 years old, the recommended height is no more than 1.5 m.And for children 6-8 years old – no more than 3.5 m.Mandatory conditions: wide steps without large gaps and with an anti-slip coating, strong handrails, sides on the descent, fenced with a railing and a spacious upper platform. As for the material for the slide (descent) itself, it is better to choose plastic – it does not rust, is easy to clean and does not heat up as much as metal in the heat. The best children’s swings and slides – we select by age!
  • Swing. First of all, we are looking for a spacious area for strong rocking. A rope swing on a tree is not suitable for toddlers (there is a high probability of falling), but for older children it is the easiest and least expensive option. The swing hammock is suitable for babies (under the supervision of a mother) and even adults. A boat swing is only for older children with well-developed coordination and vestibular apparatus. The depth of digging in the racks for the swing is about 0.9 m. Moreover, the holes are necessarily filled with gravel and concreted.
  • Garden house or hut. For toddlers, the playhouse should be on the ground. A ladder can be made, but not high and with wide steps (and railings, of course). You can add a plastic slide when leaving the house, but also not high (taking into account the risk of the child falling). For older children, the tower can be made even higher by adding several options for climbing into it – ropes, “rock climbing”, stairs, slide, etc. If possible, the house can be built even on a tree, but providing for all the nuances of safety.
  • Sports complex. It can be arranged as separate elements or combined with a house (or other structure). Rings and ropes, horizontal bars, and parallel bars are usually used as power shells.
  • Basketball rack. A very necessary projectile on the site, especially if there are boys in the family who do not part with the ball. It is recommended to install such a stand at the edge of the platform. Do not forget to leave a free space of 3-4 m in diameter near it.
  • Punching bag or darts. Better yet, all at once. There is nothing better than a playground where you can try everything! If space permits, you can roll out a ping-pong table onto the playground – children adore it (today there are many models on sale that fold compactly and easily roll into the shed).

The rest depends only on the imagination of the parents.

And – remember: first of all – safety!

Photos of the best sports corners for children in the country – see ideas!

How to build a sports corner for children in the country
Children’s corner made of old tires
Play corner for children in the country
The idea of ​​storing toys and sports equipment in the country
House for a children's corner in the country
House for a children’s corner in the country
How to build a sports corner for children in the country
Sports and play corner for garden and summer cottages
How to build a sports corner for children in the country
Children’s play corner in the country with plastic equipment
How to build a sports corner for children in the country
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Sports play corner for children in the country – do it yourself from wood
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