
How and what can you drip into the ears of a child with otitis media – the rules for instilling into the ears of a newborn and children over

Algorithm for instillation in the ears of children of different agesAccording to medical statistics, every toddler under the age of 1 year is found with otitis media.

The disease can be quite difficult, and often – with consequences, so every mother should know the basic rules for instilling medicine in the ears of her child with otitis media.

The content of the article:

  1. When and what should you drip into your child’s ears?
  2. What should a newborn not do?
  3. Algorithm for instillation in the ears of children of different ages
  4. Do I need to close my ears after drops?

In what situations is it necessary to drip into the ears of a child, and what can be dripped to a newborn and older children?

Mothers often encounter various ear problems in babies for the first time in the first year of their motherhood.

Drops in the ears are prescribed, of course, not in every case.

The main situations in which they may be needed include …

  • Mechanical trauma to the ear. As a rule, most often they occur with the illiterate use of cotton swabs, as well as in cases where the little one, left unattended for some time, has managed to push a toy into the ear canal.
  • ENT infections, which include sinusitis and sinusitis, etc.… This also includes complications caused by ENT infection. For example, partial hearing loss.
  • Otitis. It is medium and internal, external, as well as purulent. All drugs that can be used for instillation in the ears are not universal and should be selected by a specialist. In addition, given the tender age of the baby, self-medication is strongly discouraged
  • Formation of sulfur plugs or their illiterate removal without the help of a specialist. How to properly clean the ears of newborns and older children?
  • Removal of adenoids and sinusitis with rhinitis.

What does the doctor usually prescribe for instillation in a newborn’s ears with otitis media?

Of the most popular drugs, it can be noted …

  • Otipax. These anti-inflammatory drops are often used to treat infants. They eliminate the pain of otitis media. The composition contains lidocaine.
  • Sofradex. They are dripped for eye and ear infections. The composition contains powerful antibacterial components, the main of which is dexamethasone. These drops are prescribed with caution due to the serious consequences of an overdose.
  • Garazon. Prescribed for babies over 6 years old for anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect when removing sulfur plugs or cleaning the ear canals.
  • Otofa. The composition of this drug contains revamycin, a component that is indicated in the treatment of a damaged tympanic membrane. In addition, the drug is prescribed for inflammation of the middle ear caused by a viral infection, as well as for the destruction of dead cells and sulfur plugs.

It is important to understand that self-prescription of drugs, especially for infants (!), Is dangerous with consequences! For any ear problems in the baby, it is recommended immediately contact the ENT, who himself will choose and prescribe the correct treatment.
How to drip into the ears of a newborn and an older child?

“Ear” problems in a newborn – what is absolutely forbidden to do?

  • Bury the means from the “home first aid kit” into the ears (like vegetable oil and alcohol, as well as vinegar and peroxide) at the slightest suspicion of a ruptured eardrum.
  • Clean the ears of the crumbs with cotton swabs. It is worth noting that it is impossible to remove sulfur with a cotton swab – it is only pushed even deeper into the auditory canal.
  • Dripping vasoconstrictor drops toddlers up to 1 year.
  • Drip any ear drops without a doctor’s prescription. In general, ear drops for such young children are simply prohibited for use and are prescribed only in extreme cases and only by a doctor.
  • Warm your ears with compresses without a doctor’s prescription. Moreover, if the type of otitis media is not determined (with a mild form, a compress can help, but with, for example, purulent, it will greatly harm).
  • Use boric alcohol for otitis media. This highly toxic preparation severely dries the skin in the ear canal and causes irritation, which increases pain and causes itching and plugs of exfoliated skin cells. In addition, in babies under 1 year old, this drug can cause seizures and problems with the excretion of the drug by the renal system.
  • Remove sulfur plugs yourself.
  • Use medical (and other) alcohol for treatment. By the way, it is not recommended to use it (like boric one) until the age of 15.
  • Bury any drugs and remedies if you suspect an impaired integrity of the tympanic membrane. A symptom of this will be fluid leaking from the ear. Naturally, it is simply impossible to determine the rupture of the membrane on your own, so a visit to the ENT is mandatory! Through the damaged area, the drug can enter the middle ear, which subsequently leads to hearing impairment.
  • Eye drops drip into the ears.

Algorithm for instilling drops in the ears of children of different ages – video how to properly drip into the ears of a child

Whatever the drops are, first of all, it is a medicine. That is, their choice should be carried out exclusively by a specialist, as mentioned above.

If the ENT has already prescribed a drug for you after examining the child and instructed on the rules for their use, then it remains only to read the instructions – how exactly to bury drops in the ears of a newborn or an older child:

  1. If your preparation did not come with a dropper cap, it is recommended to purchase a pipette… Naturally, you should not use a pipette for other medications – the instrument must be absolutely sterile, especially if you will drip the medicine to a newborn whose protective resources of the body are still too small. Therefore, we put the pipette in a container and pour it over with boiling water (even one that has just been bought at the pharmacy!).
  2. Now we wash our hands and prepare balls of sterile cotton.
  3. Preparing the drug – it must correspond to body temperature (do not drip cold!). If the drug is in an ampoule, hold it in warm hands to warm it up. Do not forget to check the integrity of the package when opening the drug and its expiration date.
  4. Piping the drug into a pipette, do not overdo it – you just need to draw a few drops (strictly according to the doctor’s prescription!). Picking up a full pipette, you run the risk of dripping more than what your doctor tells you to do.
  5. We put the baby on the side so that the sore ear is on top. How to properly drip into the ear of a childAn older child can be buried in a sitting position – he only needs to lower his head slightly to his shoulder.
  6. We take a pipette with the collected preparation – and, slightly pulling the auricle with the left hand down and back (for babies) or up and back (for older children), we drip the prescribed number of drops into the ear canal.
  7. Now you gotta hold the baby in this position for at least 10 minutes.
  8. If otitis media in both ears, then we repeat the procedure for the second ear.


Strictly observe the dosage of the medication! If specialists have prescribed 3 drops, then it is necessary to drip exactly 3, and not 2 or 4. Exceeding the dosage will not accelerate recovery, but will cause side effects. And reducing the dosage simply will not give the desired effect.

It is equally important to observe also a clear procedure time and interval. between instillations.

Video: How to properly bury drops in the ears of a child?

Do I need to close the child’s ears after drops with compresses?

Immediately after instillation of the ears, the auditory canals should be covered cotton ballsto prevent the medicine from leaking out.

The balls do not need to be pushed into the ear canals!

A child has a foreign body in his ear or nose – what to do?

Note for moms:

Many medicines are toxic to babies! Therefore, after burying the ears of your child, you need to monitor any changes in his state of health – whether there is swelling or redness, shortness of breath or itching and burning.

Of course, the baby will not be able to tell that his ears are burning and itching, but from his behavior it will be clear that he is experiencing severe discomfort.

If the condition worsens or if there are signs of an allergy to the medicine, you should immediately consult a doctor.

And what about compresses?

Compresses that are applied to the ears for otitis media or other diseases can be …

  • Dry. This option is used to warm the ear and absorb the fluid leaking out during inflammation. It is also used at the stage of recovery in order to warm up the diseased area of ​​the ear. Often, children are given special “hare” ears made of white cotton fabric with cotton wool inside to keep them warm in case of otitis media.
  • Wet. Such compresses are not put on babies!

Also, they do not put warming compresses for children if there is …

  1. Internal otitis media.
  2. Purulent otitis media.
  3. Complications of otitis media.
  4. Heat.

Remember that any warming compress is a risk of the infection spreading quickly – and, which is extremely dangerous, of pus bursting inside the ear during inflammation.

The website provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible only under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. If you experience alarming symptoms, as well as for recommendations for treatment, contact a specialist!

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