
How to make your husband a millionaire – 10 tips from a psychologist

Every young “princess” dreams of a beautiful, strong and rich wife. And if it is impossible to influence the first and second points (there is already something, that is), then with the third point the situation is completely different. Even if the wind is constantly in your prince’s pockets, you can influence the situation.

Is it possible to make a millionaire out of a spouse? Can! And this is not about leaving the billionaire without pants, but about the fact that it is in your power to change the fate of your spouse and, accordingly, your own.

COLADY will tell you how to make a millionaire out of your husband. You need to know this!

How to Make a Husband a Millionaire – 10 Steps to Help Make a Husband Rich: A Male View of the Topic

How to Make Your Husband a Millionaire - 10 Steps to Make Your Husband Rich
Denis Kuzmin – an expert on corporate emotions

This is an extremely honest look that you will not find in popular magazines.

Did a little research on my friends. They are all married, they are about 40. And they have already earned their first million a long time ago. Someone at the same time changed his wife. I found out how they feel about their wives motivating them to earn money. All 100% were against the term “forced”. No one wants to consider himself a slave who must be forced.

But it turned out a different attitude to the word “motivation”. 75% said that wives are happy with what they have and do not rock the boat of family happiness with additional income. The remaining 25% said that wives sometimes ask for things that they cannot afford now. And it gives me an incentive to take on new projects at work. Only one, after my complaint that my wife is too actively stimulating for additional earnings, said: “How lucky you are that your wife motivates you to earn more. And mine is ready to live on 25 thousand. I seem to want more, but the situation suits everyone and go to spend free energy in the gym“.

What should a woman do to make her husband rich?

First, choose the right husband. And that’s half of the other 10 steps in terms of importance. Let’s be honest. Not everyone is destined to become a millionaire. Moreover, not all men even want this.

How to Make Your Husband a Millionaire - 10 Steps to Make Your Husband Rich
Photo by Pixabay
  1. Accept a position of responsibility that the husband is not a slave. A free person does not owe anyone a millionaire. And he shouldn’t even earn and provide with surpluses. All that a man SHOULD be for his family: to provide housing, food, clothing and everything necessary for a full-fledged existence.
  2. Study the psychology of motivation. Motivation is a motivation for action. And if it is external, then it is perceived as external pressure. If you load the psyche for a long time, then it will tend to avoid this pressure. Some women think that the more motivated they are, the better. But this is not the case. Either the man breaks down under this pressure, or he gains resistance to her. All of these will lead to burnout and emotional health problems.
  3. Develop your sexuality. The strongest energy is sexual energy. Use it for your own purposes. Reinforce the connection between new earnings and a surge in sexual pleasure.
  4. Remove some household chores from your husband so that he can devote more time to work and thinking about how to earn more. Big money is not earned. They are invented.
  5. Provide my husband with a quality recovery after a working day… You can give him a massage, make tea, the main thing is to create an atmosphere of comfort so that he wants to come back to you.
  6. Provide quality nutrition and vitamins… High-quality fuel for the body – more energy. More energy – more opportunities for additional earnings.
  7. Provide quality healthcare… Even a slight deviation in health causes a loss of strength. High responsibility and stress, stress do not affect the body in the best way. If you take care of him, check-ups on time, then a man will work and earn for many decades. What else and will be grateful to you.
  8. Giving your husband emotions… Show admiration so that he wants to keep getting those emotions. Recognition is important to us. There is even a popular wisdom that the secret of family happiness lies with the wife and in her words: ” As you say dear, as you say beloved“.
  9. Show unconditional love that you love him not for money, but for his personality… Then he will invest in taking care of you and the desire to bring a mammoth (crossed out) a million also without restrictions.
  10. Talk about vacations that have not yet been allowed, look closely at cars a class higher or much newer, about clothes that were not allowed before… In other words, gradually increase the level of consumption.

How to make your husband rich – 7 tips from a clinical psychologist: a woman’s perspective on the topic

How to Make Your Husband a Millionaire - 10 Steps to Make Your Husband Rich
Valentina Polyakova – clinical psychologist, hypnotherapist, regressologist, writer
  1. To begin with, choose a man with the potential for wealth: he has life values ​​that he is ready to pay, generates ideas that change his life and the life of his family for the better, is ready to accept big money and take responsibility for growing resources. If your husband has the mindset of a poor man trembling for every penny, then first refer him to a psychologist to remove the poverty program.
  2. To increase the desire to receive more money, it is important to support the husband in his ideas, even if they seem to be nonsense. This has a peculiarity – one “You’re doing fine” few. It is important to maintain the scheme in support: praised – sent to thinking about the implementation of the idea. That is, say something like: “This is great! What are you going to do for this?“. Let him think, do not prompt! If your tongue itches to prompt, say: “What do you think if …? I would like so, what do you say?“. Leave it again, let him think for himself.
  3. So that not only the needs of your husband but also yours and your children fit into the implementation, do not forget to regularly tell your husband: “How great it is that you care and protect us!” Feel free to ask for care and protection little by little more. It is important here not to overdo it with this “more” so that a gradual increase in care is achievable and motivates the man to grow. That is, if the husband’s salary is still within the framework of the Zhiguli, then it is still too early to ask for a Ferrari, but new carpets for the salon or new rubber is the thing.
  4. Do not intrusively emphasize that the main wealth in the family comes from the husband, and you are proud of this. Here, between the lines, put your wishes for the future.
  5. Praise, admire, appreciate, and support your husband. Never work for him or for him. Do not compete with him for ideas and ways of implementation. Let the man consider all the ingenious moves on the path to achieving wealth as his own. And you work to ensure that he feels his family support and comfort in his family. This encourages a man to take care and please his wife and protect children.
  6. Match yourself to the man you would like to be around. Take care of yourself. Your inner and outer state in itself creates excellent motivation for a man.
  7. The internal state of a woman – “my husband is rich and successful“- is a good subconscious suggestion for a man. When this coincides with the inner desires of the man himself, he quickly goes to a new level of himself.


Only a very wise woman can make a husband rich. Be patient, arm yourself with knowledge and remember, dear ladies, that a woman is the main source of inspiration for a man.

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