
John Of The Cross Dark Night Of The Soul Pdf

Dark Night of the Soul is a poem by St. John of the Cross, a 16th-century Spanish mystic. He also wrote two book-length commentaries on the poem, called Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Ascent of the Heart. These are available on the internet for free. This ebook is an easy-to-read translation of the poem. The text is written in plain English, with a readable font.

The “dark night of the soul” is not about general difficulties we face in life. It refers to the necessary purgations that are part of the path to union with God. The first purgation takes place in the spiritual and sensory aspects of the soul, and is an essential part of the mystical journey to union. The poem is often translated as the ‘night of the soul’, though St. John did not use this term himself.

The poem is divided into steps. Each step is explained in successive stanzas, and the overall thesis is the joyful experience of being guided to God. The only light in the poem is the light inside the soul. The poet describes it as being more reliable than the midday sun, guiding the soul to a union with the divine. The poetry is a masterpiece of Catholic spirituality and the mystical experience of a lifetime.

The poem is structured as a poem with various stages. These steps are explained line by line in subsequent stanzas. The thesis is a joyous experience of being guided to God. Throughout the poem, there is no light outside, but only a spiritual light. The poet uses the term ‘night’ to describe the experience of the darkness as the first step in the mystical journey to union with God.

The poem contains several steps that are related in successive stanzas. The poem’s thesis is the joyful experience of being guided to God. The light in the poem is not the light of mid-day, but rather the light of the soul. It is the light in the soul that is a part of the divine. The poet compares the light of the soul to the midday sun and explains it line by line.

The poet’s work is often cited as a classic example of the Catholic tradition. Many of his works have a mystical significance. He used the phrase ‘dark night’ to describe the purgation of the soul on the path to union with God. It is important to note that this poem is only the second of his four books. It is a classic of the medieval Church.

The poem is structured in several steps that are explained line by line. The main thesis is that the poet was led to God through the dark night of the soul. The only light in the poem was the light of the soul. Moreover, the poem contains other verses that were inspired by the darkness. Andres de la Incarnacion quotes the P. Lucinio de Santa Teresa to emphasize the mystical significance of the poem.

The poem is divided into several parts, each describing a step in a different stanza. The poem concludes with a joyful experience of being guided to God by light. While the only light in the poem is the light in the soul, the author says that it is the light of the soul that guides the soul to the divine union. This is the only light that we see, and it is a source of hope.

The dark night of the soul is a metaphor for the mystical journey of the soul. In this poem, the mystical journey is a long one. It begins with the ‘dark night’ of the soul, and ends with the ‘night’ of God. As the poem unfolds, the meanings of each step can be understood. Its underlying message is to be led to God by the light of the light.

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