
Lose weight on the stomach: tips for a tight core

Losing weight on the stomach only works with regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Lose weight around your stomach, but please don’t risk a flat buttocks or sunken cheeks – that’s probably what many women want in a nutshell. But is that really possible? We got to the bottom of the question.

According to surveys, a third of all Germans are not satisfied with the way their own stomach looks. So it’s no wonder that as many women as men dream of losing fat specifically in this problem area. But we have to play spoilsport right away, because the bitter truth is: It is not possible to lose fat only in selected parts of the body, such as the stomach or thighs, without also losing weight in other parts of the body.

The good news: With targeted exercises and the right diet, it is definitely possible to shape individual areas of the body and lose belly fat – this requires a little patience and discipline, but the dream of a flat, well-formed middle of the body doesn’t have to remain a dream.

Getting rid of belly fat and fighting annoying love handles is not only useful for visual reasons. Any doctor would probably nod in agreement now, because excess fat deposits around the abdominal organs are particularly unhealthy and promote the development of numerous diseases, such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. This is because belly fat is metabolically active. Basically, there are two types of fat tissue in the body, the subcutaneous and the visceral. The former is the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which sits on the buttocks or thighs, for example, and is located under the skin. It keeps us warm and serves our body as an energy store for bad times. While few women enjoy having excess fat on their thighs and hips, it’s far less damaging than belly fat, which is part of visceral fat. It not only accumulates on the surface, but also between the organs and forms messenger substances that affect many areas of the body, for example blood pressure and the release of the hormone insulin, which promotes inflammation. Increased visceral fat is associated with an increased risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, thrombosis, Alzheimer’s and even cancer.

A waist circumference of more than 80 centimeters is considered unhealthy in women – more than 88 centimeters as dangerous. For men, a circumference of over 94 centimeters is considered unhealthy – over 102 centimeters as dangerous.

Men are more prone to belly fat because the hormone testosterone favors abdominal fat distribution – in contrast to female estrogen, which favors the pear shape. Therefore, in many women, the excess fat often sits on the buttocks and thighs. However, this changes in many cases with menopause, when the body produces less estrogen. Then women also tend to gain weight on their stomachs – and this increases their risk of cardiovascular diseases and the like.

Measure waist circumference correctly

  • Stand upright and free your upper body.
  • Place the measuring tape between the lower rib cage and the iliac crest (just above the navel) and lead it around the body in a straight line.
  • At best, always measure at the same time – ideally in the morning.

Whether fat tends to accumulate on the stomach, hips or buttocks depends on different components:

  • genetic predisposition
  • Lack of exercise
  • Unhealthy diet high in carbohydrates, sugar and fat
  • Diseases such as hypothyroidism

We should say goodbye to the idea of ​​only wanting to lose fat from the stomach and look at our body holistically. In plain language this means: A healthy and balanced diet in combination with regular exercise and clever stress management is the key to success. It is only possible to lose body fat with a calorie deficit; problem areas can then be worked on and tightened with targeted exercises. In order to keep motivation as high as possible, you should set small sub-goals – and then proceed step by step. In order to effectively get rid of belly fat, you need to turn the following screws:

  • Nutrition: balanced and high in fiber with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain products, proteins (from organic meat and fish as well as legumes) and healthy fats (olive or linseed oil, avocados, nuts and seeds)
  • Move: regularly and in the fresh air, ideally a combination of strength and endurance sports
  • Stress management: When stressed, the body releases cortisol, which supports the accumulation of belly fat. Therefore, plan regular rest and recovery phases – also for the head. Yoga or meditation can be helpful. You should also make sure you get enough and restful sleep.

Why am i not losing weight?

  • Fewer carbohydrates: Avoid sugar, fast food, bread, pasta and white flour products – eat vegetables, lean meat and fish as well as dairy products – fruit in moderation
  • Don’t snack all the time
  • avoid stress
  • Alcohol only in moderation
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Cooking on my own
  • Regular exercise
  • Variety in the workout to set new muscle stimuli
  • Adhere to regeneration times, because muscles grow during training breaks and not during training
  • Be patient and always set small sub-goals
  • Reward yourself and keep your motivation high

In general, any type of exercise makes sense – as long as you enjoy it and keep at it. Regularity is key to losing belly fat. Train continuously, try out new types of sport and change your movements to set new stimuli for your muscles – a combination of endurance and weight training is ideal. HIIT, a high-intensity interval training, is considered a true fat burner workout. But even with a relaxed jog through the forest, the calorie consumption is boosted properly. The body is then shaped and tightened with targeted strength training. An additional plus: muscles burn more calories than fat even when resting – and thus create the perfect conditions for maintaining the newly achieved weight!

Losing weight quickly and effectively on the stomach also works wonderfully with Hula Hoop Fitness!

Tighten your stomach with targeted exercises

Although it is not possible to lose fat only in individual parts of the body, problem areas can be tightened and shaped with the help of special exercises. Fitness exercises that use the whole body are the best choice. Best examples would be squats, burpees or the plank, which is considered the most effective exercise for a flat stomach!

Deadlifts (deadlifts), push-ups or lunges are also very effective strength exercises. Targeted abdominal muscle exercises would be, for example, the classic sit-ups, pelvic raises, jack knives, mountain climbers or trunk raises, and there are also countless variations of crunches.

The fact is: You can do as much abdominal muscle training – if the overlying layer of fat is too thick, no muscles will be visible. Means: For defined abdominal muscles you have to lose fat first. It is therefore not without reason that “Abs are made in the kitchen” is said. So: muscles are made in the kitchen. About 30 percent is due to training, while 70 percent of success is achieved through nutrition.

In addition, every woman has different physical predispositions. While some women in good training condition can already see a tough six-pack at a body fat percentage of 18 to 20 percent, others have to achieve a body fat percentage of 15 percent and less to see success. So the question cannot be answered in general.

Our tip: Approach the matter in a relaxed manner and do not place too high demands on yourself. Celebrate small partial successes and learn to love your own body. Because how did Sophia Lauren say it? “Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.”

Maybe also interesting: How to lose weight specifically on the thighs!

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