
Olivier salad recipe with photo

How to make Olivier salad - step by step photo recipeWho said that nobody cooks Olivier anymore? Also how they cook! And not only for the sake of tradition on New Year’s, on birthdays and other dates, our tables are lined with salads of this type.

We can now afford to cook them every day – both as a salad, as a side dish, and even as a main course.

You also need to know that Firstly, everything is completely simple. Moreover, so many different devices have been created to help us – they will cut them into even cubes in an instant.

Secondly, products (both traditional and those with which we love to experiment) can always be cut for future use. And then refuel – when serving.

Thirdly, this is terribly delicious!

Fourth, Olivier is useful – there are so many different utilities!

Fifth, satisfying!

Yes, you know how many useful things you can now list! Let’s better cook a traditional and irreplaceable dish of all times, the appearance of which owes its famous author with the same name.

Cooking time: 15-20 if all the ingredients are ready for cutting, and 50-60 if you need to cook eggs, carrots and potatoes.

How to decorate the festive table for the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster?

Salad ingredients

  • – 2-3 potatoes
  • – 100 grams of cooked sausage
  • – 100 grams of carrots
  • – 2-3 eggs
  • – 1-2 pickles
  • – 2-3 tablespoons of green peas
  • – 1 onion
  • – 3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise (plus, if desired, sour cream)

Cooking Olivier Salad

Of course, let’s start cooking by preparing all the necessary ingredients specified in the recipe.

No boiled carrots, potatoes and eggs? No problem. They will cook quickly while you and I go about our other business.

In a word, we will wash the vegetables and eggs, fill them with water and send them to boil.

By the way: Can vegetables be boiled with eggs? This is a matter of choice. If you wash everything thoroughly, you can cook it. Basically, what should you put in a couple of pots?

Olivier Salad Photo Recipe - Step 1

Let’s start cutting the other ingredients.

I usually cut the cucumber first. Why? Because this way the excess fluid will go away from him faster.

By the way: Why do we need this? Firstly, the excess liquid from the chopped cucumber will make gruel out of the salad – both potatoes and yolks will quickly “float” in it. Secondly, less salt will get into the salad, and it will be softer.

First, we cut the cucumber into long strips, that is, along. And then we will cut it in the desired format. The smaller the better!

Olivier Salad Photo Recipe - Step 2

As a rule, sausages are always cut in Olivier. And traditionally – doctoral. That is, from boiled ones.

And what, really nothing else can be put in?

Experience has shown that according to the traditional recipe, it is the sausage that is present in the Olivier salad.

By the way: Although history tells us other options. Let’s say with boiled meat (chicken, pork, beef and even offal)! That is, the meat component can vary, up to smoked sausage, etc.

So we will cut, as required by tradition, and our habit, sausage. It is advisable to shred it in the same format as the cucumbers.

Olivier Salad Photo Recipe - Step 3

Next, let’s work with the onion.

Let’s peel the medium-sized head. Let’s rinse it thoroughly. Let’s let the water drain.

And let’s start cutting.

By the way: Some, to get an even more tender salad, cut white onions, Crimean or leeks. Which option to choose here? To your taste! I chose the usual one.

How to chop onions? Of course, as thin as possible. There is no point in spreading the onion slicing technology. It’s simple.

The main thing is to get inconspicuous tiny pieces. Therefore, it is better to take a bow with thin feathers!

Olivier Salad Photo Recipe - Step 4

Does it feel like some of the other characters are ripe for this enjoyable carnival?

I think these are eggs. Let us cool them down by pouring cold water. And we do it several times.

By the way: If you take homemade eggs, the salad will turn out to be an order of magnitude tastier and more appetizing. Bright yellow yolks will decorate the dish!

Let’s let them cool down. To do this, pour cold water, and several times – until they cool down. We will clean and cover finely in a convenient way.

Olivier Salad Photo Recipe - Step 5

Are the potatoes already cooked too?

We will do the same with her. Fill with cold water – it will cool down faster. But after that you need to let it dry thoroughly.

Then peel it off. We cut into long thin plates, then into thin strips, which we chop finely.

Olivier Salad Photo Recipe - Step 6

I think that carrots, like mine, have already been cooked at the same time?

The algorithm is the same as with the previous boiled ingredients.

Olivier Salad Photo Recipe - Step 7

That’s practically all, the ending is close!

But we still have green peas. You need to measure out the right amount, because you could get more slices.

But to do this, first drain the liquid. Otherwise, we will not get a salad.

Olivier Salad Photo Recipe - Step 8

Are all the ingredients in the bowl? We just have to add mayonnaise here.

To make it less, I always put it in half with sour cream.

First, stir the ingredients with maynes, and then add the sour cream.

Olivier Salad Photo Recipe - Step 9

During the time when all the slicing was being done, both the cucumber and the onion managed to “show” themselves.

Does everything smell good? Moderately salty? Well, then we’ll stir everything with sour cream.

If you want – add greenery, inside or on top. It will be delicious!

Olivier Salad Photo Recipe - Step 10

Tips for the hostess

Cucumbers: Salted or pickled? It’s up to your taste.

But salty is preferable. The main thing is not to overdo it with their number. Therefore, after putting a portion in a bowl, wait until they give up the salt. And only then add. Olivier must be gentle!

And mayonnaise gives it a spice. You can also chop a fresh cucumber.

Sausage: Better – doctor’s or dairy.

The amount depends on your preference. That is, you can put not strictly according to the recipe, but as much as you want.

But here, too, adhere to the measure!

Meat: Anyone can be, and here the tastes are different: from boiled beef, pork, chicken fillet – to liver, kidneys, etc.!

The amount also depends on what kind of accent you expect from the salad.

Onion: Its amount is strictly individual. But if you put less or more, the taste will not be the same.

That’s why I always chop more onions. When the salad is infused, I will always add a little bit of onion.

If the onion is spicy, pour boiling water over the slices for a minute.

Eggs: Everything seems to be clear here.

I just would like to suggest in terms of cutting. If the eggs are taken from the refrigerator, and not from a saucepan of cold water, the slices will be even and the yolk will not decay.

Potato: I will add a few words about the quantity. To get a balance in the salad, put it one by one – how many eggs, so many potatoes of the same size.


Carrot: Here, too, about the number and preferences.

You can safely not put carrots if you know that the family will not be happy with her presence.

Instead, put the same amount of the main ingredients, and that’s all.

Green peas: You say – what’s so special about it?

And there is something special.

If you get low-grade peas, the salad is gone, that’s for sure.

Therefore, do not spare money for a good product.

Mayonnaise or sour cream: A matter of taste. I often do it with sour cream.

But a tradition is a tradition in Africa as well. Therefore, of course, I put in low-fat mayonnaise.

But, as I wrote above, I dilute it with sour cream fatter.

The best recipes for festive alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails for the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

How do you prepare the popular Olivier salad? We’ll be glad if you share your recipes and cooking tips in the comments below!

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