
the influence of the Codes of Destiny on the artist’s life

Margaret Keane is an extraordinary artist who paints pictures of women, children with surprisingly large eyes and animals.

Margaret Keane

Her Birth Code is 15 “Devil”. People with such a Code have two options for the development of fate:

  • go to the extreme with a bunch of dependencies;
  • gain high spirituality and know it through many spiritual sciences.

Margaret went according to the second scenario of life.

As a child, she loved to read the Bible. In the 70s, Margaret became a member of the religious organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. According to the artist herself, this changed her life for the better.

Since childhood, she was tormented by questions about the meaning of life, why there is pain and grief, if God is good. These questions were reflected in the eyes of the children of her paintings, which seemed to appeal to the world. Their gaze seemed to penetrate into the soul of the one looking at them. They kind of reflected the spiritual alienation of most people today.

At that time, she had a lot of mental anguish, the search for true faith. In search of faith, she researched:

  • occultism;
  • astrology;
  • palmistry;
  • many ancient cultures;
  • read volumes on oriental philosophy;
  • passed transcendental meditation;
  • studied various religions (Christian teachings, Mormons, Lutheranism, Catholicism).
Margaret Keane and her
“Boy and Poodle”
Photo @

But the answer never came. In addition, she smoked and drank too much sometimes. One day she understood this meaning and began attending the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

She stopped smoking (a habit for 20 years), completely transformed psychologically, from a very shy, withdrawn woman who went deeply into herself, she became very sociable.

From the comments about the paintings, she realized that they had become better, since from an obsession with painting it turned into therapy, salvation, relaxation, pleasure.

The sad, lost look of large eyes gave way to a happier look.

This is all the way of Code 15 “Devil”

Do not think that I am conducting some kind of religious propaganda. This is the way of Margaret herself according to Code 15 just for her. For some, it will be completely different – different addictions. Someone just has faith in God, sincere and pure, or a search for oneself in it. And all this is the “Devil” Code.

Margaret Keane and her
“The smallest clown”
Photo @

Influence of other codes of fate

The Destiny Code 12 was very clearly manifested in her life.

She became a victim of the deception of her first husband: he inspired her that a woman artist would achieve little in life and suggested that her paintings be taken for his own.

So for a long time he received money, fame that did not belong to him. She sat quietly locked up and for 16 hours painted pictures for his “glory” and believed that it was so right.

After she divorced her husband and proved her right to paintings, she became a world famous artist. And this confirmation of her second Destiny Code 21 “World” is world fame. This Code also speaks of Margaret’s high spirituality.

Facts from life, confirmed in the Codes of Destiny and channels of life

Each of the Destiny Codes present in Margaret’s life found its confirmation:

  • karmic Code 6 “Lovers” – 2 divorces;
  • karmic Code 10 “Wheel of Fortune” – her glory was given to her husband;
  • 1970 (wedding year) with Code 19 “Sun” and Code “Husband” – 19;
  • Gift Code 5 “Hierophant” drawings with religious overtones about the meaning of life, plus Code 14 “Moderation” with harmony in everything.
Margaret Keane and her
Photo @
  • channel “Luck and Money”: Codes 3 “Empress” and 22 “Jester” – all her paintings with women and children;
  • channel “Glory and Career”: 12 “The Hanged Man” and 9 “The Hermit” – she, being in the shadow of her glory and accepting the sacrifice, gave her glory and thus made a career to her husband;
  • Channel “Controlling Destiny”: Codes 16 “Tower” and 13 “Death” – by her transformation, she proved her copyright, completely destroyed the myth about her husband and on this destroyed foundation she built her career as an artist, new and correct (her paintings became more alive and positive);
  • channel “Love and Marriage”: Codes 21 “Peace” and 18 “Moon” – first a deception of her husband, then she became a world famous artist, but then everything fell into place and a new husband appeared.
Margaret Keane and her
Photo @

Was it interesting to you to know how such an ambiguous Code 15 “Devil” can manifest itself in the fate of a person?

Write your comments, it will be very interesting for me to know your opinion.


This article is based on studies of the date of birth and fate of a person according to the Tarot Numerology system and has no hidden messages, discrimination or condemnation. Materials for research are taken from open and accessible sources on the Internet. The analysis is based solely on my knowledge, research and analysis, as a specialist in reading the fate of a person by date of birth and may not coincide with your opinion.

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