
15 best films with unexpected endings that cannot be predicted in advance

15 best films with unexpected endings that cannot be predicted in advanceIn most modern films known to us, you can calculate not only the ending of the picture, but even plot moves, no matter how the directors try to mask them. But there are also films in which it is simply impossible to predict the course of events in which it is simply impossible – and the closer the movie is to the end, the more complex and intricate its plot. Moreover, films with unexpected outcomes for the viewer are present in a variety of genres, including melodrama.

Your attention – the most interesting of them – certainly with an unexpected ending!

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Foam days

Released in 2013.

Country: France, Belgium.

Roles: R. Drys and O. Tautou, G. Elmaleh and O. Si, et al.

This love story is based on the surrealistic novel of the same name by Boris Vian.

Foam days

In this movie, you not only will not calculate the ending, but you will not guess what the heroes will do at one time or another, because this picture is an absolute “sur”, in which flowers grow inside people, you can dance on the ceiling, and mice help you brush your teeth.

A fantastic tale of love, which only at first glance will seem easy and fun to you….

Best offer

Released in 2012.

Country: Italy.

Roles: D. Rush and D. Sturgess, S. Hooks and D. Sutherland, et al.

Mr. Oldman runs the auction house. Mr. Oldman is a cunning, smart and dexterous swindler who cleverly manipulates buyers and sellers of antiques.

Best offer

But one day he meets a mysterious beauty …

A subtle and psychological European thriller that must be watched!

Black Swan

Year: 2010.

Country: USA.

Roles: N. Portman and M. Kunis, V. Kassel, et al.

A non-standard picture with non-trivial plot lines, mysticism intertwined with reality, and an ending that remains a mystery until the last moment.

Black Swan

Will the new Prima be able to play both roles in the modern production of Swan Lake, or will Nina have to give in to a more liberated competitor her dream, her main appearance on the stage in life, and even her mentor?

A film that will be interesting even for those who are not too keen on ballet.

A robot named Chappy

Year: 2015.

Country: South Africa and USA.

Roles: S. Copley and D. Patel, Ninja and J. Visser, H. Jackman and S. Weaver, et al.

Chappy is a child prodigy. Sweet, kind, instantly grasping “on the fly” everything that he is taught. True, Chappy is a robot. The very first robot that is able to think, feel, suffer and rejoice.

And one day he falls under the influence of a completely different company, in which he was supposed to get …

A robot named Chappy

Even if you don’t like robot movies, this movie is worth watching because of the storyline and the soulful ending.

The main roles in the movie were played by Ninja and Yollandi from the group Die Antwoord.

City of Angels

Year: 1998.

Country: USA and Germany.

Roles: N. Cage, M. Ryan, etc.

Angels are everywhere. We just don’t see them. And they live among us, listen, console us when we feel bad, keep us from making mistakes.

City of Angels

They do not know what an orange tastes like, and do not feel pain, they do not know human feelings.

But some angels one day begins to be so strongly drawn to people that they are ready to give their wings for mortal life and love …

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Five easy pieces

Year: 1970

Country: USA.

Roles: D. Nicholson & C. Black, F. Flagg & S. Struthers, et al.

It’s the 70s in the yard. Robert is an oil worker. He lives in a small town in Texas and his girlfriend works as a waitress at a local bar.

Robert’s life is monotonous and reminiscent of Groundhog Day, and no one knows that in his life an end was put on his own career as a musician.

Five easy pieces

One day Robert, who cannot forgive his father, has to return home …

If you haven’t seen young Jack Nicholson, start with this picture. From a unique painting imbued with the harsh reality of this world …


Year: 2005th.

Country Russia.

Roles: A. Novikov and V. Perevalov, A. Ilyin and L. Guzeeva, etc.

Andrey is an aspiring artist who, instead of studying, draws graffiti on the walls of the subway in Belokamennaya.


As punishment for his stupidity, Andrei is exiled to paint landscapes to his native spaces instead of a trip to Venice.

Everything is beautiful in this masterpiece of the talented Igor Apasyan – from the plot and music to acting and an indescribable aftertaste.

Postman always call twice

Year: 1981.

Country: Germany, USA.

Roles: D. Nicholson & D. Lange, D. Colikos et al.

During the Great Depression, the self-confident tramp Frank, carried away by the wife of an elderly Greek Papadakis, Cora, gets a job with him in a tavern.

Postman always call twice

Passion throws Cora into Frank’s arms, and it is she who comes up with the idea – to quickly get rid of her husband in order to start a new life …

If you have not seen this adaptation of James Kane, then you urgently need to fill this gap. A must-see thriller classic!

August Rush

Year: 2007.

Country: USA.

Roles: F. Highmore & R. Williams, C. Russell & D. Reese Myers, et al.

August Rush, falling asleep in the orphanage at night, hears the music of the wind and leaves. He hears music in footsteps, in the clink of a coin, in the rustle of branches outside the window.

August Rush

He knows that his parents did not abandon him, and he will definitely find them. Through the sounds of this amazing music …

Meet Joe Black

Year: 1998.

Country: USA.

Roles: B. Pitt and E. Hopkins, K. Forlani and others.

One of the most expensive paintings, despite the lack of special effects, and a remake of the 1934 film entitled “Death Takes a Day Off” based on the play of the same name by Alberto Casella.

Meet Joe Black

William is a newspaper tycoon, visited by Death himself, who wants to take a short vacation in order to get to know people better.

Taking the guise of a mortal boy, Death suddenly falls in love with William’s daughter, whom he must take with him at the end of his vacation …

The mysterious story of Benjamin Button

Year: 2008.

Country: USA.

Roles: B. Pitt and C. Blanchett, D. Ormond et al.

This strange kid is only … 80 years old. He was already born old and weak. And, probably, he would have died alone, if not for the maid who adopted him out of pity.

The mysterious story of Benjamin Button

Unlike other children, Benjamin is not growing up, but getting younger. He grows in the opposite direction, and no one knows how his life will end …

A stunning painting based on the story of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

One meeting

Year: 2014.

Country: France.

Roles: S. Marceau and F. Cluse, et al.

He has a wife and children. She has a daughter, a job, a completely calm life. Both of them are quite happy and happy with what they have.

One meeting

Both of them are not teenagers, and have entered an age when it is too late to rush into the pool of love headlong. But the passion that gripped them does not let go of both …

Fantastic acting, captivating from the very first minutes, in an amazing picture with French charm.


Year: 2011.

Country: Denmark and Sweden, France, Germany.

Roles: K. Dunst and S. Gainsbourg, A. Skarsgard and others.

Justine is having a wedding. True, the bride quickly cools down – to the very celebration, and to the groom, and to the guests.


Rescuing her sister from depression, Claire carefully looks after her, but a much more terrible test awaits them ahead, because the mysterious Melancholy has already begun its journey towards the Earth …

The patients

Year: 2014.

Country Russia.

Roles: P. Barshak and T. Tribuntsev, M. Kirsanova and D. Mukhamadeev, etc.

Sergei regularly visits his psychoanalyst Bryusov, who shamelessly instills in him at every paid session that Sergei’s divorce from his wife is a matter of time, because his own “I” is much more important.

Sergei’s wife, Lenochka, instead of a psychologist, goes to the priest, who instills in her the exact opposite, convincing her that the family is the most important thing in life.

The patients

Over time, the confrontation between the father and the psychoanalyst develops into a real war …

The picture “with a double bottom”, in which Lenochka and Sergei are just a background against which the main events take place and the main problems are solved …


Year: 2014

Country Russia.

Roles: A. Bystrov and N. Surkova, Y. Tsurilo and others.

800 people may die due to the fact that money from the budget has long been stolen, and the local authorities did not take care of resettlement of people from the emergency house. The building can collapse at almost any second, and the main character, a simple plumber, is ready to fight the lives of people alone.


True, the authorities are not delighted – where can you go to such a crowd of people in one night? And the residents themselves are in no hurry to leave their habitable apartments …

A powerful social drama, after watching which emotions are overwhelming …

15 best movies about love, to take the soul – the list is for you!

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