
4448 Comanche Trail Blvd Saint Johns Fl 32259

If you are considering buying a home, consider 4448 COMANCHE TRAIL BLVD in Saint Johns, FL. This single-family home is situated on a 6,970-square-foot lot and offers three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The estimated market value of the property is $298,487, and the home is located in the city of Saint Johns. The area is mainly residential, and it is convenient to commute to Saint Augustine and Jacksonville.

This Saint Johns, FL, home is located in a neighborhood that is considered a high-risk for drought, which is a severe climatic event. Fortunately, 4448 Comanche Trail Blvd is not at a high risk of experiencing such a climatic condition. In fact, climate change is projected to have minimal impact on the area. In fact, the historic climate of 4448 Comanche Trail Boulevard is not at risk for a major drought. Historically, this area only experiences eight significant two-day storms each year, but is projected to have more than forty hot days each year by 2050. Water stress has been a problem in this part of the Saint Johns region since the early 1990s.

There are no significant natural disasters that threaten this Saint Johns, FL, home. There are no known risks associated with climate change, however, most homeowners face some level of risk. Historically, the area experienced eight significant two-day storms with a mean temperature of 2.27 degrees, but that number is expected to increase to twenty or more in the next fifty years. Additionally, the area is at high risk for wildfires. Currently, the risk of fire is 40%, and the forecast is for this risk to increase to sixty-seven days a year.

Despite being a small city, Saint Johns, FL has many natural disasters. In fact, this area is particularly vulnerable to hurricanes. Its climate is also prone to extreme heat, and the risk of drought is projected to rise by almost 40% in the next 50 years. The current drought risk for this area is at 40%, so it is important to choose a property that is protected from this threat.

The residential property is owned by HOLDER MARK C. The owners of this home include: FOSTER STEPHEN J., JANETTE PICHANICK JANETTE, HWANG SOO DUCK. HARRINGTON FRANCES EMILY et al. para: The owner of this Saint Johns, FL, home are HOLA MARCELA CECILIA ET AL, GOFAIZEN VLADIMIR ET AL, and PICHANICK JANETTE CRAIG M., and PICHANICK JANETTA ANNE MICHEL CRISTIE, and HOLEHOUSE. The residential property is rented.

This Saint Johns, FL, property is a tropical paradise! The tropical climate is extremely desirable for a home, and the area is characterized by mild winters and hot summers. The area is also prone to floods and wildfires. The current drought in this area is projected to be worse than the previous century. The climate is at risk for the coming decades, affecting this home.

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