
5 popular recipes for treating an ingrown toenail at home

Ingrown toenails are an extremely unpleasant and common condition caused by the ingrowth of the edge of the nail plate into the nail fold. External ingrowth is often found, but there are also bilateral cases.

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Folk recipes for the treatment of ingrown toenails

The content of the article:

Under what symptoms can ingrown nails be treated at home, and when is it worth seeing a doctor?

Among the causes of ingrown nails, the following are noted:

  • Walking in oppressive and uncomfortable shoes, especially with pointed noses;
  • Incorrect nail clipping leading to abnormal growth;
  • Fungal nail infections that cause thickening of the nail and deformity that allows the nail to grow into the toe
  • Purchase of non-breathable shoes that encourage frequent sweating of the feet;
  • Using unauthorized shoes and socks;
  • Walking barefoot in public places – a bathhouse or a swimming pool;
  • Trauma to the nail plate.

Among key symptoms of an ingrown toenail note a stable painful sensation around the nail roller, which increases when putting on shoes and walking.

Folk recipes for the treatment of ingrown toenails

  • At the initial stage of the disease, when examined, it can be found in a place where a stable injury to the nail fold occurs, small sore
  • Purulent discharge appear when an infection is attached, which, by the way, happens quickly enough. Further, in the area of ​​the wound of the nail fold, an immense proliferation of tissues near the wound is visible in response to trauma (pathological granulations increase).
  • WITH the appearance of granulation the disease becomes chronic and makes walking much more difficult.

In the early stages, an ingrown toenail can be treated at home. This is possible if if the nail does not dig too deeply inside, there are no obvious signs of pus, and the pain appears only when you touch a problem area or when wearing shoes that are squeezing your feet.

In some cases, an ingrown toenail can be cured quite simply. Once a day you need to do short-term baths, and then trim an ingrown toenail… Scissors or tweezers should be as clean as possible. The procedure must be followed until the problem is corrected.

Folk recipes for the treatment of ingrown toenails

However, there are also cases when treatment of an ingrown nail at home is contraindicated, and it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Such cases include the following situations:

  • An ingrown toenail becomes an infection, increased pain and swelling, around the redness, the skin turned pale, fever and fluid appeared;
  • Ingrown toenail becomes inflamedand you have not had a tetanus injection in the past five years.
  • Home treatment does not work.;
  • You belong to a group of people with an increased risk of infection; if you have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, poor circulation, diabetes, or any other reason wounds are slow to heal.

5 best recipes for treating ingrown nails with folk remedies – how to get rid of an ingrown toenail?

  1. Salt procedures
    Everyone knows that common rock salt is considered an excellent remedy for inflammation. Hot salt baths have a softening effect on the skin and immediately relieve unpleasant pain sensations. For advanced cases of ingrown nails, salt baths are also suitable – they will help pustules open.
    Folk recipes for the treatment of ingrown toenails
  2. Chamomile baths
    Excellent for ingrown nails will help relieve inflammation of the bath with various anti-inflammatory herbs, among which chamomile takes the first place. To prepare the solution, take six tablespoons of chamomile and pour two liters of boiling water. The chamomile should be infused for about sixty minutes, and then the legs should be steamed in a not too hot solution for about twenty minutes. Chamomile baths promote the release of the ingrown part of the nail from the steamed skin. The procedure should be repeated until the shape of the nail becomes normal and it grows correctly.
  3. Oil swabs
    Using this method, to get rid of an ingrown toenail, you first need to steam your feet in potassium permanganate or chamomile. Further, in the center, file the nail no more than half a centimeter. We moisten the previously prepared swab with petroleum jelly or butter and gently slip it under the nail. You do not need to trim the nail beforehand. The procedure should be repeated until the pain stops (perform every other day). Upon reaching a positive result, the nail should be trimmed exactly and gently, without rounding the corners.
  4. Plantain wraps
    Steam the legs in a weak manganese solution. We wrap the painful finger with crumpled leaves, and on top we cover with another sheet of plantain and bandage the finger. We put on socks on top. Plantain will help remove pain and quickly relieve inflammation.
  5. Nail filing method
    This method is very simple and affordable. The nail sawn in the middle part is trying to grow together, and the nail edges are gradually freed from the skin, ceasing to grow into it.
    Before the sawing procedure, the legs are thoroughly steamed. From the base to the edge of the nail in the middle, a cut is made about 2/3 of the thickness of the nail plate. Depth control is carried out visually. For the filing procedure, you can use a file or a manicure file, depending on the strength and thickness of the nail. Cutting should be done once every three weeks. The nail will gradually grow back, and you will notice an uncut area.
    For hereditary cases of ingrown nails, cutting is one effective method of effective treatment. In such cases, procedures should be carried out every month.

Folk recipes for the treatment of ingrown toenails

You can give a lot of treatment methods for ingrown nails, but, nevertheless, prevention of the disease will be more effective, providing for the implementation of simple rules:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Correct nail trimming;
  • Cure fungal infections;
  • Correction of orthopedic diseases;
  • Wearing loose shoes.

Truth and myths about nail ingrowth

  • If I cut the corner of the nail, will the problem be solved?

No, he will not dare, and in 99% of cutting the corner can worsen the situation.

  • Will the problem be solved if the nail is surgically removed?

In most cases, no. The growth trajectory of the nail will be the same, but the deformation of the nail will be greater. And also during surgery, the doctor can damage the growth zone (not on purpose, of course) and the nail plate will no longer be the same.

  • Is it possible to do without surgical intervention in all cases?

No. There are situations in which everything has already been started and the marginal resection of the ridge is preliminarily recommended.

  • Do foot baths and softening ointments help solve the problem?

No. They can only temporarily calm the pain. In most cases, they will aggravate the situation.

  • Is there a guarantee that the nail will not reverse shape and no longer bother you?

There is no guarantee. There are clear instructions on how to prevent relapse. Here everything will depend only on the patient’s responsible attitude.

  • How quickly can the ingrowth problem be solved?

From 3 months to 1.5 years. Each case is different. In some situations, the nail will no longer be able to take its natural form.

The website warns: if you find symptoms of suppuration, severe inflammation near an ingrown nail, do not self-medicate, but immediately contact a specialist!

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