
7 Best Adult Birthday Party Ideas

Birthdays are a strange phenomenon for many Americans. When we’re children, we often can’t wait for our birthdays, because birthdays mean getting older and being trusted with more privileges. As adults, we’re more likely to dread our birthdays, because we mostly see them as just getting older.

This is a well-known issue and we have a name for it. It’s called Birthday Depression, although it’s rare for it to lead to clinical depression.

While we can’t make all the fears and insecurities around aging disappear, we can offer some excellent adult birthday party ideas so that you can still have fun on your big day.

1. Host a Murder Mystery

It might be obvious by now, but the true crime genre is among the most popular in the country. The moral debate about the crime genre and our interest in it has been raging for decades.

You could try capitalizing on this popularity by throwing someone a murder mystery party. Remember that this will require adventurous friends because guests are encouraged to show up in costume.

You’ll need to put in work to throw such a party, whether you’re hosting it or attending an existing one. This might include things like food, props, and party favors. If you’re using an established service, you should talk to them and see what they provide.

2. Wine Tasting

If you and your friends are fans of wine, a wine tasting might be the perfect birthday party. Wine tastings offer a fun but quiet atmosphere where you can talk with friends while sipping on fine wine. Just remember that drinking the wine is optional, and you’re better off spitting it out.

Wine tastings, to a certain extent, will depend on the location of the party. Wine can be found in every state, but the biggest producers are Pennsylvania, New York, Washington, and California. California is by far the biggest, producing over 80% of the country’s wine.

3. Brunch

Sometimes, a simple meal with family or friends is all you need for a good party. Brunch is a perfect birthday meal for a few different reasons. One reason is that it’s somewhat undefined.

Brunch is a mixture of lunch and breakfast, which means that there aren’t many limits to what you can serve. For instance, you wouldn’t have a cheeseburger or a taco for breakfast, but nobody will judge you for eating them at brunch.

4. Movie Night

Do you tend to hang out with movie buffs? Do they talk about the technical aspects of a movie and muse about what the directors did right or wrong? If so, then a movie night could make for an excellent party.

The great thing about movie nights is that you can have one hundred of them and they’re still fun. Talk to your friends a little and choose a genre.

Do you want to watch a bunch of old-timey silent movies, such as Metropolis, Nosferatu, and The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari? Are you a fan of comedies, romance, or horror? Those are just a few of the many possible themes for a movie night.

5. Take a Cruise

If you want to throw a truly unique adult birthday party, you could try going on a short cruise. If you live in or near Chicago, we know of a place where you can rent an adult birthday party yacht.

If you’re not in the Chicago area, or anywhere with boat rentals, you could book a commercial cruise. Though much more expensive and longer, most cruise lines have more amenities and go to more exotic places than most rented boats will.

Much of this depends on attitude as well as location. Not everyone wants to go to France or the Caribbean for their birthday party, and a lot of people don’t like crowds. The privacy offered by a rented boat is great for those who prefer smaller, more intimate settings.

6. Game Night

Over the past few years, gaming has grown as a hobby. More people than ever are taking up board games as a hobby, and the number of games on the market is expanding in response. If your friends or family are gamers, you should have no trouble finding something that they can all agree on.

Do you want to play a classic Disney movie, but from the Villain’s perspective? We recommend Villainous. 

Do you like the idea of a complex strategy game where you use cute woodland creatures to take control of the forest? Root is probably your best bet. If you’re the type who enjoys adult humor and is always up to learn more of your friends’ secrets, we recommend Adult loaded questions.

7. Pool Party

Do you know the quickest way to get from being totally unprepared for a party to having everything you need? The answer is by adding a swimming pool. You can also add more to this by hiring a DJ and rather than buying DJ lights hire a company that rents them for you so you can set a party mood.

Who doesn’t remember being a child and being thrilled whenever we got invited somewhere with a pool? That feeling stays with us into adulthood, because you can’t beat cool water on a hot day. The only change is that you don’t swim very much as an adult, and instead use the pool as a comfortable place to stand and talk.

Adult Birthday Party Ideas for All Types

If you’re looking for adult birthday party ideas, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve discussed just a few of them here, but there are far too many possibilities to fit into one article.

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