
8 books that will help you find the true feminine

Are you looking for something to read to feel like a woman, strong, passionate and unbending? Try these works, and, most likely, you will find in them something interesting, informative and instructive for yourself.

Perhaps you are already aware of your true feminine, divine essence, or you are just starting your journey – these books will help you anyway.

They will open up unknown worlds within you and give you new tools to perceive the world through the eyes of a real woman.

8 foreign books that will help you find your true feminine
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1. The Red Tent, Anita Diamant

This work has gained such popularity that it was subsequently filmed as a mini-series. No one can deny anymore that the world is changing, and a huge part of that change has to do with the world of women.

“Red Tent” is a novel that tells the story of the minor biblical character Dinah, sister of Joseph and daughter of Jacob and Leah. This is an emotional story of love, forgiveness and sisterhood.

The book reveals the secrets of femininity, sexuality, fertility and the sacred cycle of the female body.

2. “Red Moon”, Miranda Gray

It is impossible to start connecting with your divine feminine without delving into the issue of the feminine cycle. This book explains the knowledge and attitude of our ancestors to critical days.

It turns out that this period was once considered a source of creative energy or a gift from above, awakening intuition and inspiration.

3. “Women Running with Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

This is probably one of the most iconic books related to the divine feminine. It covers almost all aspects of a woman’s life, telling about childhood, love, motherhood and the perception of her body.

It touches on relationships, sexuality, creativity, inner secrets, and even anger management.

Every time you reread “Running with Wolves”you discover something new for yourself that previously eluded your attention.

8 foreign books that will help you find your true feminine
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4. “Goddesses in every woman” by Jin Shinoda Bolen

This book explores female psychology through the seven archetypes of the Greek goddesses and aims to help you understand your actions, behaviors, and ways of thinking.

You will be able to identify the inner goddess with whom you are most connected. This archetype will give you the opportunity to appreciate your strengths, start working on self-development, and overcome all fears, complexes and difficulties in order to find balance and harmony.

5. “Free the Strong Woman” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Another book from this writer explores our connection to feminine energy. In this work, Clarissa Pinkola Estes talks about the Woman, whose image is present in all cultures, about the Great Mother.

The author uses fairy tales and myths to introduce you to the power of this woman that lives inside each of us. The main thing is to be able to discover this power, accept it and start using it.

6. Ring of Power, Jin Shinoda Bolen

In this book, the writer talks about patriarchy, dysfunctional relationships, codependency and love. Thanks to a vivid plot and the use of characters from four operas by Richard Wagner “Rings of Belung” Jean Shinoda Bohlen describes unhappy families with unsuccessful marriages based on the archetypal methodology applied by the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung.

“Ring of Power” will help you see yourself in the actions and behavioral patterns of the characters and learn more about how you show up in your relationship.

8 foreign books that will help you find your true feminine
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7. Witches, Midwives and Nurses: A History of Women Healers by Barbara Ehrenreich

Women have been associated with healing and medical practices since time immemorial. To understand why modern people are skeptical of ancient knowledge, it is important to study their history.

In this book, Barbara Ehrenreich explores how the field of medicine was “captured” by men back in medieval Europe, when women who understood plants were declared witches and ruthlessly burned at the stake.

The writer is sure that the revival of female healers is inevitable in our time.

8. The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley

In this stunning piece from the series “Avalon” the author retells the legends of King Arthur, but from the point of view of female characters, mainly Morgana, a warrior priestess who seeks to save the religion of the Celts, while Christians are trying to destroy the old pagan rites.

“Mists of Avalon” is a rather feminist take on the well-known Arthurian stories, and it helps women build self-esteem and self-confidence.

8 foreign books that will help you find your true feminine
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