
Best clothing stain removers – housewives rankings

I have a big family. I love every child (I have 4), husband, parents, etc. When we gather at the table for a meal, it is happiness. However, the real “happiness” comes when I have to wash the stains on the clothes of my family members … Without this, nowhere!

As instructed by Colady’s editors, I’ve prepared a list of the best stain removers for you. Take on arms, hostesses!

stain remover
Photo by Pixabay

1. Frau Schmidt remedy for any stains

Production – Austria… Removes stains from fat, blood, wine, oil, fruit… Fits for colored and white linen… Contains bile soap. Does not have a harmful effect on the skin of the hands.

Reviews of housewives using Frau Schmidt stain remover:

I put a chocolate ice cream stain in a cafe and reviewed a bunch of funds to get it out, but nothing I liked in terms of description and composition. As a result, I found out about this stain remover. It is praised as a delicate remedy. That you can not even wear gloves. I bought it and immediately “into battle”. I applied it to the stain and left it to act for 2 hours, after which I threw it into the machine. The result was very pleasing! Nothing remained of the stain. As well as no other traces – the remedy worked very “gently”. After that, I do not change this remedy for anything. It and the white children’s socks of boys perfectly washes the shirts of the husband. So I can honestly recommend it to everyone.

2. Vanish stain remover for colored laundry

Promises to easily remove various stains in a short time, giving the linen freshness and radiant cleanliness. For exposure, it is recommended to apply the product directly to the stain.

Reviews of hostesses using Vanish stain remover:

I had a generally bad attitude towards Vanish, because some funds under this name are money down the drain. But Vanish “for colored linen” pleasantly surprised. I used it to remove the tea stain from my favorite jeans. Moreover, right before my eyes, it became paler after I applied the product. And the color of the jeans themselves was not affected in any way. There is no lighter spot on the general background. For six months now, I have been adding this product with every wash, and grease strong stains with it before putting it in the machine. The result is amazing every time. So I’m happy with it!

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3. Anti-stain agent Ecover

Production – Belgium. For white and color linen. It contains plant and mineral components and no oil products. Copes with traces of grass, fat, mud, blood etc. It decomposes without harmful residues and vapors, so it does not harm nature.

Reviews of housewives using Ecover stain remover:

I only prefer this stain remover due to the fact that it does not contain this terrible chemical that can have harmful effects, especially on a child. It is also convenient to use thanks to the brush, which provides an economical use of the product, while you do not have to rub the cloth moistened with the stain remover, but simply rub the stain with this brush. I put it on stains before washing for a few minutes. And no problem with stains.

4. Stain remover Amway Pre Wash

Copes with stains fats, oils, herbs and others. Very easy to use. No long exposure required. The fabric is cleaned immediately after spraying.

Reviews of housewives using Amway Pre Wash stain remover:

My friend told me about this tool. And I am grateful to her for that! This spray is just perfect for dealing with stains. All you need to do is sprinkle the stain with a spray before washing. Copes with dirt, oil, sweat stains, sponges, etc. And such a can is enough for a long time. Now I have not a single thing left in the house with a stain that does not wash out. And this is happiness!

5. Anti-stain Sarma Active

Removes oil and grease stainsas well as traces from berries and fruits, wine and tea, blood and pens… Improves the quality of machine wash. Destined to get rid of from old stains and return the former freshness to colored and white things.

Reviews of housewives using Sarma Active stain remover:

I accidentally met this product in a supermarket. It turned out to be inexpensive, but somehow “inspiring”. I decided to try it. Moreover, a couple of days before that, my son had painted a good T-shirt with felt-tip pens. I just added the detergent to the machine when washing. The result amazed me – not a trace remained of the drawings. Later it also dealt with the stale hair dye stain on my favorite robe. It’s just magic. All my tea towels are just sparkling clean. For about 6 months I have had this remedy, but I don’t see an end to it. With all this, I did not see that this tool was somehow advertised in the media. Although it may be for the best. Personally, advice from me – if the stain is already old, then it is worth pouring the product on it and leaving it for a few minutes, and after that, throw the thing into the machine.

6. Spot remover Minute

Removes fresh stains from fabrics paint, varnish, oil, greaseSuitable for cleaning car seats and interiors.

Reviews of housewives using Minutka stain remover:

Recently I saw terrible stains on my down jacket. What kind of origin they have, I don’t know. Maybe somewhere in public transport she wiped it off. In general, I already decided to carry it to the dry-cleaner, but my mother advised this remedy. She said that it often saved her. Actually, with his help I saved myself the need to go to the dry cleaning. Only 10 minutes was enough for the agent and the stains were gone. The downside is that he has an unpleasant smell. But I still recommend it.

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Photo by Pixabay

7. Means for removing difficult stains – Antipyatin (4,5)

Suitable for removing various stains from colored and white of things. Used when soaking dirt before washing, added to the main powder for strengthening. It is best to use safe detergents when washing baby clothes. Available in the form of soap, powder, spray.

Reviews of housewives using Antipyatin stain remover:

In the beginning, we only used soap. It also works as a stain remover. And now they found out that the powder is the same, and it’s great. After all, the powder is more convenient to use. Let me list what stains this powder has dealt with – wine, blood, sweat, grease, grass, dirt. My son constantly gives me a chance to be convinced of the effectiveness of Antipyatin.

8. Edelstar stain remover

Will rid things, carpets, floors, tiles and plastic from all kinds of difficult spotsthat not even dry cleaning is ready to take on.

Reviews of housewives using Edelstar stain remover:

Once I came across this pencil at a sale. I decided to buy, especially since I did not have anything like that at that time. After a while, I remembered that I had a beautiful tablecloth with nothing to do, because it had several wine stains that had not been washed off. And I decided to try this remedy. I did everything as it should according to the instructions, and now my tablecloth is “in service” again, because the stains have disappeared.

9. Udalix Ultra stain remover

Cope with many stubborn stains on various fabrics, furniture. You can choose what is more convenient for you – spray, pencil, liquid, powder. Does not destroy tissue structure.

Reviews of housewives using Udalix Ultra stain remover:

By chance, I learned about this remedy from an employee. She assured that it was very effective. I decided to take the powder, spray and pencil of this company right away. So, with the help of a pencil, I removed paint stains from the carpet, and the wallpaper from some streaks. With the help of a spray, I removed the bloody spots from my husband’s sheepskin coat. And about the powder in general it will take a very long time to enumerate, but the fact is that many “non-removable” stains from towels, bed linen and some clothes have disappeared. But I don’t add it to the machine, but soak the laundry with it for 30 minutes before washing. So the product is just super!

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