
Bus From Saint John To Bangor Maine

Taking a bus from Saint John to Bangor is an easy way to travel between the two cities. The distance is approximately 275 miles, and the trip will take about eight hours. A standard ticket costs about 68 USD, though you can get them for as little as 50 USD. There are 12 stops on the way, and you’ll likely have to wait for one of them. The Cyr Bus Line operates the route.

The round trip ticket costs $82 Canadian. It takes about four and a half hours to travel between the two cities. Many riders are Canadian and come to visit family, do some shopping, or play a few hands at the Hollywood Slots. Regardless of your reason for taking the bus, you’ll be glad you took it. While it may not be the cheapest option, it’s the fastest and most affordable way to get from Saint John to Bangor.

If you’re planning on taking a bus from Saint John to Bangor, be prepared to wait for a few extra days. The trip typically takes four and a half hours and costs $82 Canadian round-trip. Regardless of the time of year, the bus is a convenient choice for those who don’t have a car or don’t want to drive. Aside from the great value for money, it also provides the comfort of a reclining seat.

If you’d rather drive instead of fly, you can always choose a bus from Saint John to Bangor. A round-trip ticket is about $82 Canadian and takes four and a half hours. The trip will likely be a long and tiring one, but you can count the stars when you’re tucked in bed. By the way, buses have the least carbon footprint of any other motorized mode. A bus ride from Saint John to Bangor will emit approximately half the amount of CO2 compared to a train, and radically less than a car.

A round-trip ticket from Saint John to Bangor will cost you $82 Canadian. The bus will leave Bangor at 11:45 a.m. on a daily basis. It takes about four and a half hours to get there. It is possible to travel from Saint John to Bangor while ensuring the trip is a memorable one for all. If you’re looking for a cheap way to travel to the capital of New Brunswick, a bus trip may be the perfect option.

The bus from Saint John to Bangor costs $82 Canadian. It departs from Bangor at 11:45 a.m. and takes about four and a half hours. Many Canadians travel from their homes to Maine to visit family, shop, or even play Hollywood slots. While the trip may be more expensive than flying, it’s worth it for the comfort and convenience it offers. And it’s more environmentally friendly, too!

The bus from Saint John to Bangor is a relatively cheap way to visit the capital of New Brunswick. The trip costs $82 Canadian for a round-trip ticket. It departs at 11:45am each day, and it takes about four and a half hours to reach Saint John. Those who don’t drive have to worry about driving because they can hop on a bus and be on their way in no time.

The cost of the bus ride to Saint John is $82 Canadian for a round-trip ticket. The journey takes about four and a half hours, and the bus driver is likely to be a local expert who knows the area well. In addition to being the most comfortable option for traveling, the bus driver will have the best knowledge of the sights and landmarks. The price of a round-trip ticket is lower than the cost of a taxi, so the price is even better than it would be.

The bus ride is a good way to see the sights of Saint John and the nearby towns. The driver will know the places that are worth seeing and will be able to recommend which side of the bus to sit. Some people may even consider counting stars while they sleep. However, the price of the bus ticket may be higher than the cost of the trip for a train, but the benefits outweigh the cost.

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