
Car for girls by the sign of the zodiac

It is much easier to choose a car for a safe and comfortable ride if you turn to the horoscope for help. “Star” car will correspond to the character, temperament and driving style, laid down by a woman from birth.

Zodiac sign car


If you see a beautiful woman at the wheel rushing along the highway with music at full volume, it’s Aries. Make way for her. Representatives of this sign love speed, power. The problem of traffic jams is solved radically: they choose a route twice as long.

Their cars should be crammed with parking sensors, video recorders and other security systems. Cars from the assembly line and retro cars in perfect technical condition will do. They don’t have time to visit car services.

Successful car brands for Aries women:

  • Ferrari.
  • Chevrolet.
  • Subaru.
  • Toyota.
  • Skoda.
  • Audi.
  • Nissan.

The representative of this emotional zodiac sign is ideally suited for cars of all shades of red. Blue and black colors will help you feel safe and protect yourself from unkind looks. Purple is not recommended.


The excellent qualities of a Taurus woman are manifested in the choice of a car. They want the best and most reliable. They will trust the car only to trusted craftsmen. On the road, they behave with restraint and reasonableness. Before leaving the parking lot, politely but persistently ask the drivers to remove the cars that are within a radius of ten meters. They love long road trips.

Taurus women are suitable for:

  • Mitsubishi.
  • Toyota.
  • Opel.
  • Toyota.
  • Subaru.
  • Volvo.

Color solutions can be different, ranging from blue and pink to mustard and green.


It is difficult to please these dreamy and sincere representatives of the air element. The chosen car can get bored in a week. The Gemini woman will gladly resort to tuning the body and interior, and it will be done in accordance with the author’s design project.

Car color by zodiac sign

Gemini women feel great in the following brands of cars:

  • Volkswagen.
  • Lexus.
  • Bentley.
  • Land Rover.
  • Mazda.
  • Nissan.
  • Audi.
  • Ford.
  • Kia.

Lucky car colors for this sign are silver-black, white, pale blue, yellow.


In the car of a Cancer woman, it is as cozy as at home. They behave prudently on the road, they will not waste gasoline. In order not to tempt fate, they will hire a personal driver.

The entire range of the following car brands is suitable for these ladies:

  • Volkswagen.
  • Honda.
  • Opel.
  • Nissan.
  • BMW.
  • Skoda.

The most favorable car colors are olive green, silvery green, white, beige.

a lion

For a Lioness, a car is an opportunity to emphasize individuality. And only in the second place – a means of transportation. An unclaimed Bentley Arnage I can stand in the garage for months. But the very thought that it exists, delights them.

Lionesses will be satisfied with foreign cars from the following list:

  • Bentley.
  • Maserati.
  • Mercedes-Benz.
  • Cadillac.
  • Jaguar.
  • Rolls-Royce.
  • Chevrolet.
  • Ford.

Golden-beige, bright purple, white cars are suitable for female lionesses. Young girls will feel comfortable in bright red foreign cars.

Car brand by zodiac sign


Choosing between beauty and practicality, Virgo will choose the latter. And she will be right, as her car will sparkle with impeccable cleanliness even in the slushiest weather. She clearly knows her capabilities and in the ice will prefer to get to work in the subway.

The following car brands are ideal for Virgos:

  • Chevrolet.
  • Skoda.
  • Suzuki.
  • Daewoo.
  • Hyundai.
  • Kia.
  • Nissan.

Virgo will not be annoyed by dark brown, gray-green, dark green, beige cars.


Affectionate and seductive Libra women will not have a desire to exceed speed or drive through a red light. For safe driving, she needs a reliable, cornering car that will not be blown away by the wind from a passing KamAZ.

The scales are suitable:

  • Mercedes.
  • BMW.
  • Honda.
  • Mitsubishi.
  • Nissan.
  • Alfa Romeo.
  • Audi.

It is preferable to purchase cars of pink, orange, white colors. A silver-green car can become a talisman.

Auto by horoscope


Seductive Scorpio women have great reactions on the road. They need to remind themselves more often that road users have different driving skills and don’t take risks. They prefer beautiful stylish cars.

Scorpios will feel comfortable in the following vehicles:

  • Cadillac.
  • Mercedes.
  • Honda.
  • Hummer.
  • BMW.
  • Lexus.

Most Scorpios will prefer black, purple or burgundy car colors and shades.


The Sagittarius woman is a great driver. He can equally well learn to drive at 20 and at 40. He will gladly replace a tired friend on a long journey.

She is subject to reliable, maneuverable, powerful machines:

  • Fiat.
  • Renault.
  • BMW.
  • Ford.
  • Volvo.
  • Skoda.

The choice of colors for Sagittarius is rich: blue, dark blue, green, brown.


Capricorn women approach the choice of a car seriously and thoroughly. Before buying, learn everything about this brand. Reliability and safety are important to them. Clearly, once a month, they will visit a car service for diagnostics.

They will feel confident in the following car brands:

  • Toyota.
  • Nissan.
  • Ford.
  • Mitsubishi.

The colors of the cars that are suitable for Capricorn women: dark burgundy, gray-purple, all shades of green.


There are very few female drivers among Aquarius. They don’t have time to care for another “family member”.

Girl and car

If fate has developed in such a way that it is necessary to get behind the wheel of a car, the following brands of cars will provide a comfortable driving for Aquarius:

  • Volvo.
  • Skoda.
  • Saab.
  • Volkswagen.
  • Mazda.

Cars of yellow, light green, blue colors fit the character of these beautiful women.


Dreamy and timid Pisces can turn into reckless racers in an instant. It all depends on the mood. They often rely on their developed intuition, which does not always work.

You can choose between the following car brands:

  • Opel.
  • Fiat.
  • Alfa Romeo.
  • Skoda.
  • Toyota.
  • Mazda.

Cars of all shades of blue, blue, green, as well as silvery and white colors are suitable for fish.

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