
Day Trip To Virgin Gorda From St John

For an ideal day trip, take a ferry from St. John to Virgin Gorda. This scenic island is just a short boat ride from St. Thomas. If you’re traveling with a group, make sure to purchase a snorkeling tour. The boat ride takes about a half-hour and is a beautiful way to see the island without crowds. You’ll be able to explore the caves and waterfalls of Virgin Gorda.

The best way to reach Virgin Gorda is to take the ferry from St. John to the island. The boat leaves St. John at 8 am and arrives at the island at 2:30 pm. Remember to bring your passport, as you’ll need it to enter the BVI. On the way to Virgin Gorda, you can check out the Spanish Town and Baths. Afterwards, take a swim at Soggy Dollar and grab a drink before heading back.

While the ferry is busy, you can also catch a private boat. This will give you the luxury and privacy you need. It takes an hour to sail from St. John to Virgin Gorda, so you may want to leave early. The trip can be canceled if there’s bad weather or bad sea conditions, so it’s best to book well in advance. You’ll also need a passport and some cash.

The ferry will depart from St. John at 8am. You’ll need to have your passport and a valid visa before you leave. A private boat will also be the best option for a large group or if you want the most luxury. However, if you’re traveling with a family, it’s better to hire a private boat to Virgin Gorda.

If you’re traveling with a group, take a private boat to Virgin Gorda. The trip takes an hour to complete and will be very relaxing. The journey will be worth your time and money. It’s a day trip that is sure to make your holiday memorable. Just be sure to take your time to explore the island. The British Virgin Islands offer some of the most beautiful places in the world.

A day trip to Virgin Gorda from St. John is a great way to see both islands. The boat ride takes about 2 hours, and is dependent on the weather. If the seas are rough, the trip may take even longer. Nonetheless, it is a great way to experience the island and enjoy the beauty of the US Virgin Islands. You can even hire a private boat for a luxurious vacation if you’re traveling with a large group.

The best way to get to Virgin Gorda from St. John is to board a boat from St. Thomas or St. John at 8am. This service will take you to Virgin Gorda in about 30 minutes. Once you reach Virgin Gorda, you should make sure to check into the BVI before you board your plane. The country is very friendly, so it is a good idea to bring your passport with you.

If you’re planning a day trip to Virgin Gorda from St. John, it is a must-see for your next Caribbean vacation. You’ll have a great time walking the beautiful island and watching the beautiful sunsets. After lunch, you can head to Blackbeard’s Castle, which is over 300 years old. Visiting the castle is free, and you can even rent a snorkel gear while you’re there.

From St. John, you can take a boat that departs at 8:30am. You’ll need a passport to enter the island, but the ferry will be able to pick you up and drop you off at Virgin Gorda. Once you’re there, you’ll want to check out the ruins of the old sugar mill tower before heading back to St. John.

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