
Diet of Margarita Koroleva – essence, reviews, results.

This diet, created by nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, well-known these days (especially among the stars of show business), eliminates extra pounds in nine days. As a rule, the result of a diet is from three to nine kilograms. What is the essence of the diet?

The content of the article:

The essence of the nine-day diet of Margarita Koroleva

Margarita Koroleva

  • For the first third of the diet, eat exclusively rice.
  • Second stage (next three days) – fish and chicken are consumed.
  • The last step is vegetables.
  • Moderate physical activity is required.
  • Water procedures and massage will not be superfluous.

Features and principles of the Koroleva diet

  • Five to six meals a day. Fractional food.
  • A large amount of liquid between meals (do not drink!). Allowed water, juices, green tea.
  • Replacement of animal fats with vegetable ones.
  • An exception to the diet of fried foods is only boiled, stewed, steamed.
  • The main focus is on fruits and raw vegetables, which provide metabolic restoration.
  • The intake of proteins in the body – from legumes, vegetables, cereals and nuts. Protein fats – from fish and lean meat (once a day).

Diet of Margarita Koroleva. Menu of the first stage of the diet

Main products – rice, honey and, in large quantities, water.


How to cook rice for a diet

Rinse the rice (glass), fill it with cold water, put it in a colander in the morning, rinse again. Pour into a saucepan, pour two glasses of water, cook for fifteen minutes. Divide the cooked rice into six servings, eat during the day. Moreover, the last portion is eaten before eight in the evening. Water should be drunk in large quantities, just not at night.

In addition to rice, three teaspoons of honey are used during the day (washed down with water).
The effect of this stage: cleansing the body of toxins with rice.

The second stage of the diet of Margarita Koroleva – menu

Main products – water, honey, lean fish, chicken
For each of the three days:

  • Chicken – 1.2 kg
  • Or fish (hake, pollock, cod, etc.) – 0.8 kg
  • Honey – three tsp
  • Water – from two to two and a half liters.

How to properly cook chicken (fish) for a diet

Chicken (fish) is boiled the night before. A glass of water is drunk before breakfast, then skinless chicken (fish) is consumed – a fifth of the total product. The remaining meat is cut into fillets, again divided into five parts and consumed throughout the day. Again, the last meal is at seven in the evening maximum.

boiled chicken

It is worth remembering:

  • It is allowed to add greens and lemon juice to the fish (limitedly).
  • Fish and chicken cannot be combined.
  • Fish and chicken alternate (that is, if the first day is fish, then the next day is chicken, and vice versa).

The effect of this stage: protein intake into the body, getting rid of excess fat.

Menu of the third stage according to the diet of Margarita Koroyova

Main products – honey, water, vegetables

How to cook vegetables for your diet

For every day you need a kilogram of vegetables – white and green… Mostly these are zucchini, onions, white cabbage. Also allowed (but in smaller quantities) – beets, tomatoes, pumpkin and carrots

A pound of vegetables is finely chopped and steamed (stewed). The rest go to the salad.


Diet salad

  • Beets – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • White cabbage – several leaves
  • Fresh herbs
  • Lemon juice – half a teaspoon
  • Water – 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil – 1 tsp

Vegetables (raw and peeled) are grated (coarse). Greens and cabbage are finely chopped. Everything is mixed and seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. Water is added for juiciness.

Stewed vegetables are divided into three parts, salad – in the same way. The first meal is salad, the second is stews (etc.) for each of the three days. Honey and water follow the same pattern.

Stage Three Effect: reducing the volume of the abdomen, replenishing the vitamin complex for the body.

green salad

Contraindications for the diet of Margarita Koroleva

  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Kidney disease (decreased kidney function)
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Colady magazine warns: All information provided is for informational purposes only, and is not a medical recommendation. Before using the diet, be sure to consult your doctor!

Did Margarita Koroleva’s diet help you? Reviews of losing weight

– For a long time I was tormented by the search for a really effective diet. Of course, she was losing weight. But not for long. (A month at most – and everything is again on the waist, but in a soft place. After the Koroleva diet, I have been holding on for two months (I lost five kg). I will wait a couple of months, I will try again).

– The fifth day on this diet. The first three days were surprisingly easy (although I hate rice). But with the chicken … with a creak. It doesn’t go, that’s all. So what to do? We’ll have to endure. I want to return my 55 kg. Bottom line: in four days – minus three kg. Good luck to all!

– I only withstood seven days of this diet. By the end of the third day, there was a terrible weakness, beginning to vomit. Moreover, not from hunger, but from the lack of salt. On the sixth day I became like the shadow of Hamlet’s father, and was already moving along the wall. Weakness, vomiting, shortness of breath, my heart jumps out of my chest, my hands are shaking.))) I myself go in for sports, my health is excellent, so I went into Google and looked for reasons. It turns out that the lack of salt can greatly undermine health. In general, I decided to stay as it is. Well them, these experiments.

– The diet is super! This is the fourth time I’ve been sitting on it. And she planted her husband. He has thirty extra pounds. He walks like a bear. Shortness of breath – cannot go up to the fifth floor without stopping. For the fifth day he has been on this diet with me.)) Suffers so far. He looks stern, but suffers. The diet really works. And it’s not that hard. The main thing is to perceive food as fuel. I threw off seven kg last time. Husband in four days – five kg. Of course I recommend.

– On a diet – the sixth day. A tough, very tough diet. But the result is obvious. I could not resist – weighed myself. Minus five kilograms. Tomorrow I will only eat apples, I will not plan salads. And then stewed vegetables without salt is too hard for me.

– On a diet for the fourth day. Already minus three kg. Although (in secret) a little skid. I ate rice with mushrooms and … one small sausage to the pile. I also poured sugar into the coffee. Oddly enough, it still works. In general, I think that if you skip a little bit, it’s not scary. I wish you all success.

– I’m on the Koroleva diet for the third time. The first time – minus eight kg. The second is minus ten! And now – only six. No violations though. Everything as written. I think all sorts of indulgences, in the form of spoons of honey, are unnecessary. Otherwise, this is no longer a mono-diet. But the effect is there anyway.

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Like all diets that promise a quick effect, for the most part, they doom to a short-term effect! It is necessary to have good exposure so that there is only one food for 3 days, depriving yourself of other beneficial nutrients. In any case, you yourself doom the body to stress, and the way out of stress is different for everyone: weight gain is 2 times more, constipation or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

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