
Difference Between Reit and Syndication

You will try to increase your passive income just like every other person. However, if you choose real estate as your investment tool, you must be very careful with your investments. Basic knowledge about Reit vs real estate syndications will help you make decisions.

Some investments require you to be very active and take part in them regularly. This might not be possible if you are already preoccupied with your work or job. However, you can take alternate approaches to increase your investment portfolio and gain positive cash flow from real estate investments.

Why Do You Need Such Investment Vehicles?

You will realize the importance of investment vehicles like Reit, real estate syndicates, and so on when your tenants call you in the middle of a working day about something wrong with your home. Then you will have to juggle your work commitments along with such issues.

Some people enjoy being so actively involved in their investments, but some don’t like this aspect of investing. People who don’t want to be so heavily involved can take help from investing vehicles.

Reit Vs. Real Estate Syndications As Investing Vehicles

There are some investment vehicles that you can use to administer your investments, such as Reit, which stands for Real estate investment trusts, crowdfunding, joint ventures, and so on. Such investing vehicles will help you to make your investments and remain a passive or silent partner in them while they look after the assets.

Reit and syndications are the two most prominent methods of passively investing in real estate. Unfortunately, many new investors are not aware of the difference between these investment vehicles.


It is primarily a firm that owns real estate assets. These assets generate passive income for the investors. A Reit investor does not have any property in their name. Instead, they have some equity or stake in the trust.

Reit firms have been around since the 1960s. Investors are attracted to such firms because they provide easy and fast liquidity of assets. Another significant benefit of investing in such firms is that investors can diversify their portfolios.

REITs can also further be divided into two categories. The first type is equity REITs. This type of investor firm holds real estate assets. The second type is mortgage REITs. This type of investor firms mortgages or issues loans for the assets.

Real estate syndication

This is a beneficial technique for small and medium real estate investors. A real estate syndicate involves similar investors coming together with their funds and purchasing more significant assets. These are the assets they would not be able to buy individually.

Sometimes a syndicate may also take money from external sources. These external sources can be private investors or banks. All the members of a real estate syndicate are responsible for managing the asset. The general split in a syndicate is 30-70%, where the members pitch in 30% of the money themselves and the rest 70% lend from banks.

Some Critical Differences Between Reit And Real Estate Syndicates

  • Ownership:- There is a difference between ownership in a Reit investment and ownership in a real estate syndicate. In a Reit investment, you don’t technically own any asset. The assets are directly owned and held by the firm. You get direct property ownership when you invest in a real estate syndicate.
  • Volatile:- You can trade and buy Reit shares on a public exchange, whereas real estate syndicate assets are not public and are kept private.

Final Thoughts

Your inclination towards alternative investment vehicles depends on how actively you want to participate in managing the investments. If you want to be an active part of your investments, you don’t need external help. But if you don’t want to be an active part, you will require external assistance.

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