Family Medical Center Lamey Jr John D Md
John D Lamey Jr MD practices at Family Medical Center in Inver Grove, Minnesota. He is a family medicine specialist with 51 years of diverse experience. He graduated from the University of Minnesota Medical School in 1970. He is board-certified in Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine. The practice is affiliated with Saint Mary’s Hospital, Woodwinds Health Campus, and United Hospital.
Lamey John D Jr MD practices at the Family Medical Center, which is located at 5972 Cahill Ave in Inver Grove Heights, MN. He received his medical education from University of MN Med Sch. He is board-certified in family medicine and emergency medicine. You can find out more about him by reading his patient reviews. You can also find his phone number, address, and website through Hubbiz.
The Lamey John D MD JR office is located at 5972 Cahill Ave, Inver Grove, MN. His practice specializes in family medicine and emergency care. The physician also has surgeons on staff. He has extensive experience in evaluating and treating medical problems. He can be reached at (953) 236-8044. You can also book appointments with him online using the form below.
Lamey John D MD JR is a doctor who practices family medicine at 5972 Cahill Ave in Inver Grove Heights, MN. He graduated from Hennepin County Medical Center and completed his residency at Hennepin County Medical Center. Patients can find information about other local physicians and schedule an appointment. It is important to consider your needs and preferences when choosing a family practice doctor, so don’t hesitate to contact him.
A family practice physician will be able to diagnose and treat most of the conditions that plague people. Whether you need an annual physical or a routine checkup, Lamey John D MD JR is a great option for your medical care. If you’re looking for a family doctor in Inver Grove Heights, MN, make your appointment today at 5972 Cahill Avenue.
Dr. John D. Lamey Jr. MD is a family doctor in Inver Grove Heights, MN. He practices Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine at this clinic. His office is also affiliated with Medica HealthCare. If you need to see a doctor, you should contact your insurance company directly. He will help you choose the best health provider for your needs.
Dr. John Daniel Lamey Jr. graduated from the University of Minnesota Medical School in 1970. He specializes in Family Medicine. He has been practicing medicine for 52 years. He is a good choice for family doctors in Inver Grove. He is a good primary care physician. You can easily get an appointment by calling his office or claiming a free account on Yelp.