
Hormonal drugs and alcohol – why you can’t combine

Drinking alcohol never leaves a trace for all organs and systems of a person. And the endocrine system, as the most sensitive to all changes, is among the first to suffer.

When drinking alcohol, the balance of sex hormones is disturbed in both men and women, mood swings from euphoria to depression deplete endocrine organs (especially the adrenal glands), sleep problems begin, and all this hormonal imbalance forces the body to work harder to restore order … Thus, drinking is harmful even to a healthy endocrine system.

If we talk about a situation in which a doctor has prescribed a hormonal drug for you (and there can be a huge number of such situations), then there can be one answer about combining drugs with alcohol – categorically not.

The fact is that, at best, a combination of hormone treatment and drinking alcohol simply will not lead to the desired result of therapy, and at worst, it will provoke not only the decompensation of your condition, but also complications that are life-threatening in some diseases.

A competent attending physician who prescribes a hormonal drug for you should warn you about all the conditions of your treatment. Most importantly, do not hesitate to ask him all your questions. It is important to remember that alcohol in any dose cannot be beneficial for the body, especially if there is already a disease that requires treatment.

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