
How to find a job as a volunteer – all about volunteer work in Russia and abroad

Does the volunteer have a salary and how does he work?Nowadays, the term “volunteering” is already familiar to many and is quite understandable. Despite the fact that, unlike European countries, where this movement is massive, in Russia it has just started.

How to embark on the path of mercy and kindness, what are the specifics of the work, and is it supposed to take off in this work?

The content of the article:

Who is a volunteer – features of volunteer work

This community service consists of gratuitous assistance to certain (approx. – socially unprotected) groups of people, in helping mother nature or in participating in specific events

This activity is not directly regulated by the current legislation, but some mechanisms can be seen in the law No. 135-FZ of 11/08/95 “On charitable activities”

It should be noted that the term “volunteer” does not appear in the regulatory document – it has been replaced by the synonym “Volunteer”.

Seniority and employment contract

Overall, labor contracts with volunteers are not drawn up… Except in cases where a person is officially hired for this job in accordance with the labor code.

However, such cases are rare, because volunteering is not a job function, and does not imply payments. That is, registration usually takes place through a civil law contract (not an employment contract!) Concluded between a specific charitable organization and a specific volunteer.

Accordingly, the experience of a volunteer is credited only if the employer makes contributions for him to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

What volunteers do – the main areas of work

  1. How to become a volunteer in Russia?Assistance in carrying out various events that are aimed at protecting the interests of citizens from socially unprotected groups of the population.
  2. Help in orphanages and hospitals, assistance to pensioners and veterans, homeless and orphans.
  3. Protection of the environment and animals.
  4. Conducting meetings on the harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
  5. Landscaping and garbage collection.
  6. Charity concerts and evenings to help those in need.
  7. Support on the Internet and on hot lines – communication with people who need psychological help.


Features of work

  • You can only become a volunteer and decide on the type of activity on your own and voluntarily.
  • The work does not involve payment.
  • Everyone can occupy their own niche in this movement (note – a professional activity that requires a certain education is not a job).
  • The main qualities of a volunteer are poise and patience. In such work, nervousness and general mental instability are unacceptable.

Volunteer requirements

  1. Compliance with internal rules and conscientious performance of duties.
  2. Age from 18 years. Up to 18 years old – only on condition that work does not interfere with studies and does not harm health. Up to 14 years old – only with parental consent.
  3. Special training and age “over 18” – for participants in emergency response.
  4. Lack of diseases (approx. – from the list established by the government) – when working in social / sphere institutions.
  5. Compliance with the requirements of Article 351.1 of the Labor Code – when working with children.

Does volunteer work in Russia and abroad bring profit – does the volunteer receive a salary?

Certainly, volunteers don’t get paid… This assistance is rendered unselfish and free of charge.

The state does not pay the volunteer, the charitable organization does not pay. It is impossible to improve your financial situation here., this work is a way of life, a vocation, an impulse of the soul.

But the pluses are still present. This is communication with people, the opportunity to see the world, to get a new unique experience.

Some volunteers, having paid the entrance fees, rush to foreign charitable “trips” in order to combine business with pleasure. For example, they are looking for penguins in Australia affected by oil spills, rescuing turtles in Mexico or collecting snail pests in France.

It is also worth noting that travel, accommodation and meals for these employees are still paid, and sometimes even encouraged …

  1. Prizes.
  2. Souvenir gifts.
  3. Participation in solemn banquets.
  4. By paying for training in specific specialized structures or attending conferences at various levels.

On a note:

To participate in foreign programs, a volunteer needs to know not only English well, but also the local language of the country in which he is going.

Do I need to study to be a volunteer – training in volunteer work, knowledge and skills

Volunteers take no work experience… Already in the process, the participants study the scheme of work, its details and nuances.

However, increasing the competence of employees is one of the conditions for the activities of any organization. The broader and more important the task, the higher the required level of competence and professionalism. Based on this, many organizations pay their employees for training for future more fruitful work. Or they conduct their own trainings and seminars, where they teach and train through lectures, discussions, business games, etc.

Where and how to look for work as a volunteer in Russia and abroad

Where and how to look for a volunteer job?

Before applying for volunteers, you should clearly understand why you need it

Why do you want to go to this job, and what do you expect from it?

  • Satisfaction. The desire to be a “cog” in our “machine of the universe”, to be needed and useful, to live life for a reason.
  • Lack of communication. Desire to find new friends.
  • Helping people in overcoming difficult life situations based on their own experience (past illness, etc.).
  • Travels. Yes, yes, this is a great way – cheap and cheerful – to see the whole world.

How do I become a volunteer?

The instructions are pretty simple:

  1. We choose the organization that best meets the needs and preferences.
  2. We collect all the information about it (what is the schedule, what are the responsibilities, the level of security, what risks, etc.) on the sites or in the relevant area.
  3. We comb and analyze the sites of volunteer associations and organizations. There you can find out about all projects and planned promotions.
  4. We send a letter of motivation to the selected organization indicating the motives – why you want to go there and why you should be taken.
  5. We go through an interview, provide all the necessary documents and certificates.
  6. We are joining the ranks of volunteers.

As a rule, recruitment to such organizations takes place in the spring.

If you’re serious, the following resources can help:

  • volunteerspobedy.rf
  • children’s hospice.rf / volonteram.html

On a note: The most common types of fraud when applying for a job – be vigilant! website thanks you for your attention to the article!
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